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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Some characters went Starbuck-Boomer sex change. Doctor Sado now a drunkard MILF instead of a drunkard oldman. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-...ilm-cast-listed
  2. Nope. Totally unrelated. Oh Gubaba either its a coincidence or I'm screwing around with your head.
  3. This has happened before and will happen again... and again and again... Until the cycle is broken by HG's bankruptcy.
  4. Which proved some theories that basestars weren't designed to fight battlestars but for planetary bombardment. Who knew they can spin like that? A nice contrast to Galactica's flight pods that can retract while performing FTL. We also got a final confirmation how big the Valkyrie is. If you look closely it is one of the battlestars along with the Yashuman. The Valkyrie type battlestar is smaller. Around 700 meters. This is what I assume is the bulk of the Colonial Fleet. During the First Cylon War twelve Galactica type battlestars were built. Out of the twelve only three including the Galactica survived the war. This would suggest building such sized warships is expensive. By the time of the Second Cylon War the Galactica types were either retired or upgraded. With the newer and bigger Mercury class battlestar such as the Pegasus taking their role as flagships. Also there is another warship other than battlestars in the Colonial Fleet. The "Berzerk" Fleet Escort, as the name suggest it is an escort ship for a Battlestar Group.
  5. Aren't portions of the port and starboard sides of a Megaroad class ARMDs?
  6. Not in half more like a wider hole. Like what the Raptors did. The Cylon Colony is 30 km in length and 45 km in width. Which is to my disbelief that the Cylons could build something that big. Even if the said ship's core is the vessel Ellen, Saul, Galen , Tory, and Ander's escaped in. Plus where the heck are the First Cylon War Basestars? At least the Cylon Colony has point defenses. Unlike the Basestars which are missile ship/carrier hybrid. On the tech contrast and comparrison notice there is some symetry among Colonial Fleet and the Cylon Fleet. Five armed Colonial ship classes and variants seen. Columbia being a Galactica type variant. Five armed Cylon vessels. The retcon of the Basestar can be creatively interpreted as two variants of the double Y basestar. Two types of Vipers and the Raptor. Two types of Raiders and the Heavy Raider. Gubaba I suggest you watch the Caprica pilot first. There is some minor spoiler in the dialogue that directly relates to major plot points of Caprica. Plus watching both chronologically as of release you get a feel of what the Colonies were like before the fall of the Colonies.
  7. http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Saul_Tigh#False_Backstory http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Saul_Tigh#Notes http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Saul_Tigh#References Tell me again why RDM didn't do any retcons? Same thing with Galen Tyrol. Supposedly his father was of the clergy. How do you put Sam Anders as a professional athlete in society? Heck Tory was just a new extra secondary character. Can't say the same for Ellen as of season 1 it was hinted by Head Six to Baltar she is a Cylon. Thing is originally these characters weren't planned as Cylons. That is why it is a recon.
  8. Saul Tigh described how the old Centurions really hated humans ,looking at their eye as it gutted someone, as he was a survivor of two ship boardings in his record. Now it turns out, being planted, those memories are false. Who knows those memories may still be true but it isn't the Centurions of the First Cylon War. That is if the 13th tribe had its own Cylon War. A ruined Earth points to such a posibility.
  9. While browsing for Albegas I found a neat set of commercials. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbx9YDH2e4M It has Bismark, Albegas, Machine Robo, Macross etc. Now the purpose of this thread is to show really old toy commercials and discuss about the toys in them.
  10. I'm pretty sure Chinese and Koreans would be offended by putting them in the same mold. Plus Chinese by themselves tend to stick to their own ethnic and lingual groupngs.
  11. Saul Tigh was originally supposed to be a First Cylon War veteran then they reconned him as a Cylon. They wrote the Final Five not as Cylon creations but the fabled 13th Tribe. The writers had to plug that number 7 thus they mentioned Daniel. As stated Daniel has no further plot other than being dead and showing how much a monster Cavil is.
  12. In the end of the mini-series a note was left at Adama's quarters saying there are 12 models. Later confirmed when Baltar asked Caprica Six while in Cylon custody. Thing is as RDM confirmed they were making Battlestar Galactica along without an overall plan.
  13. Point is the writers wrote themselves in a corner by skipping a number and making the Final Five. The six models don't even remember a number seven model existed. Also basically it puts into perspective the Guardians in Razor. Why were they running away from being scrapped? Somehow John managed a coup takeover.
  14. Daniel or Number Seven is another recon. Remember ther were supposed to be 12 Cylon models. Now there are 13 because they gave Athena/Boomer's model the Number Eight.
  15. Macross 11 and Fire Bomber American. If DYRL and Macross Frontier opening has shown anything English is the universally accepted lingua fraca. But it would be hypocritical to their culture doctrine if a one language causes others to cease to exist. As evidence by Sheryl French is pretty much alive. Though Japanese may be another ligua fraca in Macross due to the likely political power of the Macross survivors. Chinese languages too if Macross Frontier's map is any indication of the location city landmarks.
  16. This reminds me of the shock I had a couple of days ago about Vandread's Hibiki both siring daughters from Dita and Meia in supplementary materials.
  17. On the 13th tribe timeline is sketchy. One account said they left 4000, Ellen's account said 3000, their holy scriptures about Earth are dated 3600. Plus you have to account when the Zodiac map was introduced on Kobol. Hell maybe it can be explained that since they didn't have FTL they did it at sublight speeds. Then again how do one fit the Pythia account? The Final Five comic though not canonical tries to fit all the holes in the timeline.
  18. Yeah chances are Robotech fans are general Sci-fi fans rather than anime fans. This is evident in Space Battles forum where there is an equal mix of Robotech and Macross fans. I even partially read a fic (much to my initial confusion at the end of the thread) where Macross 7 got stranded in the Robotech universe. Yeah inter-dimensional hijinks.
  19. *puni* *puni* *puni* *puni* *puni* *puni* *grab* *Throws Pete down a thermonuclear reactor*
  20. Which is why I say Zarek stayed true to his character. In contrast to his Sagitaron roots who are pacifists he seeks violence. Zarek was a terrorist turned politician to begin with. Frankly I've seen this type of bastard before leading on young idealistic military officers to cause trouble. From Ellen's description he was musician. It's like Cavil snapped and killed Basara. And put bleach on the cloning tanks for good measure.
  21. This is what I meant by depressing. Dee blows her head out because she can't stand the thought of unhapiness again. Gaeta, one of the most morally driven characters, goes the moral event horizon. Zarek well he's in character.
  22. Am I the only one who see Mechazawa in that?
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