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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Looking again at the defunct . Does UNK have any significance? Maybe another way of saying Anti-UN?
  2. Are you reading it as overall length or just the main body?
  3. You know I have to wonder. The Daedalus Punch is pretty iconic. Repeated in SRW Alpha with an ARMD and Macross Frontier with Macross Quarter and Battle Galaxy. When you think about it Macrosses are really several ships that make up one ship and a humanoid attacker form. So in the future of the Macross franchise will we ever see one?
  4. Oh Bilbo was an old shut-in till Gandalf coaxed him to an adventure with a some dwarves. In LOTR he was 111 years old. In "The Hobbit" Bilbo was 50 years old. Frodo himself at the beginning of LOTR was 33 years old. Yeah I'm a book nut. That is why I was disappointed that Saruman and the Scouring of the Shire was left out.
  5. You know what probably because I'm a fan of the books but prefer Bilbo portrayed as older.
  6. Something I realized watching an old Go Nagai super robot team-up. The character designs while reminicent of '00 shows is in fact closer to 80's character designs.
  7. Nasuverse is pretty much a bunch of multiple realities. One can say Tsukihime is a AU of Kara no Kyoukai. That said I enjoy 4 Leaf's non-H doujins of Fate. One of them jokes that the absolute rule in the Nasuverse is that a Illya route would never happen. Also Fate/Kaleid liner Prism ☆ Illya 2wei! where it is a magical girl-schoool life manga. Shiro and Illya portrayed as siblings with their "parents" Kiritsugu Emiya and Irisviel von Einzbern alive. What I like about is an Archer clone version of Illya. Where it is implied she knows what Illya is. Not to mention the regret of Illya in that lifetime being chaste to Shiro even when Illya is a bro-con. Bricks were Shat when Illya found out her brother has an unknown harem.
  8. My goodness not very lawyer friendly is it?
  9. Especially the whole invasion force scene. A thowback to the mini-series with extra scenes with the Cylons and Final Five. It was a few days after the Cylons blew up the Armistice station. When you think about it the Colonial Fleet should have been alert when they didn't hear as much as beep from it.
  10. VF-X2 was more a military adventurism by creating artificial threats justifying increased powers. Not to mention testing a new weapon for plausible deniability. Main Big Bad Wilbur Garland's reasons was pretty SRW Bian Zoldark. Unite everybody before the next posible invasion. Under the direction of the military. From Macross Plus we know there conflicts in the background. We've seen this arrogant attitude before with Barton in Macross 7. That the civilians being the sheep that they are should follow the military authority as the military knows best. These sort of negative attitudes are type Global sought to prevent from influencing humanity by the plan to spread humanity. We also have to note the demoralization in the military. In Macross Plus General Gomez was planning on the replacement of the Valkyies with Ghosts. We see that in some capacity with Macross Frontier's first encounter with the Vajra. Ghosts were sent first and when they were destroyed then they sent live pilots.
  11. You should see /m/ jump on anybody liking Robotech. It is universally hated there.
  12. Off Topic: Technically speaking most of those minorities are still Chinese just they aren't Han. On Topic: Anybody going to watch this? Even for the sake of Lulz.
  13. Actually they always called themselves New UN Government. Well they had to because the UN Government was basically wiped out of existence when the entire Bodolle Zer Main Fleet came. Comparing civilian authority and military authority relationships between Macross 7 and Macross Frontier I think acknowledgement of Earth military bigwigs comes from the fact who funded the fleet construction in the first place. Macross Dynamite 7 Mylene Beat had Colonel Barton say that the "Joint Government" would never agree to his black project. This to me suggests that Elected official like Millia and Military leader as Max are co-equal authority. Also Max takes his orders from Earth. Macross Frontier clearly has the elected president as its supreme military commander. From the interview Shoji Kawamori said the reason why Frontier was going in that direction is because of Bilrer's influence. This tells me that Bilrer mostly funded the construction of Macross Frontier and probably lobbied for a more civilian authority. Macross Galaxy is a similar beast to Frontier. Only in its case it is run by a corporate exceutive board. Galaxy's construction was mostly funded by General Galaxy. General Galaxy being formerly or an offshoot of OTEC yeah with the money they have they could pull it off. As Ozma said "That's capitalism for you". Its kinda like the British empire during the 19th century where money talks. Irony is the NUNG is a parliment system. As for the name change from UN Spacy to New UN Spacy VF-X2 events may have something to do with it.
  14. But Basara wasn't even a celebrity yet then. Flower Girl may be arguably his very first fan. As for Sheryl Flower Girl or should I say Flower Lady could have sensed " ". I don't think Sheryl ever met Basara but if I have to guess the first artist she had a crush on that visited Galaxy was Mylene. From what I extropolate from the Sheryl blog discussion.
  15. Finally tracking him down on Macross 7. She also did the same for Sheryl in the Macross Frontier manga. Now why can't we have someone like her track down Minmay... Oh yeah there was already one. But we don't know that particular Flower Girl was able to give her flowers to Minmay personally. If she didn't imagine her boarding Megaroad-01 or the Flower Girl that we know inherited her will/spirit as there was regret on not managing to give flowers to Minmay.
  16. Frank Agrama
  17. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Expy
  18. Frankly I'm amazed this is the most active thread in the forum.
  19. This is what first came to my mind when I saw these images. Bulky Valkyrie Brera and Alto custom expy Basara custom expy and the Archangel expy Robotech Uniforms expy
  20. Basara prefers the top of trains doesn't he? From what I've heard in the Macross Frontier Light Novel Thread in Animesuki, Yasuburo met Basara before he got to Frontier as a child. He met him on top of a train, inspiring him to be an artist.
  21. Pete, looking over Space Battles forum Robotech is much more of a general sci-fi fan niche driven by nostalgia. There is fics there where Robotech is crossovered with B5. There is a Robotech/Gundam Seed fic in the first page now of the Creativity forum. Yeah the Gundam franchise's fans outnumber even us. Another fic is weirder being a Robotech/Macross II/Macross 7. Multi-universe hijinks as it were. Macross fics there usually involve the Macross or its decendants crossoverering via fold misjump. nBSG is a favorite crossover for Macross and its sequels, there being contrast and comparison between tech and story circumstances.
  22. Really? I thought the Mind System was something independently developed.
  23. Think of them as Cluthu which the Protoculture accidentally summoned when they installed those Super Dimension Organs in the Evil Series. Point is the hubris of the Protoculture nearly ended all life in the galaxy and destroyed them as a civilization. This is along the same lines as Grace and Macross Galaxy trying to become gods. For the Protoculture faction that created the Evil series it backfired on them badly.
  24. A drama CD that is today obscure and hard to find? Yes it is! Makes me wonder though. They gave us a glimpse of Macross 11. What if Macross 9 gets a cameo appearance in the next movie? 2047 in the Macross universe is what I call the year of the side story. Giving us a glimpse of other places than Macross 7. The two page Macross English Anticipation we get the first reference to Macross 11. Later referenced in Macross Dynamite 7. English Fire as well. Mylene Beat is a side story to Macross Dynamite 7. Macross Dynamite 7 though the main story introduces us to a third unheard of race in alliance with Humans and Zentradi. Macross Generation happens on Macross 9. A singer, a biker and a hitman. Months after Macross Digital Mission VF-X Miho Miho gets transfered to the Vahalla III out to rescue some idols from rebel Zentradi.
  25. You know what I find it funny that HG can't say anything concreate with their production plans. Where as the Mouse Corporate Empire was definite in not making anymore Power Rangers in favor of milking the first season as an edited version.
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