Roy: because he knows how to treat a woman!
Womanizer No
Hikaru: A true gentleman!
That guy can't make up his mind. No
Kakizake: The best lover in the universe!
Gets killed. No
Max: Who wouldn't want a genius husband?
No, he's goona make her a baby making machine.
Global: Older men are wiser and better
Smoker No
Nekki Bassara: Because then I'd get free tickets to his concerts! Bomba!
He isn't interested girls. Just his music.
Gamlin: Honest hardworking good men are the best
A social skills dope. No
Roy Lovelock of the Pink Peckers: What parent wouldn't want their daughter marrying a man with that name?
Coward at relationships. nuff said
Vefidas: That is a man, right?...
She's not a lesbian.
Bobby: In my dreams, he'd be straight!
Rapist No
Shin: For no real reason...
Damaged goods. No
Edward: Because I like American Burgers too!
Too clingy on his partner. No
Breetai: Because he can rip a Valkyrie in half with his bare hands!
Old man. No
Loli, Konda, Warera: Because they will keep on trying!
Definitely No
Isamu Dyson: Because he'll be great with kids ("eat it! How do you know it's not good unless you try it![
The guy has a frequent transfer rate. No
Guld: Because he probably raped my daughter anyways, and I don't want any more trouble!
Damaged goods also. No