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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Before_1_BC Here is what we know about Zentradi mecha taking account of Frontier. Humans developed the Valkyrie and Destroids to combat humanoid giants. The Protoculture took their inspiration for the Glaugs and Regulds forms from the Vajra. Ultimately they modelled the Birdman after the queen. Retroactively the Evil Series which became Protodevlin such Gavil, Grabil and Gepelnitch also were designed with the Vajra aesthetic in mind. But does that mean Zentradi technology became stagnant still after human contact? No. As we've seen in Macross Plus, Macross M3, Macross VF-X Zentradi who were a bit cultured but still warlike can develop their own technology. At one instance such as the Feios exceed UN Spacy Valkyrie performance such as the VF-19 and VF-22. The Queadlunn-Rea is hinted to be a UN Spacy/NUNS design on the otherhand. Though Seto Kaiba would argue in the Macross DYRL-2036-ELS-II Lovers Again continuity there are more Zentradi and Meltrandi mecha out there. As for making the DYRL Zentradi and Meltrandi ships canon I take the different designs are a sign of the different factions within the Protoculture.
  2. Metro Manila Philippines Don't worry I wasn't flooded. Only my street and front yard. After the flood my front yard was used as a shooting location of some soap opera show I don't watch.
  3. Damnit! My Eyes Burn! Just when I thought those images were left last page!
  4. Is that Lucky Star Miyuki as Sheryl I see? Talk about a seiyuu joke. Konata as the frogy phone is amusing.
  5. Well Frontier has cars and choppers late 20th and early 21st century. But that could be an exemption not the rule as Frontier is a nostalgia invested fleet. Pays to have an old school loving transport mogul funding your fleet.
  6. Yes but fleets with New Macross Class vessels get at least a cameo or mention except for Macross 3. Macross 1 - M7 episode 1 Macross 5 - M7 episode 26 Macross 7 - nuff said Macross 9 - Macross Generation drama Macross 11- English Anticipation manga and MFrontier episode 25 We know Macross 3 exists but we don't know any scrap of information about it.
  7. Ohnogi was one of the concept writers of SDFM. I believe I read about the account on the Zentradi being oppressed in the novels or short story somewhere in this thread at the time of Frontier episode 12 or 13. http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=45779 We were discussing about Zentradi that didn't fit in. I probably got it wrong but I made a connection to Ohnogi because he's the one who wrote the SDFM scenario and he's a novelist. I haven't exactly heard either his buddies Kawamori and Miyatake having wrote a novel in their career.
  8. Believe it or not the more fanatical Robotech fans are the babies. I've seen denials to high heaven even when presented with irrefutable legal proof. I've even seen one wishing Japan's economy to fall so HG can buy the IP. Bri is correct the backlash isn't Robotech per se but Harmony Gold's questionable business practices. Unlike Transfomers or Macross, Robotech is a stagnant franchise which mostly depends on somebody else's work and intellectual property. Even World Events Production can't do as they like for a Live Action Voltron because Toei as copyright holder of the source material disputes WEP rights to using Golion for Voltron. They got to a little spat when Voltron 3D was syndicated.
  9. That's almost the plot of VF-X game. Idols get kidnapped by rebel Zentradi with supped up equipment at an abandoned colony. You go all over the place and in space to find them all. While kicking Zentradi ass. War as a theme has been used again and again. I wouldn't mind a cop genre Macross in the vain of Patlabor. We've seen a glimps of it in Macross Dymamite 7 with Zola Patrol vs pirates/robbers/poachers and arms smugglers. Also add a bit of mystery that will be the series arc focus and leading to the climax.
  10. dakedo watch the language. This is not the place for flame baiting. I believe the Ohnogi Macross novels covered the harsher aspects of the Reconstruction period. Some Zentradi were forced to conform or else. It wasn't all roses. 2030 saw a revolt of Zentradi giants, two months after the launch of Macross 1. After that there was a policy of no Zentradi giants on Earth. Though that does not answer if when recently cultured Veffidas first met Basara was it on Earth? There are insurrections of both Zentradi and Humans against the establishment in the proceding decades. So much that Black Market arms dealing became profitable. Like Mr. Loshier of Macross Dynamite 7. Also organized crime like the Mafia didn't die out as heard in Macross Generation, a CD drama about some individuals in Macross 9. Frankly every NMC Macross fleet gets mentioned one time or another except for Macross 3. Also we all know of the background history of first contact and marriage between humans and Zentradi but we are not yet indulged on how the Zolans joined the NUNG.
  11. Interesting that M3 is confirmed canonical mentioning the rescue. On the VF-14 hopefully clarification on the two existing designs. The Macross 7 Plus Spiritia Dreaming version and the Macross M3 version.
  12. Watching Macross Dynamite 7 I was wondering why most Zolans did not know of either Whale graveyard or of Murals and (Protoculture) scripts. Graham's family on the otherhand pass the knowledge orally. Then it struck me. I shouldn't think all aliens are the same, culturally speaking. Humans despite being a species on one planet have a number of different cultures. If he same were applied to Zolans they have different ethnic groups and cultures also. Also in terms of space development Zolans are relatively recent much like Macross humans. Zolans probably had a jump technologically when they made first contact with the joint Human and Zentradi expanding NUNG. If these conditions were so how did the Zolans know of the 7000 year death and rebirth cycle? They don't appear to have a 14,000 year old civilization. The answers lie in the Protoculture modus opeandi of selecting a small isolated ethnic group or tribe and giving them a simplified version of their beliefs. Why do I say this? Because these are the conditions of the Mayan culture in Macross Zero. Around 10,000 years ago the Protoculture made contact with a single small isolated human tribe on Earth teaching them their culture. Giving them clues to their ancestors origins. These were passed down generation after generation through oral tradition. On Earth the Protoculture taught the Mayan natives about their beliefs about the Vajra. Even leaving one or more Fold Quartz. A doomday weapon is also left just in case Humans become a threat. On Zola the Protoculture left a record about the life cycle of Vahla Ena or Galactic Whales. Leaving also behind symbiotic lifeforms (Zolan snakes) that can translate their text on murals. By the time either Humans and Zolans reach space the cultures that the Protoculture met were already dying with only a fewer individuals keeping the oral traditions alive.
