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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Hence I see him as a human. From Kariba's own words his father was whaler and that he created his criminal organization to honor him. Graham was more irrational thus the Ahab archetype. Kariba can't earn his "living" with the White Whale in the way. Since there are different pod groupings like the lost whales the White Whale isn't always there to interfere. Geez I was talking of Frontier era. My assumptions and interpretation of the show. What is the favorite symbol of the Protoculture? Oh yes the Spiral! The White Whale has lived at least a million years I doubt they wouldn't have seen whales during their yearly migration during their grand experiment of manipulating Marsupials especially if they saw when Whales die. Whales die in sinking fashion of the Spiral. The Vajra has a Spiral structure on their homeworld. Red ones which are the basis the Glaug form have them. You miss the point. I was talking of common themes between Macross Zero and Macross Dynamite 7 and with the revelation in Frontier and how somehow it all fits together. From what Elma said Whales are sold and used for space engines. Which I think she means Fold engines since the species are natural space folding creatures. Given they are wanted in the Black Market they probably make Fold engines function better to a certain degree but not breaking the Fold Fault barrier. I was first surprised that Michael is of Zolan descent when I heard it. Too metrosexual and not one bit of manly hair. Zolan males have hair on their arms. Then again he is a mongrel. I doubt that the builders of that Ruin on Rax envisioned a girl chaser as a symbol of peace.
  2. Kariba's crew are humans so it stands to reason he is human as well. His father probably saw the Galactic Whales as a exploitable resource for fold engines. Most view Whales as plants not living creatures but somewhere down the line the Zolan government dropped the ball that these are a protected species. The Vajra did not benefit from tree huggers like the Whales did. I see Macross Dynamite 7 as a precurssor to some themes seen in Macross Zero. The environmentalism angle and living in harmony with nature. Two sisters a legal age one and a not so legal age one. And a certain dying culture tribal aspect with a connection to the Protoculture. In Macross Zero only the Mayan tribe knew about the the Bird Human. Macross Dynamite 7 had the Hoyleys. Now most of the world doesn't even know the Whales graveyard exists on Zola. The Hoyley clan does if we take Elma's word that her grandfather told her about it. Graham knows about it but did not seem to teach it to Liza. The writings on the bones of Whales are presumably Protoculture. The Zolan civilization appears to be as old as Humans. The Humans have what? 5000 years of recorded history. Whale according to the writing have 7000 year life span. Graham couldn't read the writing but Kyaapi can. (Which I suspect is a Protoculture legacy) Like the Vajra the Protoculture have a healthy respect for the Whales. Basically if it can fold, eat reaction bombs and mess you up real good you have to respect it or else. Also note Zola has flying fish. Flying fish in Mayan myths are the children of Roy Waka and Roy Kanu. I have a suspicion if the Bird Human were based on the Vajra Queen then the Fish Human in the Mayan legend corresponds to White Whale. Both species despite being entirely different have natural fold capability.
  3. Well the Zolans totally came out of the left field. Prior to Macross Dynamite 7 ther were no indication of other miclone species like humans. I suppose the Protoculture's seeding program was successful in spite of the civil war and the Protodevlin. Comparably Zolans are sheep not as blood thirsty as humans or Zentradi, except in Graham's case he's Captain Ahab. Though if I was an anthropologist in the Macross universe I'd be intrigued that the Protoculture handed symbiotic script translators (Kyaapi) as a legacy to the Zolans while Humans got a doomsday device designed to wipe humanity off if they toe the line. Dynamite 7 also showed all is not peachy on the frontier with the black market selling everything from whales to VFs to Reaction Bombs. If we take into consideration Isamu's record trouble could potentially brew anywhere along Earth's immediate sphere of influence. Super Long Range Emmigration Fleets are relatively more safer.
