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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Thinking back to Macross 7 Sivil was drawn to the Protoculture ruins of Rax after she woke from her sleep. Mikumo was drawn to the ruins of Voldor with it reacting for a bit to her. Fixed.
  2. Fold Quartz Fold Wave(Resonance)System equipped Variable Fighters with Fold Receptor singers too OP please nerf.
  3. Fold Quartz equipped Variable Fighters with Fold Receptor singers too OP please nerf. Sketchley's Translations: Macross Chronicle Revised Ed. - Mechanic: Other UN 08A: YF-30 Chronos Sketchley's Translations: Macross Chronicle Revised Ed. - Mechanic TF SMS 04A: YF-29 Durendal The YF-29, YF-30 and VF-31 are pretty much the high end of VF technology. Resonating with a Fold Receptor, pilots and machine gets a boost in performance. Additionally the Fold Wave System or Fold Wave Resonance system could explain why Keith's Rune wind detection power was disrupted with Freyja's singing. Basically Delta Platoon has a Fold Wave NT-D System for the Aerial Knights Rune Newtype powers.
  4. That means they filled with expensive Fold Quartz and Hayate damages his at every battle. Ouch if it comes out of his pay.
  5. Well as said Windermere's reasoning for this war is flimsy. Bogue is basically spouting imperialism but he doesn't realize it. The twins really think things would've been better if Earthers didn't come. Cassim wants revenge for a war that they started in the first place. A race of children who doesn't have a concept of responsibility. I'm starting to think like Humans with Fold Receptor Factor being able to power and regenerate Protoculture bio weapons Windermereans have their own niche. Most Human Fold Receptors are just transmitters with rare case as of also receivers. Sara and Mao can sense hostility perceiving them as Kadun. Ranka, Sheryl who have access to Vajra fold wave frequency and Alto who has Fold Quartz can sense Vajra emotions. Windermereans with their Runes are both receivers and transmitters. The Protodevlin were just Fold Wave/Spiritia receivers till they learned from Basara how to transmit themselves. This is why both Keith and Bogue were in pain hearing Freyja's song. With their Runes they can sense hostility. Heinz can mind control Var infected people through his negative emotion Song Energy on the other hand Freyja's positive emotion Song Energy can make her in sync with Hayate who has Fold Quartz in his person and machine. What I am saying Windermereans are like Marduk Emulators which is probably the reason Roid believes Windermereans are heirs of the Protoculture not realizing they were created as possible weapons by the Protoculture. The Anima Spiritia weren't discovered until it was pretty much too late for the Protoculture as a race. The Protodevlin were feeding on negative emotion Spiritia and they realized what they needed was positive Spiritia.
  6. Macross Quarter in Macross 30 had something similar for Mina to sing in.
  7. It occurs to me one probable reason why we never see Roid's command ship is that it could be cloaked.
  8. Before the Protoculture worshiped the Vajra they worshiped Cats. The Protoculture ruin world of New Asia along with pyramids had a Sphinx. Though seriously this like asking why there are dinosaur like creatures on different planets or flying fish on Earth and Zola.
  9. Actually Jan Neumann hacked the Earth defense grid. This increased their odds of survival.
  10. We the camo tech is a less advanced version of what the VF-27 uses to be invisible. Frontier special forces have this as well.
  11. Roid was giving commands there so likely they were piggy backing. VFs in the Macross setting either needs a fold booster or to piggy back from a ship.
  12. Interesting stuff from the Macross Delta prequel manga. Five years ago Var first affected animals. Giant animals that are like kaiju but still animals. So between that and this episode we can see different phases Var is experimented and spread. First it was animals then it was random people finally targeting military personnel.
