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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Last I heard she was stalking Sheryl.
  2. Tabloids say Basara is Hikaru and Minmays kid... Even if Megaroad-01 was missing for almost 30 years. The guy is Shiba Midou aka the Black Bomber, a T-Crush player. (Think Roller Ball with anti-gravity blades.) Actually he was rumored to be Max's illegitimate son. Because he's umm... a genius at what he does. Which isn't true as Max wouldn't cheat on his wife Milia. If Macross Frontier NUNS scouts EX-Gear flyers for VF pilots Macross 7 UN Spacy scouts T-Crush players.
  3. Well they have to put the rest of Exsedol somewhere.
  4. I like the new Vajra ships. The new Vajra reminds me of the bug that chased Moaramia in the Macross M3 OP.
  5. Basara sang to Space Whales in a Zola Patrol variant of the Excalibur, the VF-19P which was equiped with speakers on its shoulders. Its a joke since Ranka can sing to Vajra. Though if Basara did meet the Vajra they'll probably sing with him given his track record with the Protodevlin and Space Whales.
  6. Macross M3 Final Stage
  7. So the VF-19P Ranka Speaker Variant and the VF-25F Ranka. So Space Whales are in this too? edited: I really need my eye fixed soon.
  8. Notable changes to the Quarter besides its batteries?
  9. Wait a minute. She looks like that Macross 7 idol singer. (She not one of the Jamming Angel girls either)
  10. Macross Galaxy appears to be an offshoot of General Galaxy given they mostly spent on it and Macross Galaxy VFDA is also called Guld Works. Though General Galaxy is known for both its human and Zentradi employment Macross Galaxy did not invite Zentradi among its citizens. From the MF drama CD it seems Macross Galaxy has have had its conspiracy far long before Grace joined them. Getting rid of Sheryl's parents as they opposed their plans. Given their AI technology you have to wonder if Macross Galaxy is related to the Macross Consortium. The X-9 and the abolishment of VFs could be some elaborate plan to control the NUNG. Ala Battletech's Amaris who had Caspar ships reprogrammed to enforce his coup when he killed the the First Star Lord. Only to be unintentionally undone by a crazy scientist Marj and Sharon Apple.
  11. I'd rather have Miku found in suspended animation with the fate of the Megaroad-01 fleet largely a mystery. Isamu doesn't like being promoted. I think he is more likely to join SMS than be kicked upstairs. I'd rather have a story about the kids whom they touched. Sheryl is by proxy one since she like's singing Fire Bomber as a kid and appears to be a fan of Mylene. Pedro grown up seeking to be like Basara, Elma a successful singer taking after her mentor, Billy perhaps being a reporter, M7th Chord's Mio essentially top dog of a music squadron, Physica Fulcrum's kid as a pilot with parent issues. Miho Miho at the rank of colonel or general as their mother hen. Chlore as mayor.
  12. Its perfectly fine as it is.
  13. Looking further in that thread either chapter 5 or 6 of the Macross Frontier manga.
  14. Mainly I read it in this thread. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=24 Go down a bit further. Also here http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...mp;pagenumber=1 Where Ariela or Eriera is stated to be a half-Zentran.
  15. Perhaps a better analogy is the Anima Spiritia were equivalent to Sheryl in affecting Vajra, before the cure, while Basara is the equivalent of Ranka. Even before he got labeled Anima Spiritia he was classified as Abnormal Spiritia Chord C. He was similar to the AS of old but very different. Else Gigille would have immediately recognized what he is. It was not until Sivil awoke that they started to recognize Basara as Anima Spiritia. Besides most tellingly Mylene, Emilia and Veffidas are able to produce Song Energy that can also affect the Protodevlin. The way I see it as demonstrated by Dr. Chiba's modification of the Gunship fold system to a Sound Buster Cannon the Protoculture used Science and Technology still to contain the Protodevlin. It was not until the Varauta reseach fleet deactivated the energy field that the Protodevlin awoke.
  16. Just cross checking as Seto said there is an unsubtle implication.
  17. Query about Macross Frontier manga. Diamond Squadron's leader is a woman named Ariela correct? Is there an implication she is related to Vrlithwai?
  18. But they do have destroids just that they have different status. Macross 7 these were collector items often by Space War 1 veterans. The civilian government was more reliant on City Patroids and City Machines. Macross Frontier they have a larger population and manufacturing base that they produce and use the Cheyene II. In terms of civilian construction purposes Macross Frontier has the Destroid Work while Macross 7 has a VF-1 construction variant. (As evidenced Macross Dynamite 7 with the construction of Battle 7.)
  19. Episode 7 shows she does change outfits.
  20. Colonel Barton in Mylene Beat tried to make one but it didn't turn out as he'd like. It became sentient with a liking for Mylene. He hid it from Macross 7's joint government. (Which sort of explains how the government in Macross 7 is different from Macross Frontier.) From the looks of it Barton was using a version of Colonel Bacelon's Mind System. (UN Spacy Zentradi revolt conspiracist in Macross 7 Trash.)
  21. General Galaxy was OTEC while Shinsei Industries was everyone else involved with the VF-1 merging.
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20091108/sc_af..._20091108051448 Yeah it would be concern. This is the same country that produced Macross.
  23. Simple really. Studio Nue and Shoji Kawamori wasn't involved with it.
  24. Then the Protodevlin will have to give back the Evil bodies as well. Since they also possessed their bodies. One of the commanders among the fleet brings up a theory that Gigille acted the way he did is because of what could be left of the Blue Rhinoceros platoon leader.
  25. Browsing the Compendium you start to realize General Galaxy has a hand in every pie. VF Development VF-9, VF-14, VF-17, VF-171, YF-21, VF-22, YF-24, YF-27 (By proxy with Guld Works) Zentradi Power Armor Queadlunn-Rau (Possibly had a hand with the Queadluun-Rea and Queadluun-Quilqua) Ghost Fighter Development AIF-7S/QF-4000 Colony Ship Development Macross 5, Macross 7, Macross Galaxy (Spent most of its construction) Ship Engines General Galaxy Impulse Drive engine Talk about a diversified business. It is interesting to note that Macross Galaxy is a fleet which General Galaxy heavily invested.
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