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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Well they douches. Which reminds me of the original Jetfire toy fiasco. Anybody here who knows the details of the MechWarrior franchise?
  2. According to the ruins of Rax the Protoculture created a vast interstellar empire which degenerated into two factions fighting for supremacy. We already saw this in the latest generation with Grace's cabal and Leon's schemes.
  3. Can we have the FAQ from the first page of the earlier thread at this version's first page? So a new reader wont get confused about the legal stuff.
  4. Don't forget Evolution.
  5. Not nescessarily. Just read the wiki on the plots so you'll have a better grasp. Going over the preview I agree that the potential aggressor here is the Lucian Alliance, a conglomeration of criminals mostly humans who tried to fill the power vacuum after the System Lords were wiped out. Last thing we knew from SG1 the SGC is technically at war with Lucian Alliance for attacking the Oddesey and murdering its captain. SG teams were destroying their Kasa drug trade as a retaliation. The events of SGU pilot could lead to a plot for a SG1 movie. Besides the Lucian Alliance is the only major threat left in our galaxy that needs to be resolved.
  6. Victor Records and the music artists have a cut whenever their music is sold. So that is the real situation. That's how contracts work. Especially if it was made in the late 90's. WB wasn't even in the scene during HG trademarking Macross and the Tokyo court decision granting who has rights to Macross between Tatsunoko, and Big West and Studio Nue. Not to make you sound like a total newbie but please read the first page to get a better grasp of the discussion.
  7. *waves* Hi!
  8. Does it bother some fans, even in the IT age, still do not bother to research? Recently I've responding to guy who doesn't do any research and posts speculation as fact. No it isn't Macross and Robotech, but he does show ignorance about that IP, other 80's shows such as Voltron and Mighty Orbots. He posts there would be a Live Action Movie Voltron. I asked if WEP settled with Toei and Nakamura over who gets the rights in Voltron and Golion over the Live Action Lion Voltron. His reponse was he wishes Japan's economy would sink so that the IP could be bought cheap. Then he goes over that Mighty Orbots was made by Big West. I used to watch Mighty Orbots as a kid and I don't remember it at the credits. Googled it and it shows Big West had nothing to do with Mighty Orbots. (Also because as TF fan I know former Gobots owner Tonka sued the creators of Mighty Orbots, which got the show cancelled. Tonka in turn was out trademarked by its competitor Hasbro over Gobots and Tonka's fate was eventually bought by Hasbro.) Maybe it my Tsukkomi personality (straight man in manzai comedy) that makes me correct fools.
  9. I read everything from the first page and got a firm understanding of the legalities. I don't get the willful misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the legal facts that Freiflug88 and MEMO1DOMINION advocate. Its clearcut that Tatsunoko and HG are not the copyright owners of Macross.
  10. Sigh~ Tatsunoko only got distribution rights for Macross TV. That does not include DYRL. Why did you suppose HG did not even use Macross and UN Spacy in Shadow Chronicles even if they trademarked them? They knew BW would have a basis to go after them. This is really Tsuburaya and Chaiyo all over again. Difference is HG isn't as blatant as Chaiyo and BW isn't Tsuburaya where they viciously defended the memory and honor of their founder who created Ultraman. The Tsuburaya vs Chaiyo case went from court to court. Thailand, China and Japan. Tsuburaya won.
  11. The Ark... Definitely the Ark. We need some space battles with the Nemesis.
  12. BW believes going over to court in the US would a pain with the question if such an action is worth it. Their target market is the Japanese market. They think the outside market is negligible. Take Kadokawa Shouten when Haruhi became an anime they did not anticipate it would be an international hit. They even admitted fansubs help market Haruhi. Being a hit the license was sought after in the US. If BW was supported by say Bandai Visual to bring over Macross Frontier, confirming there is a market. HG has a snowball's chance if they are taken to court. The Tokyo Court ruling which rules in favor of BW is advantageous to their case. HG will surely loose and they'll have to pay BW for years of claiming BW's IP is theirs.
  13. Sigh~ (legal amateurs are giving me a headache) It is stipulated in the court ruling that Tatsunoko has distribution rights when it comes to SDFM TV itself only but it does not own Macross designs, story and derivative products. Those are owned by Big West and Studio Nue. This means HG does not have the right to trademark Macross as their license was given by Tatsunoko. What HG does is what Chaiyo got sued for by Tsuburaya for every penny they're worth. Sure IP law is a bit loose in Japan that is why these foreign parasites try to cash in but that does not mean what HG is doing is legally right.