  13. Trying to figure out Photoshop all night. I'm trying to merge Battle 7 and Battle 13 images mirroring each other. To have a similar effect as this. So far I managed only to reverse Battle 13.
  14. Well you think about it Spiritia like mana or a lifeforce but when Doc Chiba explained the Sound Booster tech it has SD energy hardware you're likely to find in a Macross cannon. Some sort of feedback and amplification function for it to work. I suspect this SD energy is the same one PBB was derived from when the Macross lost its Fold engines. In fact he did modify a Battle 7's Macross cannon gunship to be the Sound Buster Cannon to seal and the Protodevlin.
  15. It was the Birdman head doing that. When 11 year old Mao gave air-kissed Shin in front of the head Sara sense it like a green monster rousing. Truthfully both sisters are jealous of each other. Shin though isn't into being a Pedo chose the older sister. I' like to point out something I've notice since we are also including contrast and comparison with the main continuity. Macross II showed what SDFM Kaifun always accused the military. Taking too much power over civilians. It is obvious over their control of the media and propaganda. Hibiki may have been a dirtbag sensationalist newsie but when UN Spacy doctored the report and got Hibiki in custody it was a violation of the Freedom of Speech. This is in contrast to Global who let the media run free on the Macross, even defying the UN Forces higher ups in broadcasts.
  16. M7 - I think Bandai rationalized the expense involved. Music royalties of Victor Entertainment and Humming Bird. MZ?
  17. But it has been pointed out that Macross II is a direct sequel to DYRL. I see it as two independent timelines where Space War 1 each happened differently giving differing results . Macross Flashback 2012, Macross 7, Macross M3, Macross Generation, Macross VF-X, Macross VF-X2 and Frontier directly decended from generally the SDFM TV timeline; While Macross 2036, Macross Eternal Love Song and Macross II Lovers Again descending from the Macross Do You Remember Love timeline. Studio Nue universe has more Human-Zentradi + Zolan exploration of space while Big West universe Human-Zentradi-Meltrandi are always on a defensive stance.
  18. As said cool designs but the story needed to be a bit expounded. Loved the Mikimoto character design on Ishtar and the Macross Cannon. I went WTF on the modifications on the DYRL Macross. Why did they place place beam emmiters there that is likely to tear it apart? The story for the most part is a DYRL Climax rehash.
  19. I stand corrected. But Ponderous Slaging Ponderous that even when Tokyo Pop got the license from Big West for Macross 7 Trash they still credited (had to pay) Harmony Gold for the book. Harmony Gold did not have any involvement in Macross 7 or Macross 7 Trash. Because of the trademark? For HG not to hassle them? This I see is a violation of good faith of the licensee towards the owner Big West.
  20. I suppose the so called pouch has been evolved (genetically manipulated in this case) out from being significant anymore. FYI Humans has a remnant tail or the tail bone. Something left over from our primate ancestors. In the Zolans case they may have pouch like , cats and birds on Zola, but it is nothing more than a vestigial organ. In Ranka's case her hair is a vestigial organ from whatever lifeform her ancestors evolved from. The only other one known with living hair was Sivil.
  21. But that is obviously what happened. Tokyo Pop already published M7 Trash in France without giving credit to HG + Suddenly HG is credited in the US edition + HG has Macross trademarked in the US + BW disputes Tatsunoko's IP claim taking them to court ergo HG's claim of exclusive right to Macross and all derivatives in US = Tokyo Pops M7 Trash not getting support from the original licensor Big West Read between the lines and you get the big picture.
  22. From the archived thread. I saw the preface page once of the M7 Trash manga, HG was credited which was the point of the fiasco. What happened is that BW gave Tokyo Pop the license to publish the manga. But HG wants a cut even if they didn't have any hand in Macross derivatives. Tokyo Pop just to stop HG from hassling them pays and credits HG. Bad move as this got BW mad as M7 and its spin offs are their baby. BW yanks the license from Tokyo Pop. Now since this happened in 2003 I'm not sure of timeline if its pre- or post the final decision of the Tokyo District Court about the Macross IP copyright, which BW won. If this happened post Final Decision HG was stupidly trying to test waters on how much they can get away with. Tokyo Pop made a mistake for dealing with the devil. They lost the license for M7 Trash for it. I wonder how much money Tokyo Pop lost over Macross 7 Trash.
  23. http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossplus/st...ner-lineart.gif Macross Plus, the transport Myung boards to commute back to Earth.
  24. Word of mouth and fansubs does marketing in an unexpected way. Kyo-Ani and Kadokawa didn't expect Haruhi to be such a hit internationally. So much that several companies were scrambling to bring it over. There is a tongue and cheek acknowledgement of fansubs and downloaders. They only want even if you have a digital sub buy the DVDs. Some scanlation groups of manga advocate that you buy also the manga volumes to support the author.
  25. Any Zent blood in that mix?
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