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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Well he has Big Head.
  2. Yeah it does but its not the coach. She's more of the Focker type girl. As for the love triangle it is between the old girlfriend, Shiba and the new girl. Col. Bacelon wanted to use the mind system to incite a revolt in the fleet. Sees Zentradi has gone too sheep. Awaken those more primal emotions. The explanation is that there are Zentradi still in that time have trouble with emotions. Using the spiritia absorbing modified mind system Bacelon seeks to use the spiritia produced by competition and aggressiveness to instill emotions more attuned to a warrior based culture. What I don't get much is what is the Mind System originally for. Shiba's mother was the creator and Max was supposed to be a test pilot for it.
  3. Looks fine to me. Maybe your memory cache is sputtering with too many processes on. You may have to clear cookies and stuff.
  4. Not an exact quote but it was Exsedol. No wonder the bridge bunnies dig him. It should be reversed though. The XO is the mean one while the captain is the gentle one. Oh hell they both love them anyway. Bridge Bunnies are bunch of Oji-cons. (Old man complex)
  5. Gubaba by creating a thread composed of positrons you have attracted electrons. Simply put when you've set up this inane thread attracting the very things you sought to avoid and more. Nature abhors a vacumm thus craziness fill this void.
  6. For all this posturing there would be definitely a settlement. Basically the idea is Gordon tried to sell the movie idea to both Fox and Warner. In Fox's case they said Ok we'll "Think" about it getting into contract on distribution. Frankly thought the script crap. So no go. Warner Bros thus Time Warner got sold to the movie idea but did not properly settle scruples with Fox concerning their contract with Gordon. Here's the clincher why Time Warner was ignoring Fox. They own DC which in turns own Watchmen which in turn has a dispute also with Watchmen creator Alan Moore on some royalty issues. Time Warner owns Watchmen but Fox is disputing distribution rights. Alan Moore himself doesn't like Fox despite some misleading statements that they also went thru the creator. Not after LXG fiasco.
  7. MREs what else? Aso if Gillliam is any indication. whisper: They are made out of people...
  8. Macross 5 was an all Zentradi fleet of civilians in miclone form. But Macross Frontier is different from other NMC fleets being a Island Cluuster class thus more resources. I believe it was mentioned Island 3 was specifically made a tourist attraction.
  9. They are not spoiling or anything but they are put in the position of Fans. Yes they are no from you or me. They ship, they want character development etc. Its reminds of Lucky Star's Lucky Channel where it is the opinion of Ani Meito (Animate poster boy) a seiyuu is supposed to show Love for his or her work.
  10. Please clear this up for as I'm out of the loop. Is the Movie a retelling or sequel?
  11. Being clones and the constant warfare I'd say the common life expectacy of a grunt is short. Few get to live a ripe old age. Either they are processed as adults or in the Meltrans case adolescents. (child bearing age) As said before it is likely the Zentradi is a breeding stock for the Protoculture to rebuild their civilization. Just look at Millia in just a year's time she got preggers. And six times after. The segregation rule is to prevent their genetically engineered soldiers to create their own society and thus rebelling against their masters.
  12. Yeah with songs of the Character singers featured over and over again. Think of it as an open gig. Its like the songs featured in SGA's latest aired episode Vegas. To use the popular Rock songs the studio would have to pay the Music label who in turn pay the musicians. They have to pay also once the episode is put on DVD from the profit generated.
  13. It comes down to the Contract. The singers or music writers of other Macross shows and movies get royalties but how much depends on the contract. Macross 7 wasn't using a mere idol it featured the songs of a Rock band. From what I've gleened to bring it over by anime distributers (Bandai Visual specifically) here would be too costly for them. What is the point of bringing a show over if you can't profit from it?
  14. You've heard of music artist royalties right? Royaty is basically every dime you make of the music you'll have to pay the original artist or music writer. We come down to the music industry's intellectual copyright laws.
  15. Is it any different from a cat placed in a box with a radioactive isotope?
  16. Victor wants their cut and the artists want their royalty. Macross 7 is too expensive to bring in.
  17. Big West and Studio Nue having rights on the character design and story. Frankly Big West has a fair chance winning in US courts. Macross 7 is more on music licenses. They'll have to pay Victor Entertainment. That's why for the sake of irony they called the Vajra Victor.
  18. Hell what about Veffidas? She seem's taller than norm.
  19. FYI Arihiro Hase's last role in the Macross franchise was voicing Bobby in Macross 7.
  20. Correct but it not being a Studio Nue and Shouji Kawamori production lead them to classify it as an alternate universe.
  21. According to Gubaba's latest Macross Chronicle translation on the VF-25. The VF-24 was a joint venture of Shinsei Industry and General Galaxy. A finished product. While it can be said the YF-24 was initially developed by Shinsei Industry.
  22. Ok let me get this straight. The YF-24 was Shinsei Industries baby. Whose breakthrough technologies would be used for the LAI VF-25 and Macross Galaxy VF-27. The VF-24 is jointly developed by both Shinsei and General Galaxy. So the YF-24 project evolved into three finished product lines. The VF-24, VF-25 and the VF-27. The absence of a VF-26 can be explained it is considered some what a bad luck number. 13+13=26 Given the history with the fate of Megaroad 13 and Battle 13 it is understanble superstition.
  23. Snap! That could mean Yang Neumann and Algus Selzer worked on this puppy together. Here's hoping we see it in action in the movie.
  24. Please recite with me. "Not canon is not canon." From SK and Studio Nue's POV Macross is their baby.
  25. Fascinating... Could it be in terms of design lineage that the VFX-4V1 be the predecessor of the bird Capt. Wilen of Macross Galaxy was flying?
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