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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. If you watch Macross Delta you'll understand there are disadvantages for each mode. Not to mention the VF-171 didn't have the firepower to dent Varjra. Nah Frontier NUNS don't have the experience nor equipment to deal with Vajra. Of course they'd get scared. The Vajra were a bit of a Out of Context Problem due to how tough and adapting they are. Stealth overtechnology. We've seen it before in Macross Plus and Macross Zero. The NUN has been aware of the Vajra since 2040 and has kept it classified. Particularly the disaster with the 117th Research fleet in 2048. The NUNG made a cover up that it was lost in a Fold fault accident. The Frontier government, which is sponsored by transport magnate and SMS owner Richard Bilrer, gathered survivors to study and prepare for the Vajra. Meanwhile Macross Galaxy got Grace as they liked her implant theory for galactic domination. The reason of which is the interest on Fold Quartz which can produce better Overtechnology than they currently use with Fold Carbon. Both Frontier and Galaxy aimed for Vajra space to reap the benefits. As nobody figured out how the Protoculture made their own Fold Quartz. As for Leon by invading the Vajra homeworld he aims to monopolize Fold Quartz. If Fold Quartz is monopolized there is a possibility of dominating the galaxy. In Macross Delta we already see Windermere making a play for that as they have their own stash of Protoculture Fold Quartz relics.
  2. A pure Earther human? In Macross Eternal Love Song U.N. Spacy officer Lyle Craze defects to the Burado fleet becoming Zentradi size. It is in the middle of the DYRL-Macross II timeline.
  3. Well she became Moaramia Fallyna Jenius when she was adopted. From what I understand her clone line was specifically developed to be young Mentrandi to fit on the Variable Glaug. She fought her own clone on planet Susia who was piloting the Final Weapon, a Fighter Pod that combines with two other parts forming a large Nousjadeul-Ger like unit. Macross Frontier manga and novelization had a character named Ariel Jifon who was part of Frontier's NUNS. She was killed in battle.
  4. Macross 7 showed the Protoculture ruin of Rax which rose up from the mantle responding to Basara's song had its AI deploy a barrier Gavil. More Macross 7 reference with Mikumo. Not only is her hair can move and act like Sivil's but Mikumo had a bubble barrier like Sivil did.
  5. According to Macross Delta novelization vol 1 by Kodachi Ukyo the Sv-154 was called the Sv-154 Svärd, meaning Sword in Swedish.
  6. White Knight of Black Wings manga prequel side story seems to be covering that. On another note while Windermerean accuses Terrans they wouldn't have known war if they didn't come this is a lie. Going by the Newtype article 40 years ago they were still fighting each other with knights gliding with gliding beasts. The real issue is that they are feeling inferior despite being stronger and having Runes due to Terrans lifespans and advanced technological civilization.
  7. Actually... Agatha Hetrodyne: "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from SCIENCE!" Fairy Godmother Zeetha: What is with the quotation marks? Who said that? Agatha Hetrodyne: ME!
  8. Note that Windermereans keep saying if Earthers didn't they would still have peace. Actually they were still fighting each other in the air with glider suits and gliding beasts 40 years ago for mountain castles. What they really meant is that they wouldn't this existential crisis if Earthers didn't make contact with them. This whole spiel of them being the true heirs of the Protoculture is a manifestation of their inferiority complex. As Reina would say "It's not Magic, it's Science.". http://monkeybacon.mywebcommunity.org/MCRtechnology/08aOvertechnology-SpaceFold.php http://monkeybacon.mywebcommunity.org/MCRtechnology/12aSongEnergy.php http://monkeybacon.mywebcommunity.org/MCRtechnology/08aOvertechnology-SpaceFold.php Roid is messing with stuff he shouldn't have with the appearance of those Mega Fold Gates. http://monkeybacon.mywebcommunity.org/Stats/Statistics/Sourcebook/Timeline1945.php Special thanks to Sketchley.