  4. There is evidence prior to Macross Frontier VF designs were customised by planetary governments and emmigration fleets. For example the Varauta VF-14 is bulkier while keeping the same profile as the VF-14 Max and Millia flew. Then there is Macross 7 with the VF-19S and VF-19F Excaliburs and the customised Sound Force and Jamming Birds VFs. Also note Zola has its own variants of the VF-5000 and the its own Excalibur variant the VF-19P. But in the first episode Alto was expecting the VF-25 to be deployed by NUNS later on. Instead he got with SMS combat testing them. Note the prototype took flight aboard a NUNS carrier during a resouce gathering in 2057 at a planet designated Messiah025. Since the design was approved by NUNS the design would be desemminated to colonies and fleets wanting to buy it once all the kinks are worked out. Also note that both LAI and Macross Galaxy's Guld Works are both corporations that specializes on cutting edge technology. I doubt Shinsei and GG are giving the designs for free the YF-24 design is licensed to both corporations. In a way both Shinsei and GG are hedging their bets on these two. Just that LAI isn't as shady as Macross Galaxy and more transparent.
  5. What is the question again? Having trouble interpreting what you've said. Isamu had to shut down all automatic flight systems as to not tip off the defense net. As said by Yan it all comes down to luck. Basically until they get passed the defense net they are falling like rock.
  6. I've heard rumors about Orguss, but I don't think they've ever been verified. As far as I know, Macross, Southern Cross, Mospeada, and Megazone 23 are the only lucky, lucky shows to have Macek's Robotech genius slathered all over them. That's pretty simple though. HG can't touch Orguss for the simple fact Tatsunoko was not involved in it. ROBOTECHTEHBEST I remember this guy in Animesuki and 4chan. In Animesuki I pretty much ignore his couple of posts. 4chan's /m/ are like sharks smelling blood in the water when he posts Robotech there.
  7. She doesn't if we go by her full frontal nudity little sister while Basara was in a catatonic state. If we take Professor Hasford's theory of viral genetic manipulation evolving Humans as not a hack the Zolans ancestors were similarly modified by the Protoculture. (He does have a weird theory the Bird Human would start all over again when in fact it had nothing to do with present humans evolution except the Mayans.) Also the mere existence of Michael proves all Children of the Protoculture are genetically compatible.
  8. Well if the First Contact protocols UN Spacy had before the booby trap happened is still in place "Don't shoot first" is a good policy. The Zolans adopting human names appear to me what my people call Colonial Mentality. Where the natives copy and emulate too much the foreign influences losing the original cultural identity. Take Graham's deceased wife's name Maria Velasquez Hoyley. Also the radio love story between a rich Human male and Zolan female maid Zomeo and Zoliet. If we view the new UNG or NUNG as a Human-Zentradi hegemony rather than a confederation Zola is like Earth's little brother. Now selling or giving Zola their Overtechnology is very reasonable action for the mere fact the frontier became a haven for poachers, pirates and smugglers. Galactic Whales are a tempting exploitable resource for more efficient Fold Engines. These creatures are considered a protected species. A benefit the Vajra did not have. At the same time Earth doesn't really dictate policy to Zola unlike with their colonies and fleets early on. Zolan military and law enforcement has that non-killing policy.
  9. Oh great now Gubaba has traumatized Mr. March. Oh March the Battle 13 article is bit confusing on who used the Battle 13 in the final stage. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossga/battle13.htm You might want to add the AIF-9B Ghost to the list as well. It seems to me Battle 13 was the inspiration for Battle Galaxy's Ghost spamming.
  10. Joseph Adama... V-World newbie. I too would be scared if an avatar of Daniel Graystone is all smiles. Daniel is jittery that Vergis knew about the theft and is pissed with the death of his two employees. Daniel's guilt driven dreams remind me of Wlliam "Husker" Adama's vision-nightmare of the Cylon experiments on Razor. Eww... Phil the geek technician is a robosexual. Daddy dearest Daniel caught him flirting with his daughter. (Which he doesn't know is in U-87.) Who says an AI can't get a date? Zoe gets a virtual social life as Rachel. Nice glasses though if he figures out he is dating his boss' dead daughter I wonder where this is going. STO has factions. One is the terrorist faction led by Barnabas the other is Sister Clarice's transhumanist group. The majority supports for now Baranabas. Lacy tries to get Barnabas's help but fails but Barnanas wants to know what she is about to bring to Gemenon. Sister Clarice tricks Amanda in attempt to get Zoe but get more than she wanted. The data on the Cylon Centurion. One thing is for sure Tomas Vergis had his own grandma Adama teaching him to keep his enemies close so they would fear him. Tries to have a Caprican citizenship for his revenge on Daniel.
