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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Most known and Canon Zentradi encounters were either by rebel factions or Stray Zentradi remnants like Chlore's fleet and that Queadol-Magdomilla survivor of the Koper Main Fleet that was destroyed by the Vajra. (Hagure) Stray/Lost/Wandering/Rogue Zentradi could either mean a rebel Zentradi or a uncontaminated by culture Zentradi. Hence the nature of Stray Zentradi attacks in 2059 on Sephira and 2060 that the Aerial Knjghts were deployed to reinforce NUNS is unclear. Sephira had Black Rainbow a Zentradi terrorist group in 2050 to 2051 but was dismantled by Lacfence that remnants.joined Vindirance. The Brisingr Globular Cluster has a known population of 8 billion. Hence I can see an All Hands on Deck situation to repel Zentradi fleets. These are homeworlds of three native races.
  2. Here is my updated list: Airberl (Protoculture ruins- Ruins of Stig Stania, Invaded by Windermere) Alfhiem Al Shahal Anthem III (Invaded by Windermere) Avalon Avemaria Banipal(?, there are coal mines there, so presumably some settlement exists) Bellfan Beneb Cashew (Civil War between local NUNS and old UN Spacy) Cristrania Dahan Divide (Kaname Bucaneer home colony) Eden Eden 3 (not the same star system) Elysium (abandoned) Endebald Gaul 4 (Grace O'Connor blew it up with Dimension Eater along with 33rd NUNS Marines) Ganymede (also a moon) Gregor Hue (Basara visited this planet on a Tousugeki Love Heart video) Hydra Ionideth Iota Jupiter (multiple satellite cities) Listania (Invaded by Windermere) Luna (technically a moon, but hey) Mars Neo York Neptune (satellite city) Never (Has Orbital Elevators) New Asia (Declared bio hazard) Pripure (Setting Macross E) Ragna( Homeworld of Ragnans) Randall Rax (Supposed to be colonized by Macross 5 but blew up.) Salvation Saturn (satellite city) Sephira (Leon Sasaki's home colony) Susia Ouroboros Vajra Homeworld (Colonized by Macross Frontier) Varauta colony 4th "Ice" Planet in Varauta system. Formerly Arsenal Planet and origin world of Protodevlin and Supervision Army turned prison world. Venus ("satellite city" orbital colony) Voldor (Homeworld of Voldorians, Protoculture Paraganal ruins, Invaded by Windermere) Vulcan (Has a laser satellite defense grid) Windermere (Homeworld of Windermereans) Zola (Homeworld of Zolans) Various unnamed Remote Planets used for mining or agriculture like the one in Macross 7 The Galaxy is Calling Me. Edit: Others from VF Master Files. Gaia (YF-19 Galaxy demonstration tour-2042) Megara (YF-19 Galaxy demonstration tour-2042) El Dorado (YF-19 Galaxy demonstration tour-2042) Triton (YF-19 Galaxy demonstration tour-2042) Valhalla (YF-19 Galaxy demonstration tour-2042) Supika 3 (Incident with casualties in 2037-Glassed like Earth by a Zentradi Fleet) Sagres (Home of the SVF-1429 that use the VF-25C/Sg by 2062, also visit of Ranka Lee)
  3. It occurs to me Battle Astrea getting its number from a destroyed Battle class ship as a designation has precedent. In Macross VF-X2 Battle 13 was destroyed over Earth. Macross Fromtier novels had their own Battle 13. Presumably the Battle class built in Macross Dynamite 7 is also called Battle 7 as the original was destroyed on Varauta. On another note Macross 29 had it's 30th anniversary in 2062. That would mean the fleet has existed since 2032. Huh? That is like Macross Galaxy supposedly being launched in 2031, ten years before Macross Frontier.
  4. That would be Mission 8 King and I. Destroy Laser Satellites of Planet Vulcan. What is really happening was that Lactence was using Special Forces to attack other planets so they would fall in line for Earth supremacy. In the next mission you are given a choice for either the True Ending or Bad Ending. The True Ending is the state of affairs we see in Macross Frontier and later Delta where fleets and planets have their sovereignty. And why UN Spacy is now known as New UN Spacy. In terms of defenses of other planets mainly ships orbiting the planet like we saw with Al Shahal and Ragna. Varauta went the extra mile with a ship that can kill a Zentradi Adoclass sized fleet by itself. Some planets like Ouroboros and Pripure kept their Macross in standing position. Though in Pripure's case they sold their Macross to Epsilon Foundation. VF-X Havamal on Ouroboros deployed their Ghosts to destroy any unwanted guests.