  14. You do realize HG's legal basis is a house cards right? Basing on Tatsunoko giving them a license. Then the Tatsunoko and Big West itself dispute over Macross where Big West won in court. Therefore Harmony Gold has no right to the Macross name no matter what name trademarking they do.
  15. This! On other Macross Productions with subtitles the point is making them available to the market. The legal compromise is even if you download we still buy dvds/blu-rays and the manga volumes to support the original creators. Freiflug88 you do not have enough legal and business comprehension from my observation. What HG is doing is blocking BW from the international market. Now that's an intellectual property rights violation. Tokyo Pop once got the license to publish Macross 7 Trash from BW. But they paid HG to distribute in North America. BW certainly got mad over this and cut business with Tokyo Pop. There is a legal precedent to BW and HG's attempts to close the international market.Tsuburaya vs Chaiyo showed that the original creator and owner of the intellectual property can win against foreign companies trying to steal the intellectual property and blocking them from the market. Like HG, Chaiyo's bread and butter is somebody else's creation. The courts (plural) decisions slammed them and led to their financial ruin. Now I don't have sympathy for HG's parasitic practices such a fate is what they deserve. BW can take them on based on the Tokyo Court decision if so they feel to expand their market internationally.
  16. The report function is something to be abused apparently. I spend most of my there in /m/ a relatively *I do mean barely* safe for work section. Then some idiot send porn spambots or spam flood images ruining it.
  17. Well I only got banned from 4chan for a month for what they consider a spoiler. I only posted it a week after the ending they still consider it a spoiler?! Anyway mods are virtually non-existent there nowadays with the spam bots getting through. I doubt they even read my pettition. Other than that never been banned. On one time in the Macross section of Animesuki I got a warning for supposedly flaming a poster. The real reason I was reported by that guy is that I was calling on him to adhere to the rules stated in the Macross technology thread that is to talk about Macross Mecha and tech. What he did was go on and on about orbital weapons as if he had something to prove. He was an egoistical douche that could not take a counter argument even if his argument was successfully refutted. I called on his behavior on derailling the thread for his own satisfaction. Others were getting frustrated in his behavior also called him on it. He threatened to report everyone who told him off. By that time already called on the mod explaining the guy's rude behavior and ignoring the rules. The mod told me and the rest to put him on the ignore list. But further reading the thread the mod asked him if he was really posting in adherence to the rules. The mod noticed he was repetitive annoying prick. Probably the part where he said Macross wasn't relevant to the thread tipped the mod off.
  18. I believe due to the 117th Fleet's study of the Vajra there was better understanding of Fold Space. Becoming aware also of the existence of Fold faults. Current folding methods may be emulating natural folding techniques of Fold capable creatures like Space Whales and Vajra. For a fraction of a second it seemed Space Whales portal folded.
  19. MEMO1DOMINION is your caps lock broken? If it isn't please write like a normal poster.
  20. Dammit my eyes! Comes down to Big West having the same drive as Tsuburaya Productions ,when they sued Chaiyo, in regards to HG stealing their property.
  21. It's not democracy at work here, it's capitalism. More on Intellectual Property Rights. HG is infringing on BW's IP rights. If stealing is wrong then stealing and claiming you own it is even more wrong. I just wish that BW has the same drive as Tsuburaya, when Tsuburaya sued Chaiyo to the last penny for their fraudulent claim on Ultraman.
  22. http://forums.spacebattles.com/showthread.php?t=150042 Sigh talking to this guy is like a broken record repeating itself. All I'm saying that the Robotech movie he is so excited about could end up in IP court hell. Besides there no guarantee this movie will get off the pre-production mess.
  23. What we do know is that personnel can transfer assignments. Like Max anf Millia's family who used to live on a Megaroad later on a Steath Cruiser. Miho Miho was transfered to the Vahalla III when the replacement Battle 7 was undergoing construction. As for the Macross Consortium I get the feeling these were freelance organization under the NUN's pay. Marge cleary went renegade when he killed Reymond Marley.
  24. Damn Khan and his manly chest is better than ripped shirt Kirk.
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