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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Hold that thought...
  2. I have to wonder though... With this size chart we have a rough idea of the size of the Macrosses to each other. Could we make a chart which more accurate than the Op pic. Since the Macross Cannon was based I think on the earlier 4000 meter figure. As we know now the Macross Cannon is 6000 meters.
  3. Anon updated it. Including the shuttle and salvage ship.
  4. Seems enterprising Anon has outdone himself for the past weeks. His attempt to classify VFs. WTF! Macross Ship Sizes
  5. I'm posting this question for a fellow Allspark here in MW. Hope you guys help. Macross Help!
  6. Hopefully it settles my theory that it and the Vahalla III are related in design. That's one way of saying you're living in the backwater frontier of the galaxy.
  7. No Exit Cavil wanted Ellen to recreate the Resurrection technology. She says no can do as she doesn't have all its details. She needs the other four to do that. The colony with their equipment as mention is presumably where the Skinjobs wee first created.
  8. You do realize I agreed with you on the affirmative that politicians were not in the SDF-1. I pointed out that the politicians were at the stage and they no longer call themselves UNG but NUNG. The NUN Assembly and the Prime Minister are likely located in Macross City not the Macross itself as it seemed more of a planetary defense center. Kinda like NORAD.
  9. Heh. Reminds me of the multiple Prometheus and Daedalus on Earth's orbit not to mention that rear flap missile rack. Bibles and manuals aren't the be all in animation production. The VF-14 for example. We got the Macross 7 Plus version and the Macross M3 version both as far as we can tell canon. But add to the ambiguity of the so called no line art VA-14.
  10. I hope Big West and Studio Nue follow Tsuburaya Production's lead against lies like Harmony Gold is doing. Ultraman Series licensing rights dispute HG is merely profiteering from other people's work. Their grounds are shaky. Its just up to Big West and Studio Nue to pursue it in court.
  11. Hoo~ It would seem that Ozma's Sound Booster was based on an earlier concept of Basara's Sound Booster. Only in this case it would seem to split apart. Guess it was too Super Robot. (Even though the Sound Force VFs were already too Super Robot.) From Macross Ace. Sound Booster concept art. Sound Booster
  12. I've been rummaging around the Compendium lately and found out that Az-130A Panzerzorene was based upon the VA-14 Vampire. Which sets up the question whether the VF we saw in Spiritia Dreamming Macross 7 PLUS clip is in fact the VA-14 not the VF-14. It has been established the reason why the Fz-109 Elgerzorene was determined as a UN Spacy derived VF is because of its similarity to a VF unit present in the Megaroad 13 Varauta expedition. The VA-14 is supposedly a Zentradi spin on the VF-14 pretty much like their own versions of the Bolognese class and NMC class. Now that doesn't mean giants use them but regular miclone Zentradi. It has been established most Zentradi in the NUN sphere of influence are miclones. Az-130A Panzerzorene comparison with Varauta VF. Fz-109A Elgerzorene VF-14 Vampire (Macross M3)
  13. Because we don't have an all around Macross Mecha and Technology thread. Its been that way for quite a while.
  14. Macross VF-X2 is a playstaion game which in Macross canon. The VB-6 Konig Monster made its first apperance there. You play Aegis Focker (Likely a clone of the late Roy Focker) an ace pilot of the VF-X Ravens, a UN Spacy special taskforce which deals with Anti-UN terrorists. At the end of the game it is revealed that Aegis's superior officer Wilbur Garland is committing a coup on Earth with the terrorist organization Vindirance and Critical Path Corporation. He doesn't agree that colonies should be independent. Humanity should be united in case of another invasion. Hijacking Battle 13 which is equipped with the anti-FCS Sound Jamming System. Making targeting systems off. Taking also the Factory Satellite Aegis' mission is to bring down the Sound Jamming system of Battle 13 which is protected by multiple AIF-9B Ghosts, a derivative of the X-9 Ghost. (Kinda reminds you Battle Galaxy doesn't it.) So that the UN Spacy fleet and the Black Rainbow group could destroy Battle 13. sucker4meltrans brings an interesting point on the Colonials. But the way I see it Colonial's forebears doesn't have it good on colonization as in Macross. Twelve worlds formerly at war with each other and in response to the monster they created, Military Cylon Centurions rebelling against them, they united as one government to prevent extinction. Colonials and Cylons create an armistice treaty and is never heard from again until 40 years later with the Skinjobs genocide of the colonies. Macross humans united painfully with the Unification War in preparation for first contact. 99% of humanity got wiped out in Space War 1. But out of the ashes hope. Human and Zentradi become one people and sets out to colonize the galaxy as a precaution. The NUNG becomes little more than a symbolic formality as colonies and colony fleets become increasingly independent. Returning to the original form of the UN before the crash of the ASS-1. A forum of states rather than a unified government.
