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Everything posted by Koenig_Monster

  1. Also I don't know why they wasted a valkyrie on that no helmet wearing Hayate. Worst Macross pilot ever!
  2. Hope there's no follow up movie to this. It's just going to be more trash. Wish I could find a way to permanently erase this series from my memory banks.
  3. God of War 3 and the ability to play Japanese Blu-Ray and games is the reason why I picked up a PS3. Can't wait to buy a copy of this.
  4. DYRL was the best, with Zero, Frontier, and Plus coming next. II was ok and Macross 7 was just painful to my eyes (not so much the characters, but the mecha).
  5. It's wasn't Youtube that took it down on their own. JVC made the request to take it down so they had to comply. Repost it at Dailymotion.com. They never take anything down.
  6. Thank you for sharing that. Do you guys know if a DVD version of the tour is going to be released?
  7. What do you guys think of my Ranka-O-lantern?
  8. God I can't wait to get mine from play-asia!
  9. Stream is not working for me today.
  10. Use this stream. mms://stream.gundam.eu/mbs Open in Windows Media Player or Quicktime.
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