  5. There is Factory Satellite making the Queadluun-Rhea orbiting Eden. In 2035, the new integrated army entrusted the plan to General Galaxy , and the following year, redesign and improvement were started, and production was started at the "Kimerikora-Rare Arsenal" restored in the satellite orbit of the planet Eden from 2040. Started [7] . It is said that Milia Fallyna Genus, who was active in the First Interstellar War, was also involved in the development Eden is also the main test site for next generation VF around Earth. The YF-19, YF-21 and YF-24 Evolution all flew from there. Isamu was the YF-24 Evolution test pilot. SMS also has branch there that Isamu Dyson joined. It is mentioned in Movie novel Isamu came with the SMS Macross Quarter Crazy Horse. The movie version of the Macross Quarter was designed and built on Eden.
  6. The conceit of the Protoculture is that they are proud they are the first Culture or Civilization in the galaxy. Sure the Vajra and Galactic Whales exist and are sapient but they are either a hivemind or a herd. Feeling lonely at the top is probably the reason why they created various humanities in their image. I do wonder if they went for transhumanism as well. The Windermereans were perhaps an experiment at a telepathic race becoming a hivemind. We know with Protoculture technology Zentradi Mobile Fortresses are controlled by a Zentradi commander that serves as the bio-computer. Meanwhile a Meltrandi Mobile Fortress is controlled by an AI. The Bird Human is a Cyborg-AI. The Ruins of Altira and Rax had AI that served as exposition as to how the Protoculture got to where they are. Macross Galaxy went for the whole transhumanist Cyborg AI hivemind path. If these mistakes are being repeated. There is a Second Unification War. Though instead of centralization sovereignty and autonomy won out. I do wonder how the Bad Ending of Macross VF-X2 would've played out in subsequent series of Macross as a Parallel Universe. Would Earth have really taken control of fleets and remote planets. Because as we've seen in Macross 7 they are not so good in protecting these fleets interests and safety.
  7. Sorry for the double post , my original post was longer but portions were deleted for some reason. I tried to edit but copying posts for quotations is a pain. We are talking about the people who thought launching spears just to get blood samples to check if the people inside are hybrids to be trusted with their secrets. These are also the people that left behind Observer Monitors of Death. How can there be Hybrids if the species is wiped off before even leaving their planet?! Goodness the only reason Terrans got this far was sheer dumb luck! No wonder their first reaction in learning there is Protoculture WMD was blow it up! All Macross is Metafiction meaning a fiction within a fiction. Continuity is lose but in broad strokes. Hence SDF Macross and DYRL, Macross Plus OVA and Movie, Macrosss Frontier and Movies, Macross Delta TV and Movie Passionate Walkure. Macross 7 is one single narrative. All subsequent productions follow its events. Macross II is a direct sequel continuity to DYRL. MII has games Macross 2036 and Macross Eternal Love Song that fill that gap. The game Macross M3 is before Macross 7 while the games Macross VF-X and VF-X2 cover events after Macross 7 but before Macross Frontier. Macross VF-X2 is important to the lore as it establishes the future structure of the NUN government and why UN Spacy is now NUNS. Macross 7 also has referenced DYRL as a in-universe movie but it it isnt the movie we saw. Still it is broad strokes like Altira, Max and Milia are married in Meltrandi uniforms and scene with Vritwhai making a treaty with them present in VF-1s. As said all subsequent productions follow Macross 7. Zentradi and Meltrandi are again one faction but in DYRL aesthetics hence different ship designs. The Supervsion Army instead of just being another army of giants that oppose the Zentradi they are thralls of the Protodevlin, extra-dimensional Space Vampire-Kaiju bioweapons that the Protoculture accidentally unleashed on the universe. The Supervsion Army doesn't show though. In broadstrokes both TV and DYRL happened. The Protoculture city Altira and the song DYRL exist as per Macross 7, Frontier and Delta.
