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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Pretty much along with Sentinel Prime and Wheeljack. The only other confirmed new character besides Shockwave is Silverbolt. Given the images of late the ship in Detroit is Silverbolt.
  2. http://www.collecticon.org/2010/10/footage...e-named-dreads/
  3. Speaking of mirrors. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100...wpphu-container
  4. At least get rid of the Spikes of Villainy.
  5. Kaji's Engrish is terrible though. They have fluent English VA's for the Europeans/Russians, Kaji trying to sound cool but even I would react the same as to what he is saying as he is intelligible butchering the English language.
  6. Heh indications Sunbow/Marvel GI Joe and Transformers is in the same continuity. Besides that talk show host, that EDC gal Marissa Fairborne is hinted as Flints daughter having the same last name and her father having Flint's VA. During Beast Wars run I took it the Protoform technology of the Maximals and Predacons were derived from Sythoid technology. The reason cited by Megatron II for killing the humans was if it wasn't for them the Decepticons would have won the Great War. I took it humans had also a hand with the creation of the new generation of Transformers giving the Autobots synthoid technology.
  7. Was it 2051 or 2048? 2050-2051 is to the events Macross VF-X2.
  8. In Kiss the Galaxy version of events they were killed in their own home by government MIB. Sally Nome had her daughter run as she tries to stall their assassins. By this time Sheryl's father was already shot.
  9. Last I looked fired does not mean fired upon. Also Galaxy isn't a single corporation but made up of corporations. Heavily invested by General Galaxy as well. It doesn't mean the mother companies wanted these to happen. Using the mandatory cybernetics law Macross Galaxy was basically hijacked by several individuals. edit: Kiss the Galaxy appears to occur in the MF movie continuity. Going over the summary of Grace's life prior to the Vajra incident in the light novel adaption she wasn't involved with Galaxy's schemes till she was downloaded/recovered. Her involvement merely accelerated the timetable. Apparently Galaxy leaders were keeping tabs on her work beforehand. Grace learned of Sheryl's existence when she was already an orphan.
  10. True but here we learn how Galaxy's leaders did it. Its a totalitarian regime going after dissidents. Other civilian governments we've seen, Millia and Howard Glass, we see a dedication to protect civilians not control them.
  11. That's because the Movie wasn't shown in Japan until well after Transformers Victory. Writers didn't know Wheeljack was suppose to be dead. For that matter Prowl appeared in Transformers Headmasters, Takara's G1 season 4 instead of the Rebirth mini-series. Anyway Hirofumi Ichikawa wrote in his Binaltech storyline Autobots having spare bodies if killed.
  12. Having read Macross Frontier Sheryl manga, Kiss the Galaxy, we see something unheard of in Macross fleets. Political purges. Galaxy's leaders were methodical in weeding out opposition to the mandatory cybernetics. Branding them insurrectionists. Now we've seen the opposite in Macross Frontier with cybernetics being illegal and the rest of the NUNG sphere of influence neutral to it. But since we know the motivations of Galaxy's leaders this is something that is not made overnight. It probably started when Galaxy fleet was first conceived. Run by private corporations could mean less interference from busy bodies from Earth. We have to also note decentralization could have tied NUNG's hands legally on the matter. These political purges were the first step in the Galaxy leaders plans. Can't have your own fleet go against you when you try to take over the galaxy.
  13. Now that I've seen. Wow a subversion and aversion of the original. And can't help notice the ironies. Shinji stomping Geofront, Asuka with THAT doll. Mari is so Mary Sue. Kaworu, he's coming off as a bit genre savvy here.
  14. Cliffjumper has a glass gun, turns stuff to glass.Hound can make holograms. Mirage is invisibility. The whole reason for the Movie was to introduce new toys. Hence Hasbro asked Marvel/Sunbow to kill off season 1 and 2 characters.The on-screen causalities should have been larger if the storyboard I've seen is any indication. For example Mirage would've had a death sequence.
  15. Content providers pretty much abandoned that site. Moved everything here. http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Main_Page
  16. Detroit filming at abandoned factory. Big gun over the right.
  17. Take it as a grain of salt. According to this security guard guarding the trucks the .It doesn't make sense since the Fallen had that villainous speech that the last Prime is Optimus Prime. Course Sentinel Prime was mentioned by Sam during his Allspark induced rant in from of his astronomy class. "See, if you break down the elemental components of energon and assume a constant decay rate then extrapolate for each of the fourteen galactic convergences it took Sentinel Prime's expedition to get an echo you end up with a formula for inter-dimensional energy that mass and light alone can't possibly explain."
  18. WFC though a mix continuity prequel to Transformers Prime is not a prequel for every TF continuity. WFC and Exodus are attempts by Hasbro to create a mythology. In Exodus' case we get Alpha Trion knows what is going to happen and the real name of the Fallen and how it relates to Megatron. Alpha Trion and the Fallen along with Prima, Vector Prime and the Liege Maximo are members of the original Thirteen Transformers created by Primus who are multi-singularities. Meaning they are the same guy in every universe. The real name of the Fallen is .