  13. Just saw the first chapter of Macross E. We are seeing the initial experimental stages of Var. At first it wasn't people. It was giant megafauna who are like kaiju when affected by Var. There is a proto-Walkure idol group with one of them seems to be a female Basara. The MC rookie is a bit of a wimp and an idol otaku. The Var syndrome... edit: Some anon translated the prequel manga, Macross Extra chapter 1. Note the last page what the mask man said. Feeling this guy is a Windermerean intensifies. edit: Same anon translated the Aerial Knight manga. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Still don't see how Windermere was oppressed. They got a tech uplift gaining VF tech and they still have their knight tradition. Are they really complaining about music? They have this we are taking back MUH Sky and they doing this by creating the Wind Sphere Sector. Conquering planets around them. The Frak? They are complaining about their sovereignty and they are taking everyone else's. I'm starting feel like an elf or more accurately a Vulcan during Enterprise getting tired being accused by Humans of keeping them down not giving them Vulcan warp drive tech. Only Terra Prime won and became the Terran Empire.
  14. Well Windermere hadn't shown a reluctance to use MDE or mind control NUNS personnel is one factor. Other factors are concerns like rebel and Lost Zentradi, Anti-UN wannabees like Mirage mentioned, and remnants of Lactence and Macross Galaxy. Yeah the galaxy doesn't revolve around the Brisingr cluster. The NUN would be flying blind which is the reason for this infiltration mission. Not to mention between Fold Faults and parliamentary debates response time would be affected. In Wings of Goodbye it was combined fleet of nearby planets and fleets. Earth is probably expecting concerned planets to work together than send a force all the way from the other side of the galaxy.
  15. Yet it seems they use ISC and beam guns on the Sv-262 being able to keep up with the VF-31. Their only export is apples. I don't think the Unequal Treaty they are saying refers to that.
  16. Well Macross was originally meant to be a parody of Gundam. Fold Receptors are the Macross universe's Newtypes. From Macross Plus onward starting with Myung we see music being able to disrupt brainwashing. Sharon Apple the Protodevlin, Macross Galaxy and the Kingdom of Wind all use mind control making them antagonists. Thing is starting with Macross 7 there is a science behind it.
  17. Dude Zola had marsupial cats with pouches like kangaroos. The abandoned declared bio hazard planet New Asia had Egyptian style Protoculture ruins with something like a Sphinx. The Protoculture were animists probably worshiped cats before meeting the Vajra.
  18. We have to also note Fold Quartz is heavily regulated that the NUN would be watching like a hawk. So those that can afford it and willing to abide by restrictions can deploy YF-24 derivatives. Once MDE came into play the NUNG went nope on Fold Quartz proliferation. Which probably irked Windermereans to revolt as they have ruins with the stuff. They were probably banking on Fold Quartz for their economy.
  19. 2048 it seems. Which makes sense. In 2047 rebel Zentradi who stole the VFX-11 brought a bunch of uncultured Zentradi and a recovered Main Fortress to attack Earth. Earth may very well have a target on its back. If Earth falls colonies and fleets won't be a headless chicken.
  20. Loschier the black marketer actually said Ginga Patrol-Tai. On another topic. http://monkeybacon.mywebcommunity.org/MCRtechnology/13aDimensionWeapons.php Here is what I think happened. With the advent of Fold Quartz based technology Windermere was probably thinking like Leon Mishima those who have monopoly on Fold Quartz would become an economic and military super power. Meanwhile at the core region Grace blew up Gaul 4 and Frontier started to make their own MDE. When the NUNG finally got details and survived a Vajra invasion they put a restrictions on distribution and sale of Fold Quartz. Windermere sees it as an Unequal Treaty as restrictions on Fold Quartz puts a kibosh on their ambitions. Their only other export is well apples. So they had a temper tantrum with a revolution and just to prove their point as they are horrendously outgunned used a Mini-Dimension Eater on Carlisle. Now their planet is dying. They are looking at an extinction event. All the good planets in the cluster is already occupied so they come up with a mind control scheme using Protoculture ruins.
  21. You sure? Zola has a Galaxy Patrol. Isamu joined one once according to his record. Galaxy Patrols unlike the typical UN Forces if we go by Zola are law enforcement.
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