  8. There is trope in Macross that if you want to impress a Meltrandi to consider you as a potential mate you will have to defeat them at what they are best at. For example a suitor of Veffidas challenged her in a martial arts duel but he can't be her lover as he is weak. And there is godsdamn Basara that made many giant panties wet but never satisfied as Basara is a one track mind in singjng. Basara turned an entire fleet of Meltrandi into fangirls as not only did he rock them with his big rocket but impressed them with his flying. Similarly is one of Max and Milia's daughters Emilia who Basara won her heart after a Rock Out in the wilderness. The only reason he backed out of that one is that she is related to Mylene. Meaning she is related to Milia, City 7's eccentric mayor that to marry off her daughter Mylene to Basara thinking she is dying when she had the common cold. Really it is no wonder Mylene is a the only daughter left in the nest we don't know when Milia had this idea her kids should marry. Note Mylene was a teen while Basara was at his early twenties. Just because you married when you were a teen does not mean your daughters will have to follow you Milia. As for Mylene she is pining for Basara while being nice to Gamlin. What ended up was a Bromance between Basara and Gamlin instead. The OTP was always Hikaru-Misa. They even had a daughter named Miku Ichigyo though that have been retconned. It would be neat though if she turned out to be a certain mysterious character.
  9. We don't know. We know they have millions of Factory Satellites ranging typically from 5km to 500km. Some produce soldiers and their gear, some produce battleships, some produce Mobile Fortresses. There is on rumored Mother Factory Satellite that makes Factory Satellites. Meanwhile the Protodevlin Heritage Factory Satellite violates the conservation of mass and energy as it can construct weapons without raw materials mined by drones. We also know Protoculture ruins can reach way down to a planet's core. Protoculture can also hide structures in Subspace. What is so surprising is that from their initial colonization of Space to when everything went to the hand basket because of their civil war and the emergence of the Protodevlin they did all that in 475 years. You'd expect them to be old but no they are actually a young space faring civilization. And as a species they were almost annihilated 24,775 years later due to the Zentradi and Supervision Army duking it out. The Protoculture never got back control of them. We know at least with the song Do You Remember Love which is a song of the Star Singer as Mikumo sang it in the original Protoculture language is meant to trigger Zentradi to lose the will to fight as per DYRL. In turn the Star Singer had a trigger Rudanjal Rom Mayan that puts her under control. The Protoculture Ruin system is a thing but it was not implemented. Though the Protoculture has been known to build stuff and stop themselves from using them like with Fold Evil. They also left a girl to keep the system that seals Fold Evil intact, Mina Forte. Brainwashing and messing with time was probably a step too far.
  10. What is so weird about Macross Galaxy Mainland is that it is said to have launched ten years before Macross Frontier launched. Macross Frontier aka Macross 25 launched in 2041. Macross Galaxy aka Macross 21 would've launched in 2031. 2031 was when Macross 1 launched. Macross 7 launched in 2037. My guess it is a competing design to the City and Island class that the ships like Macross 7 and Macross Frontier are. Closer to a Megaroad design in philosophy.
  11. I do wonder what happens if fleet or colonization fails? Did the Varauta colony and Macross 5 ever recover? Chelsea Scarlet was from Megaroad-13 moved to Macross 9 and later to Macross Frontier. Frontier which were low in water due to Vajra attacks the government was considering asking Earth for help. If I remember right they are worried that they will lose their autonomy doing so. Do failed fleets disband and it's population shuffled to other fleets and colonies?
  12. Much of its hull is hanger space as it can have anywhere from 50 to 70 VF. From the way I see it they'd have to remove hanger space to put in the Heavy Quantum Reaction Beam Gun and more reactors. We only see the Guantanamo do this in Wings of Goodbye. Part of NUNS-SMS reinforcements sent to save Frontier. In the novel adaptation reinforcements came from Battle 7, Battle 11 and Battle 13. Battle 13 is not part of any emigration fleet. Macross 13 is basically Earth's Quick Reaction Force if I understand it right. So I am presuming this is something of an Earth refit. We don't see Guantanamo from either Frontier Fleet or in the Brisingr Alliance armed like this. As to why refit the Guantanamo which were carriers I can see it as a reaction to the threat of the Vajra. As Macross Galaxy also had big guns in its escorts to wipe a Vajra hive.
  13. The Defense Satellites are lasers or beam weapons. The defense grid is controlled from the SDF-1 Macross. However after the Sharon Apple Incident centralized control had a back up on Macross 13. Planet Vulcan has a laser satellite defense grid as well. Most planets like Al Shahal rely on their orbiting defense fleet. Earth has both Guantanamo class and Uruga class among the planet's orbiting defense. The Guantanamos might also be refitted Gunships like we saw in Macross Frontier Wings of Goodbye. You can't which is the carrier type or the Gunship type.
  14. Resources went to Cloning, Nature Restoration, the Colonization and Emigration Fleets, and the Defense Grid over Earth. The Moon Grand Cannon should still be intact.