  19. Here is what we know from Nelson of Shoot for the Edit, Michael Bay's site. 1. Nascars are the Wreckers. Whether it is the crack first and last resort team of the Autobots or something else entirely like the Seekers we are not sure. 2. Wheelie is back. Nuff said. 3. The new lead actress will play Carly. 4. The fire truck is not Hot Spot, Inferno or Pyro. Other things we know. Shockwave will be the main villain. TF involvement in the space race. The trailer said to have JFK informed by suits that something is on the moon. Simmons is back with a sidekick agent. Silverbolt is in the cast but we haven't seen him yet. Soundwave will come down to Earth. As for the new cons we have a SUV and an armored truck. New bots include the Ferrari Italia, Einstein blue Mercedes, the three Nascar Wreckers and the fire truck.
  20. On that note Macross 7 Fleet managed to ID the VF tech as Varauta since their VF-14 that rolled out is beefy compared to the VF-14 used by special forces. Also Zola Patrol has their own spins to the VF-5000 and that VF-19 Basara...rented. On the location of Zola it makes sense it is closer to or just outside Earth's region of space than Macross 7's location. Earth is much closer to the galactic rim than the galactic core. Frequent references to Macross 11. In the radio drama it is as if a person can just commute from Zola to Macross 11. Loschier Company arms black market operate in a region where it can be reached by fold booster from. The fact there is a smuggling operation there suggest there is market hence terrorists and insurrectionists making trouble for colonies besides poachers are their customers. Finally in the Grace's galactic domination we are shown Earth, Eden and Macross 11. Which tells us yup they have the entire NUNG checked from the galactic core to the galactic rim. Fold Faults are a plot device shown in Macross Frontier way after Macross 7. Question is given what we know how do we reconcile the discrepancy. It should be noted when Basara hitchhiked his first destination wasn't Zola. He took the commercial flight or freighter routes. Fold Fault would be a pain to navigate, if you go through regions that do have them that is. The region where Macross 7 is has two colonies close to it. Varauta and that South American mining colony. Which pretty much tells this is more or less explored space hence commercial shipping is possible. With some surprises like Chlore's Meltran fleet. Macross Frontier and Macross Galaxy are pushing towards unexplored regions. Where there are troublesome Fold Faults to navigate with.
  21. On another note Zola isn't at the core region. According to dialogue it is a Rim region of the galaxy. Since there is a smuggling and illegal arms market I'd say just outside our corner of the galaxy the Orion spiral arm. Earth is located at the edge of the Orion spiral arm. Not to mention references to Macross 11 and Fire Bomber American.
  22. A UNG Zentradi emigration fleet. Those we saw are all miclone size. Thing is emigration are fueled by several factors. Species and culture survival, capitalism and surprisingly nationalism. Surprising since you wouldn't think there be nations much less nationalism anymore after the holocaust. For example Macross 11 is an all English speaking fleet. The rip-off band Kaifun manages ,yes Lin Kaifun himself, calls itself Fire Bomber American. In the Macross 7 The Galaxy is Calling Me movie Basara visits a mining colony of South Americans. Macross 7 Fleet is a mix of Earther-Zentrandi an estimated ratio of 250,000 to 100,000. Though English is the preferred written medium the culture takes a slant Japanese culture it seems. Which make me suspect Macross 7 is also made up of South Ataria survivor descendants given the Max, Millia and some Space War 1 vet retirees are there with their mint condition VF-1s and Monster. Macross 7 fleet does have Zentran size citizens but only few. These include Exsedol and those working in show business. This is contrast to Macross Frontier which invested in accommodating a full Zentran community. It also helps that a billionaire eccentric Zentradi is a citizen, investor and tax payer. Judging from the sites in Island 1 it has a American, Japanese and Chinese demographic.
  23. When one thinks about it much information about extra-terrestrials are considered top secret and need to know. Since Valkyries are essentially infantry when needed the idea of humanoid mecha has to inspired by something. Maybe not corpses for DNA comparison but perhaps data left in the ASS-1 computers. Also note up until Macross Zero we didn't know there was a first contact like situation prior to the Zentradi arrival. Even if the Birdman has artificial intelligence. The whole incident is hidden from the Macross public for several decades but in the 2050's it is common knowledge.
  24. Episode 2 dialogue: Exsedol: "It can't be they're..." Max: "What is wrong Advisor Exsedol?" Exsedol: "No. nothing." Exsedol:Well that couldn't possibly happen. That craft is about the size for an Earthling.
  25. Oh they are still out there. Just that as far as we know there is no formal first contact between the Supervision Army and Earthlings. During the operation of the acquisition of the first factory satellite a wreck was found. It was abandoned for fear of a booby trap. Hypothesis was it met those Zentradi fleeing the battle of Space War 1. We can only speculate that Supervision Army crews are composed of human size and Zentran size due to the structure of ASS-1. Macross 7 episode 2 Exsedol ponders about their enemy's identity being familiar only to dismiss it as they are using miclone accommodating Valkyries. Since the sponsors of the Varauta Army were former masters of the would-be Supervision Army, paint jobs may be close enough for their mecha. Millia and Chlore were famous for one upping each other in kill scores.
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