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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. I was looking at a wrong angle. The booster is the Autobot ship with the Shuttle Discovery attached. Basically replacing the Space Shuttle external tank with CGI. http://chamorrobible.org/images/photos/gpw-20051129-NASA-GPN-2000-000968-rollout-of-Space-Shuttle-Atlantis-STS-79-to-Launch-Pad-39A-Florida-19960820-other.jpg Based upon the Shuttle orbital technical data Optimus should fit into Discovery's cargo bay. So here's what I think. That part which replaced the External Tank is with a specialized propellant that fuels the rockets. (Energon?) That is able to bring the Shuttle to the Moon. Or alternatively it a personal craft for Optimus based on Cybetronian technology able to both fuel the shuttle's rockets and separate in orbit to reach the moon. edit: Correction. Somebody pointed to me the orange External Tank is still there though a lot shorter. Basically the craft is connected to the External Tank which is connected to the Shuttle orbiter and the rocket boosters.
  2. error: I pressed the reply rather than the edit sorry.
  3. From one clip months ago the US congress wants them out but the UN general assembly wants them to stay. So this could be early at the movie or at the end. Seems Optimus is angry because they weren't told about the Ark. The Ark carries their founding father Sentinel Prime. That and they are screwed since the Ark may contain a Space Bridge able to bring the Decepticon army to Earth from Cybertron. edit: Gents its official its a NASA shuttle. As long as its not either named Independence or Freedom. Somehow the Ark reminds me of the Defiant concept art.
  4. Hopefully I can find a decent torrent so I get a better screen cap of the Ark. The Ark looks pretty well armed. Not as big as the Nemesis. A mechanical contrast to the Decepticon's organic looking ships.
  5. http://orendsrange.blogspot.com/2011/04/gokaiger-unicorn-and-more-ooo-spoilers.html Rumor of spotting 6 KR OOO combo forms with 2 being girl sizes. Speculated as the Super Sentai x Kamen Rider crossover this year. With AkaRed in the movie that would make 198 heroes. Still needs one. Not sure if GokaiSilver will show up.
  6. A human built shuttle with Cybertronian tech is my guess. That or its Silverbolt.
  7. The Allspark was launched 12,000 years before. The Ark was before the current Autobot-Decepticon war. The IDW's DOTM prequel Foundation suggest Sentinel Prime was the founder of the Autobot faction. Those ships are likely designed by Ryan Church who also designed the Nemesis in ROTF and the Narada in Star Trek. Even the interiors are organic vs mechanical between the Nemesis and the Ark. What is intriguing is that both the Nemesis and the Ark carried the respective faction founders and crashed on different moons.
  8. Interesting they're making Autobot and Decepticon technology distinct from each other by making the Decepticon ships more organic while the Autobots more mechanical.
  9. Heh Marvelous hasn't heard of Super Sentai before coming to Earth but he's heard of the Space Police before. He even identified what species Doggie is.
  10. It felt like the ELS is Macross Frontier Fleet while ESF is the Vajra. Macross, Gunbuster/Diebuster with a bit of Betterman. I always viewed the Gundam space emigration and Newtype manifest destiny a bit idiotic as they do not have FTL. Well surprise the Gundam Quan[T] has FTL. The ELS have their own FTL reaching Sol coming out of the Red Spot. Jupiter getting the hate again for being another plot device. I've seen too many mecha anime with Jupiter as the plot device. /m/ compares Jupiter as Batman. It appears the ELS took a page from Macross space emigration not putting all their eggs in one basket after their planetary surface was charred. They colonized one world but did not stop there.
  11. Vajra does have a precedent in Galactic Whales. Galactic Whales are hunted and sold to the black market, usually Humans, because they have properties that enhance fold engines. Like the Vajra Galactic Whales can space fold. It was thought they were not sentient because they were in essence space plants. Basara affinity to reach the most alien of lifeforms showed the Galactic Whales are sentient. The Zola government considers Galactic Whales as a protected species as such Zola Patrol equipped with Valkyries is dispatch to deal with poachers.
  12. As much as we want to rationalize continuity and such Shoji Kawamori said that Macross isn't real and treats it as meta-fiction. When we found that out its like SK is the Joker and said to us "Why so Serious". We expect the Macross franchise to be one big plan only there is no as fiction is made by the creative juices of the makers. So there is no plan but one big Indie Ploy.
  13. Aoba is mentioned as a VF-1 pilot. Cue the Basara colors VF-1 in the next Frontier movie. Coincidence?
  14. The color scheme looks too much like the Nirvash from Eureka 7, a series Shoji Kawamori worked on. It looks like a mix of various Valkyries he made in recent years.
  15. Boy we're getting a bunch of VF-19 variants aren't we?
  16. Bay has been mixing Real Robot concepts with Super Robot concepts. Which is why Devastator is like a gorilla. Bay wanted a aircraft carrier TF in ROTF what was shown in art concepts was a spider bot.
  17. Nirvash color scheme?
  18. Or doesn't choose to as a testament of his failures. The Allspark cube is destroyed, the Sun Harvester is wrecked, the guy who he was named after was killed in front of him. The Fallen's real name according to Hasbro is Megatronus Prime. Bet he'll return the favor by killing that Prime in the trailer. Who is likely to be Sentinel Prime. Plot hole or continuity porn? Sentinel Prime was mentioned by Sam during his impression of Blurr to have lead some scientific expedition. Oh Orci and Kurtzman isn't writing DotM. Ehren Kruger is, he was a RotF co-writer.
  19. Nelson just said the Ark. Now I really want a Space Battle! The Decepticons have the Nemesis while the Autobots will have to fly the Ark.
  20. Scarlet and Aoba... Blatantly Red and Blue. Can we expect a knife fight courtship?
  21. Graham can up size like a Zentradi. If DYRL is any indication Humans can do so too. We haven't seen any creature use the Miclone chamber except these three humanoid races which can classified as artificially made offshoot subspecies of the Protoculture.
  22. From the coral carbon dating the arrival of the Bird Human is fairly recent. Around 10,000 years. The Mayan tribe has been identified as a Alpha Bombay blood type. Plus up until recently they were isolationist. From what we know prior to the Protodevlin War was that a Survey Ship was seeding planets including Earth. Which likely includes Zola. That Survey Ship was ambushed by Anti-Stellar Republic forces. All records of Earth was lost along with the ship. Remnants of the Protoculture stumbled on Earth and left an insurance policy if this particular branch of their Children prove dangerous. Some personal contact may also be involved as Fold Quartz are possessed by the priestess clan as an heirloom. Relatively speaking Zola got the better deal. As a Galactic Whale migration planet it is guaranteed from any doomsday policy. Protoculture respect and fear space folding Super Dimensional species, rightly so. The Great White Whale eats reaction weapons for breakfast, don't even think of ticking off the Vajra. Plus they left scripts and furry snake translators. From their MO as theorized by Professor Hassford they genetically modify local species via viruses to evolve closer to them. Humans from primates, Zolans from marsupials both are compatible for breeding if Michael is any indication. The message on Rax suggest to me the Protoculture intended to integrate the Zentradi to society once the war was over. Hence the part of the superstition that if Zentradi are infected by the Protoculture they would be destroyed. What would be destroyed is their war only culture. Much like when the Macross granted asylum to any Zentradi defectors who want what Humans have.
  23. Sentinel Prime? Dynasty of Primes
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