  15. Here's something interesting browsing /m/ and pointed out by an anon. Look at the top of the box. The YF-24 getting a toy form? Hopefully yes.
  16. I just watched the latest episode today of Battlestar Galactica. We got an answer what happens when a craft jumps inside or just beside a ship. Boomer's Raptor when it jumps beside the Galactica ripping its hull. Which reminds me of Global's stunt being near the surface of South Ataria taking the island with the Macross. But as we've seen in DYRL and Macross 7 ships or fighters can piggyback through fold. The Raptor is a much smaller and doesn't have the power of a larger ship I can see why it rips the Galactica apart if it jumps inside or outside. With the Demetrious, Vipers and Raptors can jump with it if they magnetically connected to the hull. We also probably got an answer why the Galactica retracts its flightpods as opposed to the newer battlestars Valkyrie and the Pegasus. The effects of jumps could rip it apart.
  17. The politicians were on the stage platform. Including what looks like the Prime Minister of the NUNG. Mind you they no longer call themselves the UNG.
  18. The difference between the OVA and the Movie is the scene with General Gomez. Sponsor of the Super Nova Project and the X-9 Ghost. The guy wasn't a music industry person but the lead person of the Macross Consortium. Freelance scientists paid by the government. What would a mere music producer know of AI and bio-neural chips? Gomez was praising the Ghost's performance that he liked the chips installed. This tipped him off that Marge was doing something fishy. He found out both the Ghost and Sharon have bio-neural chips. He wanted them unplugged but Marge killed him.
  19. The guy happily jumped from a flying Macross. The guy is definitely off his rocker. He killed his boss when he realised bio-neural chips were being installed on the X-9 Ghost. But his real goal is to give Sharon Apple sentience.
  20. Now spell it in Klingon.
  21. From what I hear its a lot like Bittorrent. But the last I heard of Winny around 2-3 years ago it caused problems for Japan because of a virus. http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,640186453,00.html?pg=1 I suggest fully updated Anti-Virus if you really want to use it.
  22. The bio-neural chip was the last of a bunch of it already installed in Sharon Apple. Marge was well insane... Remember they needed Myung for Sharon to have emotions. The reason bio-neural chips are illegal because they cause a self preservation psychology in the AI making it dangerous. Marge was also installed the bio-neural chip to the X-9 Ghost. Much to his boss' horror. Frankly the prime reason why Sharon Apple went berserk is because she was infected with a human psyche. We don't really know if the X-9 Ghost would be terminator-esque dangerous as predicted. Luca used the same Judah system without the human psyche installed. What happens is a battle between the V-9 Ghost with AI controlled by Grace and Macross Galaxy and a pure untainted AI cared for by Luca. Basically it is a KARR, KITT and KRO scenarios. Using Knight Rider terms. KARR was programmed for self preservation, KITT was programmed to protect human life at all cost especially its driver Michael, KRO was a blank slate infected by his partner's insanity. Luca's Ghosts Johann, Simone, and Pietro was closer to KITT since they fought tooth and nail to protect him. While self preservation instinct does make them on par or better than the V-9 Ghosts.
  23. Funny from a VF dubbed Evolution would spawn two VFs with the names Messiah and Lucifer. Given the nature of the Macross universe where human evolution theory and creationist theory would be up the creek.
  24. No it isn't. I've been saying The New UN Government or New Unity Government has always been called that post Space War 1. Pre-Space War 1 was called the UN Government or Unity Government. What changed is the military. During Macross 7 the military UN Spacy was still taking orders from Earth. Wilbur Garland wanted a more centralized NUNG thus starting his coup on Earth. After several incidences of douche UN Spacy officers they finally had enough and reformed UN Spacy into NUNS. Placing them under the supervision of local governments.
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