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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. I was wondering what is Shakti's ultimate fate when I saw her in the deleted ROTS scene I suppose she was actually supposed to a brief character in it.
  2. In the Macross Frontier prologue NMC colonies have the New Macross Class Aircraft Carrier designation.
  3. Presumably yes since that is what NMCACs are designed for. (New Macross Class Aircraft Carrier) We don't have definite power comparison yet how powerful compared to each other the Macross Class and New Macross Class are in terms of Macross cannons but the Macross Class is definitely more heavily armed and with more variable craft than the New Macross Class. From what we know Battle 13 was hijacked by terrorists backed by Wilbur Garland.
  4. Just woke up. Oh Macross Plus. Isamu vs Guld Now it's Mac 7. VF-X2 opening... DYRL...
  5. According to a thread in /m/ something called neotoonami will have a Macross marathon at 7 EST, 4 PST. SDF Macross, Macross Plus and Macross 7. http://www.mogulus.com/neotoonami I'll check if true later.
  6. Ryuusei is that you?
  7. Microphone stand. 21st cetury 80's technology FTW! I'll be sad if we don't see those phone bots in Macross First.
  8. Sigh~ FYI Earth is at the Orion Arm. You can spin it around any which way. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta quadrants are Star Trek terms only.
  9. Well the point of Macross Dynamite 7 and the final episode of Macross Frontier is that the galaxy's rim is the ultimate frontier or backwater region of the Milky Way. Which makes sense since Earth is at outer edge of our galaxy. You are here. The Protoculture I surmise deliberately seeded worlds outside their territory. Exsedol did say that the region where Lux and Varauta were was where the Protoculture had their empire. That region being at the galactic core systems. Oh yeah in the first Deculture episode of Macross Frontier the computer of the space plane said they arrived at the Sagittarius spiral arm.
  10. Don't know sketchley from Dynamite 7's dialog when a guy informed Gamlin where Basara is he said Basara is at the Rim. Since Macross 11 is quite popular on Zola, even with the smuggler haven I think it is more likely Zola is at the Rim.
  11. Well if it helps any Basara decultured an entire fleet of Meltrandi.
  12. Oh come on the next time your fleet is in a pinch he'll fly an armored Valkyrie, in a hospital gown, and blow up the enemy's main gun while singing Tousugeki Love Heart. A GAR Death.
  13. It's a VF-1D trainer like the first Valkyrie Hikaru piloted.
  14. Oh yeah! Let's repopulate the human race! None of that clonning nonsense.
  15. Ah well leave it to Faux News.
  16. I'd hate to be an ARMD commander. "Damn it another ARMD attack!" Actually an ARMD punch is one of the attacks in one of the SRW games.
  17. The Ando-Cycle Who was that rider?
  18. Bobby Margot Not even interested in women. No
  19. Roy: because he knows how to treat a woman! Womanizer No Hikaru: A true gentleman! That guy can't make up his mind. No Kakizake: The best lover in the universe! Gets killed. No Max: Who wouldn't want a genius husband? No, he's goona make her a baby making machine. Global: Older men are wiser and better Smoker No Nekki Bassara: Because then I'd get free tickets to his concerts! Bomba! He isn't interested girls. Just his music. Gamlin: Honest hardworking good men are the best A social skills dope. No Roy Lovelock of the Pink Peckers: What parent wouldn't want their daughter marrying a man with that name? Coward at relationships. nuff said Vefidas: That is a man, right?... She's not a lesbian. Bobby: In my dreams, he'd be straight! Rapist No Shin: For no real reason... Damaged goods. No Edward: Because I like American Burgers too! Too clingy on his partner. No Breetai: Because he can rip a Valkyrie in half with his bare hands! Old man. No Loli, Konda, Warera: Because they will keep on trying! Definitely No Isamu Dyson: Because he'll be great with kids ("eat it! How do you know it's not good unless you try it![ The guy has a frequent transfer rate. No Guld: Because he probably raped my daughter anyways, and I don't want any more trouble! Damaged goods also. No
  20. Failed? Not exactly. Just that SK liked Variable Fighters for Vision of Escaflowne. Ah yes what could have been... Funny Maaya Sakamoto played Hitomi. The voice of Ranshe Mei, Ranka's mom.
  21. Try 4-chan Rapidshares.
  22. The VF-7 looks like a Viper. No wonder its called light. http://mahq.net/mecha/macross/macross.htm From SK's Advance Valkyries Nova
  23. So basically make an OVA mini-series of Macross VF-X2 about the exploits of one Aegis Focker and how he saves Earth and the rest of New UN from the corrupt UN Spacy Commander Wilbur Garland.
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