  11. Nah If we go by the AIF-9B Ghost in VF-X2 which is mass production model of the X-9 Ghost minus Sharon definitely smaller. The rationale is that Ghosts cost less than a regular Valkyrie. On the other hand the QF-3000E Ghost in Macross 7 Trash was converted to a two seater craft.
  12. Remind me of the bug that chases Moa.
  13. We know that the VF-25 is a NUNS approved craft developed in Frontier between Shinsei Industry and LAI. Meaning the VF-25 is slated to be a mainline craft for NUNS. The YF-24 since we haven't heard of a VF-24 yet appears to be a proof of concept of the basic technologies employed by both the VF-25 and VF-27. The VF-25 was used for combat testing by the PMC SMS. Usually if we go by Macross game history like M3, VF-X and VF-X2 Special Forces gets first dibs for combat testing of AVF. Also Bilrer is rich enough for every VF-25 Alto wrecks. The VF-27 is another case as NUNS hasn't approved of its mass production because Macross Galaxy kept a lot things from them. Like the mass production of the AIF9V. As for the Earth defense net it appears to be too centralized to SDF-1 Macross' control if we go by VF-X2. Which is probably the reason Macross 13 exists. It is the back up plan if something happens to the Macross. Or in case of invasion a space borne command ship. Besides the defense net there is still the Grand Cannons which is really a case of overkill.
  14. Not sure but the next day Max cheerfully blurted to the love troubled cynical Hikaru he is going to get married to an enemy. Though you wonder if he mentioned it to Global as a debrief. Max: "We had a dogfight, she became a spy just to stalk me, had a game fight while checked her bust size, she invited me to the park at midnight had a knife fight, she fell in love with me and I proposed to her. " Global *twitch* "Just leave the knife fight out of the press 'kay" I may be able to spin this somehow...
  15. Just bought them. Looking at it closely as usual as with kiddie toys it is Made in China. Roy Battroid Exclusively of Jollibee Food Corp Made in China at the lest leg of the Roy Battroid. I didn't inspect mine closely it is missing the gunpod. It is a brick as it can only swivel shoulder-arm and hip-leg connections. Strike Pack barrels can swivel. Millia Fighter It rolls and swivels its wings. Its strike pack is different from the Battroid. On the right wing reads Harmony Gold USA Inc. On the left wing same as above. Exclusively of Jollibee Food Corp Made in China. Max Gerwalk Like the Millia Fighter it can swivel its wings. Half of its pack is identical to the Milia one. The other half well is an annoying missile launcher. Another annoying thing is the piece below the nose cone. Gerwalk can only swivel its legs and is armless. The lettering under the wings is the same as above. A little bit of local toy history. The last time there was a toy promotion with Gerwalks and Battroids was tiny plastic model toys included with Enervon C syrup vitamins in 1989 or 1990. Shocker is it did not run under the Macross or Robotech brands but promoted as Battletech. The ones I had as a kid were the Tomahawk/Warhammer and Land Air Mech Gerwalk with arms and a Battroid mode.
  16. Some Meltrans do have that "If you beat me at where I'm best at I will be your woman.". Particularly the wild untamed ones. Millia being the text book case. Max wins her heart after three fights. Then there is her daughter Emillia. In her eyes Basara defeated her in a rockfest, crying like her mother did being consoled by Basara she became attracted to him. Then there is the entire Chlore fleet. Meltrans are akin to Special Forces among Bodolle Zer's fleet as we know. They have very high standards. Basara comes in defolding in from of the command ship launching a giant speaker pod and seranades them while managing not being hit. To say the least Chlore and her entire fleet went on fangirl mode and is probably horny in the first time in their lives for a guy. Veffidas defeating her suitor basically says if you can't defeat me you can't own me.
  17. Well Chow King isn't Jollibee but Jollibee Foods Corporation does own Chow King. They also own Greenwich, Red Ribbon, Delifrance etc. I may buy some after my hospital appointment.