  15. We have to note Frontier is richer than other fleets as it does not have slums. Macross 7 had Akusho and some small factory ships that were slums. It is worse with Macoss Galaxy. You have to give it to Howard Glass. Up until the Vajra crisis he kept the economy chugging along. Unlike his clone brother over at Macross 29 who is worrying over his election as his fleet is experiencing a recession.
  16. Not to mention being giant is much more expensive. Frontier had Zentran sized civilians on board as it is super rich. Being a Miclone is much more economical. Just look how a Zentran sized high heels cost! Earth banned giant Zentradi on its surface after the Second Defensive Battle of Macross City. Zentran sized persons are either NUNS soldiers, rebels, people in niche jobs such as actors, rock stars, or farmers. Though as mentioned Zentradi on Macross Frontier are bloody rich like Richard Bilrer thus can afford the giant lifestyle.
  17. Out of a thousand ships of Vritwhai Adoclass fleet that defected a hundred survived. Some 2,000 ships crashed on Earth. Some like Richard Bilrer who was a ship commander went to the private sector making his transport empire. He's so filthy rich he sponsors Macross Frontier and has a foundation scholarship for those on remote planets like Leon Mishima. Tachyon Express another transport company started out as Queadluun delivery service. Basically some Zentradi got bit by the Capitalism bug and made it big early. I can see why VF-1 and Destroids became part of Space War 1 veteran retirement packages. Milia got her VF-1J while the Silver Paradise retirees on Macross 7 got their Monster II. A Nupetiet-Vergnitzs refit was part Megaroad-01 escort fleet. Macross 5 has Neo Nupetiet-Vergnitzs bis among their escorts. Though going by both Macross Frontier and Macross Delta Zentradi ships belonging to NUNS is crewed by Zentradi NUNS Marines.
  18. From what we know they send out recon fleets to explore the region before sending out an emigration fleet there. In the case of Macross 4 it found Sephira in 2033 a few short years after the New Macross Class was put into service and terraformed the planet. Max was was part of a exploratory mission on Gubaba's planet. The place is full of predators. He brought back an injured Gubaba which became his daughter's pet. Forming a sort of telepathic bond with her. Thing there are fully colonized planets like Eden and remote planets that are sparcely inhabited that are used for agriculture or mining or even an base such as Gaul 4. Megaroad-01, Megaroad-13, Macross 5, Macross 7, Macross 11, Macross Galaxy, and Macross Frontier all went to the direction of the galactic core. Seems to be the old Protoculture territory perhaps increasing the chance of A class planets. Megaroad-04 went rimward of the Sagittarius Arm discovering Windermere at the end. Meanwhile Island Jackpot discovered Ragna. The Brisingr Globular Cluster has A class planets that were Protoculture settlements. On three worlds were three Sub-Protoculture races that got uplifted by Terrans. Ragnans who let Terrans and Zentradi settle their planet becoming a tourist trap. Voldorians that became a NUN member and has an export trade of natural resources. And Windermere at the ass end of the cluster isolated by Fold Faults. They are both isolationist and xenophobic. Just because the Protoculture gave them very short lives compared to Terrans and others. Also at the Sagittarius arm but not at the Brisingr Cluster is the abandoned colony of Elysium which was used by Rogue Zentradi as base as they were repairing a Mobile Fortress that was under the crust of the planet. Somewhere in the galactic rim region but not at the Brisingr Cluster is planet Zola, home of the Zolans and frequent migration point of Galactic Whales. The Galactic Whales form was the basis for the Nupetiet-Vergnitzs class used by the Protoculture. Vajra were not the only Fold capable space organisms they copied. The mission of Emigration fleets is to find planet to settle on whether fully inhabitable or can be terraformed. However there are certain laws in effect. The Galaxy Treaty stipulates they can't invade an alien races' home planet.
  19. Which reminds me Battle 5 was probably salvageable... If Gigille didn't blow up the planet.
  20. Depends on continuity. TV continuity has Galaxy Mainland hidden away. Battle Galaxy and it's escorts were at the Vajra homeworld during the final battle. So while Battle Galaxy was punched to pieces by Battle Frontier the fleet is unaccounted for. In the Movie continuity Macross Galaxy was destroyed by Vajra. Hence taking over Battle Frontier. In Sheryl Kiss the Galaxy Manga Macross Galaxy Senate leader murdered the civilian population of Macross Galaxy when she took control of the Vajra through Ranka. Though for some reason Battle Astrea of the organization Heimdall which is led by Cromwell, a AI and pro-cybernetics advocate, sports the number 21 on its arms. And the hull on the arms is similar to Battle Galaxy. Is Battle Astrea a refurbished Battle 21/Galaxy we are not sure. Epsilon could've built it or refitted the remains. In Macross E they did refit a SDFN for mad scientist's experiment.
