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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. I have to wonder how much military power the Kingdom of Wind can lay to bear. Why they may be a threat to a single colony the NUN can show its military might by sending a combined NUNS taskforce. It may find itself outgunned. The NUN has a great industrial capacity due to the Factory Satellites.
  2. Well I noticed his hair dec could be Fold Quartz.
  3. Somebody in SB pointed out the Kingdom of Wind race may be a subtle reference to the Emann in Orguss. Emann have two hair tentacles at the back of their heads. These guys have it stylishly in front.
  4. Well more fuel to my theory this is another Protoculture seeded race.
  5. Macross M3 has fighters combining to this. Macross 7 though is the closest in an anime depiction of combining with Sound Boosters.
  6. Gentlemen, I do believe the Zentradi either got themselves an upgrade of the Glaug and Regult or we have Lost Zentradi that got their kit from another Factory Satellite.
  7. Anybody else hope the SV-262 Draken III is packing a sword? Hey they are flown by Knights.
  8. Not so little that they get Overtech. It would be interesting to see UNG/NUNG policies of uplifting other humanoid races. With Zola they get military surplus and monkey models they can develop themselves. Zolans prefer to be retro with their tech as to be in harmony with nature. We do know there are Earth centrist groups like Lactence who would like an Earth hegemony. Their Zentradi chapter FASCES for example under Naresuan holds charismatic influence not only on fellow Zentradi but Humans and Zolans as well. Such a group would not go well with an independently minded planet with a monarchy or nobility. These Aerial Knights are using the SV designation for the SV-262 Draken III which isn't seen outside of Vanquish Races with the SV-52 and the old Anti-UN SV-51. While the old UNG did have SV-51 and SV-52 the VF series became the standard designation for the UN Forces and NUNS after Space War 1. Which makes me think instead of something they got from Earth as a monkey model the SV-262 Draken III is a independently developed by the Kingdom of Wind. Perhaps influenced by Anti-UN ideology of keeping independence. Also on the PV we see a Macross Quarter class. It doesn't have the logos indicating it is SMS which is a first.
  9. Crazy idea... Legacy of the Protoculture... What if the planet colonized already has inhabitants, Kingdom of Wind, and the UNG did an uplift like the Zolans except it didn't turn out well as expected? Resulting to two planetary wars called Delta Wars. This could be why invading or colonizing planets with sentient life became a no-no in the Galaxy Treaty which NUNG members are supposed to abide by. Which could explain the lack of NUNS. With Grace's attempted invasion it's a political and diplomatic clusterfrak for the NUNG with the locals.
  10. Text: Aerial Knights of the Kingdom of Wind Wait are we getting Knights of the Sky aka Escaflowne + Macross with this series? We are used to thinking a world government for a colonized world but what if that world is split between different states with different forms of government. What if one of these countries went with the monarchy/nobility form of government?
  11. Since the series is called Delta and the setting is a planet it is probably the same world Isamu got assigned to twice. According to his record in Macross Plus. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/2035 http://macross.anime.net/wiki/2039 Other wars Isamu participated in. Isamu is a trouble magnet isn't he? No wonder he gets punted one assignment to another. So we may be seeing Delta War III in Macross Delta.
  12. Isamu's record mentioned a Delta War. So we may see a not exactly political stable planet.
  13. http://macross.jp/news/?id=80 We got new Valkyries people!
  14. We never saw Ohgotai die nor did we see the orbital half of the ship. In the PCE games Quamzin was like a cockroach that keeps coming back. I like Temjin being a reference to that.
  15. Some time ago somebody at /m/ said Alus is a quirky way romanizing Earth. Then I read the Macross II manga which furthers that theory. Different from the OVA Marduk language English translation. Note: Macross II is a sequel to Macross DYRL. The Marduk have a legend about the Ship of Alus. Alus isn't the name of the ship it is the name of where or whom it is from. If we equate Alus is Earth I can think of one source of that ship, the Protoculture city ship Altira. 20,000 years before the Protoculture left their city ship underwater and left for space as the Zentradi entered Sol. They never returned. (DYRL) The Marduk has been in space for so long it could mean alternatively that home(planet) means a ship. For someone like Isthar the Ship of Alus refers to a physical ship. To Ingues Alus is a planet, he likely longer lived before the legend changed to its present form. Are the Marduk the Protoculture from Altira? Frankly I don't know. However if Alus is Earth there is a connection between the former inhabitants of Altira and the ship of legend of the Marduk.
  16. Know what I think we need a blast from the past in Delta. We never did see Ohgotai die on screen. Hell Temjin could've survived his little splash. Have Temjin as that a-hole that keeps coming back like Quamzin in the games. Ohgotai filling in Vrlithwai's role.
  17. Heh~ Animation errors. The Macross Parallel World has one and it isn't that.
  18. Know what would be different a Zentradi civil war between extremist pro-Earth Zentradi and anti-Earth Zentradi. We know there are extremist like Fasces who are Earth centrists and there are who knows how many Zentradi ships that left Earth as emigration ships in 2031 in the wake of the Second Defensive Battle of Macross City.
  19. Also Miller pretty summed it up why they need AVF. There are situations too sensitive to use Reaction weapons lest there is political backlash. AVF are to destroy enemy command centers or rescue hostages.
  20. Since Megaroad-1 left with a Zentradi escort is pretty much the same except for the dates I suppose Megaroads and Macross class serve as the core ship of the fleet. edit: For those who played Macross M3 what unit did Moa's clone pilot? Variable Glaug or Final Weapon?
  21. We have to note VF-19 performance from Earth is different from VF-19 in emigration fleets. As they have parts missing from the monkey models. Why? Earth is paranoid AVF would be used against them. Macross 7 Fleet has its own VF-19 Project Fire in competition to the YF-24 Evolution plan.
  22. Just want to be sure these are Zentradi ships. If so why are they rebuilt as cities. Looks to me a bunch of LSTs and some Thurvel-Salan got converted. The last pic actually has a LST rear assembly. Which makes me wonder if they can still fly and be space capable. Cause if use for emigration it would bean interesting contrast to the New Macross Class fleets the main continuity has.
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