  18. I read that as SOYLENT IS GREEN PEOPLE!!!!!
  19. That Caprican boy was asking for it. Live and let live or they beat the crap out of you. I have to say Capricans are the dumbest of the twelve colonies with their superiority complex. In "The Plan" one of Ander's resistance team exhibits mild racism when she calls Tauron's bad guys. Speaking of a frak off Tauron next ep is the appearance of the vengeful Thomas Vergis, creator of the MCP. Stealing the MCP did not come clean as we thought.
  20. In the Encore ep I believe she is described as a recently cultured Zentradi. Here are the things we know about her. She used to fight a lot, had a pet panther, had to turn down a Zentran suitor, met Basara the first time singing with his guitar in the mountains and gave up that life for drumming. Veffidas doesn't speak much but when she does you listen. Like... "Which do you like?" to Mylene.
  21. Note that Macross Plus and Macross 7 were shown roughly concurrently so them referencing each other is not a surprise. For that matter for this episode instead of Basara siging in Valk he uses it for a "Pin-Point Barrier Punch!".
  22. I wonder if the New Cap City Vipers have a real world equivalent. The way they detach is more reminicent of the modern raider. In the Greystone front for his stunt last ep the board is threatening him to kick Daniel out. His wife gives anecdote of how it all started for them. He managed to bluff his way with the only functioning Cylon, aka Zoe. Expanding from the military application to the civilian ones. A reproduceble slave race. Zoe was amused until the part where she had to rip off her arm. In the Adama front though Sam contributes to the problem he says to Joseph he should pull his felgercarb together. Have closure with the dead and take care of his son. Unlike his father Willie "future Husker" Adama wont take Caprican bigots calling him dirt eater lying down. He'll stone you and beat the crap of you even if you are bigger. In the Tamara front she proceeds to the shady world of V-World eventually discovering she is dead. With some outside help she manages to inform her father. Interesting thing about Tauron funeral rites the coin given to the priest represents Charon the boat man of the river Styx. Just as when Joseph thinks there is closure Tamara's friend comes and tells him she is alive. (If you call an AI avatar alive) Tamara I think is going to be a legend in V-World for just being Hax. Since nobody really gets hurt mowing them down isn't a problem. On the whole it is going to be bleak with the beginning of the Cylons.
  23. Just one thing in Macross Frontier the Sharon Apple Incident caused a backlash against Self Aware Sentient AI development. Sure Ghosts were eventually placed in roll of mostly taking over from fighter pilots but they are dumbed down with limiters. Whatever enthusiam for sentient AI there was waned as people realized they were creating their own Zentradi equivalent which could blow at their own faces. Well it is Guvava that saved the day really. I don't think Mylene heard the music per se but though her mental link. In turn with her respondig Guvava located her. Gamlin is still chidlish thinking badly of Basara. But he realizes Basara has a better grasp of the situation and Mylene. The whole kidnapping plot was decoy to separate City 7 from the rest of the fleet. Gigil doesn't like being used like a pawn.
  24. Heh... We all know why Richard Bilrer is on Frontier. LAI on the other hand produces everything from miclone chambers to Variable Fighters. This company had enough rep for one of the big names in VF development, Shinsei Industry, to consider a partnership for the next generation Valkyrie. Macross Galaxy Variable Development Arsenal from its nickname Guld Works suggests it is a subsidiary of General Galaxy. Not a surprise as General Galaxy made a lot of investment for Macross Galaxy Fleet.
  25. Also note that humanity potentially increases its strength as it assimilates others in its sphere of influence . A couple of examples are planet Zola and Chlore's fleet. Zola is located around the rim. Which makes me think the Protoculture seeding program did its job outside the civil war frontlines. Its existence proves there are potentially other miclone races out there besides Humans. Which potentially are willing to join its hegemony given the state of constant warfare in the galaxy by the Zentradi-Supervision Army war. Though its a fluke by having Basara NUNG gained a valuable ally fleet of Meltrans. Zentrandi warships are already hard to come by as only a hundred survived Space War 1. I believe Veffidas herself is a recently cultured Meltran. Though her early life appears to be planet bound.
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