  21. Private Army maybe. Manfred Brando CEO of Critical Path Corporation participated in battles during the Second Unification War. He had connections with the Black Market, General Galaxy, Lactence and Macross Galaxy. Even after he died... Twice! His technology is still used in Macross Delta. He invented the Zauber Flute Fold comm system using Fold Quartz. Which was installed by Epsilon Foundation on the Sigur Barrentz. He also invented the anti-FCS Sound Jamming System which was based on the Zauber Flute. Also when he died the first time he had a digital backup in Macross Galaxy. Ernest Johnson captain of Macross Elysion was a mercenary during the Second Unification War joining both Black Rainbow and Lactence. He got a rep being a veteran that didn't win a battle. Hunter Guild in Macross 30 perhaps can be described as freelance agents. Using VFs from couriering to escort missions. Macross Galaxy just reuses dead bodies and puts a new person in them. Greenwich Meridian Appeared in "Wired Warrior". Inspector General of the Information Department of the Macross Galaxy Fleet, a local operative of Planet Never dispatched by Brera in the actual battle test of the prototype YF-27-3 Shahar. The code name is "Aoi Kaze". A petite woman in an old-fashioned dress and a fan of Cheryl. Board the VF-22S and take charge of the Brera's battle. During the mission, he is killed by protecting Brera from a terrorist attack. Its identity is the prototype bioroid " Meridian 01 (Meridian Zero One)" developed by the Galaxy Fleet, and the cerebrum of the dead pilot is used and a new personality is planted. Brera's original mission is to test this, and after her death, she will be cremated by Brera, who hates the use of Meridian by the Galaxy fleet anymore.
  22. No it is Sv-262Hs https://m.imgur.com/kxvMBSo https://m.imgur.com/cLhghAZ I do have to wonder if there is a reason why Epsilon Foundation would build Battle Astrea and the Sv-303 to look like the Bird Human. Were the designers Protocuoture fans? Maybe survivors from the Mayan Incident or their descendants tried to emulate the look and symbolism?
  23. Well we only know Zentradi that already has contact with Terrans that set up bases. Either rebels or 118th Main Fleet remnants or a combination of both. Such as with the case of the 63254109th Zentradi Outer Space Army which welcomed in their ranks mutineers from Earth. They gave them tech upgrades for their vehicles as well as the Feios Valkyrie. 63254109th Zentradi Outer Space Army kidnapped the Idol Group Milky Dolls in preparation for their raid of Earth. The planet Elysium an abandoned Terran colony was turned to their base of operations. That is because buried there is a damaged Mobile Fortress which they would have used in their attack on Earth. The Valhalla III's VF-X Special Forces rescued the Milky Dolls and neutralized the threat using Song Energy System developed by Macross 7 and a AVF to kill the giant Commander that serves as the Mobile Fortress' biological computer.
  24. According to a WW2 survey of infantrymen by Gen. M.L.A. Marshal only 10 to 15 percent of soldiers shoot to kill. Most people are reluctant to kill people and be killed themselves. The US Army took note and adjusted training so soldiers won't be in the battlefield. There is a reluctance in Macross for some characters to take a life. Hikaru was shocked the aliens were persons. Giants but persons. Even as a later veteran he would rather not go lethal in police action against Zentradi. In Macross VF-X2 Gilliam Angreat asked Aegis Focker who they were fighting. Is it Zentradi or Protodevlin? No it is fellow Humans. Lactence was misusing Special Forces to supress frontier planets. Vajra aren't and after being constantly attacked NUNS pilots were enthusiastic in killing them as they were not Human. Meltrandi that grew up in Terran culture show reluctance in killing people. Klan told Nene they are lucky they were not fighting fellow Zentradi. Chelsea Scarlett was frustrated despite being a full blooded Zentradi she can't take the shot to kill. Mirage also showed reluctance in killing during her first sortie against anti-UN forces as a NUNS pilot. On the other side of the coin there are Zentradi who can't adjust to a civilian life and seek battles. Quamzin and Laplamiz chose to fight even if they had the option to settle down as they are too indoctrinated by their programming. Then there is Angers 672 who chose her Zentradi instincts to to fight. There is some genetic predisposition among Zentradi for aggression but being exposed to Protodevlin derived technology may have made Angers 672 more likely to do so. Protodevlin and Evil Series has an effect on Zentradi fight or flight responses. Some Zentradi treat their aggression as a medical issue. Hence either taking medication or using implants.
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