  9. We finally got a name for those portals Mega Fold Gates. Which suspiciously sounds like Super Dimensional Energy Gates technology that led to the Protodevlin entering the universe. From what I understand from Macross Chronicle Technology sheet on Space Fold says Fold can appear differently due to circumstances. Folds we see were it is instantaneous with a bubble effect is that ships are wrapped in a warp bubble and fold at short ranges while those which are not instantaneous or using portals are super long range folds. The third type of folding is at super-luminal speeds done by Protodevlin like Sivil and Gravil. That said if the ruins are tapping into the Sea of Spritia through those gates no wonder it is affecting Fold Receptors and everybody else as according to Macross Chronicle the ethereal body or spirit exist in Fold Space. A Fold Amp that taps directly to Fold Space and it is activated by what looks like a Protoculture singer. On overload the system renders Freyja in a lifeless trance drains the life literally off Cassim like Protodevlin victims. Roid is really playing with dangerous stuff probably at the same level as the Protodevlin.
  10. Huh? Just noticed the Dulfim type can fire like Supervision gunship and Meltrandi gunship without the the whole split transformation. Windermere's Deneb variant don't seem equipped as a gunship. The Catamaran-type of theirs half serves a gunship it seems while the other a carrier. edit: We finally got a name for those portals Mega Fold Gates. Which suspiciously sounds like Super Dimensional Energy Gates technology that led to the Protodevlin entering the universe. From what I understand from Macross Chronicle Technology sheet on Space Fold says Fold can appear differently due to circumstances. Folds we see were it is instantaneous with a bubble effect is that ships are wrapped in a warp bubble and fold at short ranges while those which are not instantaneous or using portals are super long range folds. The third time of folding is at super-luminal speeds done by Protodevlin like Sivil and Gravil.
  11. Macross Frontier episode 1 we see a high school boy ride a hover board.
  12. Well tech wise it does seem less exotic compared to air blades or hover boards that we've seen in the setting. edit: I wondering why the Japanese wikipedia page on Zentradi mechanical weapons says the movie Thurvel-Salan has a main gun. Re-watching DYRL I saw its front hull split firing an energy convergence canon in front of Golg Boddole Zer's ship. Given the lack of any Battle classes in the Brisingr cluster if we take DYRL mechanic as preferred canon then that Thurvel-Salan was Al Shahal's big stick as it were. No wonder the first target was the Zentradi garrison. If NUNS Zentradi ships in the region provide the extra fire power then it is possible Windermere targeted them specifically so they'd be assigned elsewhere before they declared war.
  13. Well Sheryl had the gas rockets in The False Songstress. Interesting development in the Keith manga. Why the Aerial Knghts are so confident on striking NUN core worlds.
  14. Interesting development in the Keith manga.
  15. That is where the anti-heat cream comes in. Wakure comment on it in the Freyja side story manga after the first visit to Al Shahal.
  16. Well that is miniaturization for you. Basara and Mylene had to wear a harness. Milky Dolls had theirs on their dresses shoulder pads now Walkure has them as sport bras.
  17. Nah Scarfell happen after 8 months of the independence war.
  18. Okay I venture to guess this Catamaran-type ship that Windermere uses is a gunship-carrier combo. Very different from Macross Galaxy's battleship-carrier Catamaran type that they use as escorts like the Dulfim. However we saw a non-military version of that with the Refugee ship in the movies. In the movies though the Deneb class serve as gunships against the Vajra nest on what presume to be Gaul 4. Windermere uses their Deneb variant as a pure battleship.
  19. Gamlin got special permission to join UN Spacy at 15. Tohma Syun of the VF-X Ravens was a year old 15 ace that joined that unit. You have to remember other than clones there wasn't much of adults around. Mylene was 10 when she got her driver's license. Milia was setting her up for marriage at 14. Marrying at that age is probably thought to be old fashioned nowadays in Macross Delta but such was the necessity during the early decades as humans really need to make babies to increase the population. Meltrandi aging though means they can take their time before choosing a partner. Some of them are picky like Veffidas and Emilia. You'll have to beat them first at what they are good at. Yeah pretty much the Max-Milia courtship. Veffidas did not accept her suitor as he can't defeat her in martial arts. Emilia fell for Basara when he won their Rock off.
  20. Rudanjal Rom Mayan. Note just a couple of years before that whole incident got declassified. Brisingr Alliance NUNS higher up watches George Yamamori's Tori no Hito spits his drink hearing the word Mayan and the way Sara talks about Kadun is like how Windermereans keep talking about Wind.
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