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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Supervision Army or the Protoculture themselves armed with Birdmen.
  2. That was Sheryl's comeback at Nanase. Though Nanase does recognize Alto is trap. Therefore not good enough.
  3. If the Mao Nome connection is true then I can postulate why Ranka and Sheryl have crystals. When Sara Nome sang it had two effects. One on lifeforms stimulating growth and vitality and the second making the rocks on Mayan island fly. The rocks on Mayan island and Vajra crystals have similar properties of resonating with those of priestess blood. Ranka has Vajra organisms within her that has crystals thus her emotions and singing has a dual effect on the organism and crystals. Sheryl on the otherhand only has earring crystals that resonate with her emotions and song. Ranka's stomach glows while Sheryl's earing twinkles. That is why Ranka has the X-factor that Galaxy Anonymous is looking for.
  4. Frankly we don't know squat about the Supervision Army today. We only that a) Their crew are giants and b) their mecha has the same paint job or aesthetic as the Elgerzorene (Exsedol noted that the enemy's fighters seem familiar but dismissed it as they are the wrong size.) and c) they booby trap their ships. We don't know if the Protodevlin is still in command of the Supervision Army after so long. Besides Gepelnitch was too busy with his Spiritia Farm project to even bother. Protodevlin don't seek galactic domination. Bringing in the Supervision Army would undoubtedly attract uncultured Zentradi main fleets. On Exsedol's count there should be more or less 2000 of them
  5. When I read Sheyl's posts I can't feel but sad for the poor girl. Galaxy's lack of educating her make her look like somebody without common sense. Then again Galaxy wants a dumb blond to better manipulate. But given Sheryl's learning aptitude she's not the dumb blond they were counting on.
  6. It's a Quadralunn-Rea actually like the Pixies. There are only three Quadralun types we know, the Rau, Rea and Quilqua (Emilia's custom). In the 2030's Quadraluun's were used by rouge Zentrandi. As seen in flashback where the VF-11 "Pink Pecker" squadron of Ray, Stephan and Kiryuu were ambushed. Also Quadralunns appear to be popular with kids. In Macross 7: the Galaxy is Calling Me, three year old Pedro identified Emilia's power suit as a Quadraluun. When you think about it the Quadralunn has advantages over the Regult so perhaps UN Spacy or NUNS made the Quadraluun the standard Zentradi military power suit for mass production. Regults can be said to be as obsolete as the VF-1. Heck The Fleet of Strongest Women uses Quadraluuns and they are still making circles over VF-11s, not to mention Chlore owned Basara on their first date.
  7. That was inside the entertainment ship Hollywood also seen in Macross 7.
  8. Akusho, Basara's pad, isn't really a registered part of City 7. Nobody lives there except Basara and Ray. I think Vividas lives in City 7. Just like the vegetation plant it is a island ship attached to City 7. There is something I've notice with Basara and vehicles. He can pilot any vehicle expertly whether a scooter or motorcycle, even a Valkyrie no hands! Just elbows. Which leads me to think Basara is a savant. Which could explain his genius ability while being immature. Being compulsive when sets his mind into something. Being a savant also explains how Basara is able to perform the qm-69 without a sweat. As far as we know Basara didn't attend a flight school. His entire life prior to Macross 7 is mystery. The town he used to live doesn't even know who he really is. The old man who likes golf only knows that kid used to sing everyday at the mountain with howling winds.
  9. Only in terms of length but in terms of width, height and area a NMC city block is bigger than a Megaroad.
  10. Different that's a Meltran Gun Destroyer. (1200 m) A Meltran Gunship is 1800 m.
  11. Can't help but notice the profile similarity between the Macross Quarter (400m) and the Meltran Gunboat (1800m). As far as I know a Meltran Gunboat can fire its main gun like the original Macross' main gun before it lost some parts. Now we don't know how many Gunboats Chlore had if her fleet joined UN Spacy. As of 2030's to 2059 Quadralunns appear to be the mecha of choice by full sized Zentradi. So perhaps the Quarter is a test bed for a Meltran Gunboat refit into a Macross.
  12. You know there was an implication of prior AI development before Sharon Apple in Plus. Emotion chips were declared illegal because they make AI have self preservation instincts and irrationally dangerous. They can't have juice machines and street sweepers staging a rebellion, can they? Even then Sharon's creation involved personality imprinting using a live person.
  13. Lol Macross women always have an issue about that. Though society whose population is relatively young it is understandable. The difference is that Cathy is still a unbought Christmas cake compared to Misa and Millia.
  14. The whole 2012 thing was to show when the colonization started. Just to give a rough idea. Megaroad 13 is the only Megaroad we see on screen beside Megaroad 1 and the Megaroad where the Jenius family used to live in M3. Macross 7 is the 37th immigration fleet. Before Macross 7 there were 7 NMC fleets. Presumably there were 30 Megaroad fleets before. Macross Frontier is the 25th NMC immigration fleet and Macross Galaxy 21st NMC immigration fleet. But there is an evidence of multiple city fleets. Like Macross 1 having 4 NMC vessels and Macross 5 having 3 NMC vessels. Macross 17 in Frontier's prelude appears to have 2 parallel fleets.
  15. Gets hit by a paper fan. Opps Forgot.
  16. Don't forget Tokyo. Shibuya and Akihabara lol.
  17. Ouji-sama VS Hime-sama?
  18. Well even depending on the size I think a SDF is still more expensive than a NMC battle carrier. The whole point of a gunship I believe is for easy replacement. Where if a SDF's main gun is deatroyed it'll have to go for refit. Besides if ain't broke why scrap it? That there is Zentradi philosophy on equipment.
  19. Mylene Jenius? Makes me wonder if one the sites of her tour is Macross 7. Galaxy Anonymous will probably write it off as a target as one Nekki Basara lives there and have competent military and civilian leaders.
  20. With Frontier their backs on the wall with Vajra and Galaxy something tells me the 33rd Marines will be back to save the day. Especially if Ohgathwai is old friends with Richard Bilrer.
  21. Actually Sheryl said that she should thank the Galaxy pilot, Brera, because Grace is with her now. Grace made that cover story with supposed rumor that there was Galaxy survivors on Galia 4. Unfortunately Grace has Leon in her pocket as any official questions would be moot. If it were Max or any of his captains and officers they'd question this fishy story. Cathy and Ozma are beginning to question Leon's loyalty. Leon is playing fast and loose with NUNS, SMS (Bilrer) and Galaxy. He'll get burned eventually. One way to blow the whistle is Ohgathwai and a portion of the 33rd Marines surviving, confirming there was no Galaxy survivor on Galia 4. Also if Temzin survived and blabed about Grace.
  22. Grace said Brera saved her. As for Sheryl not questioning Grace is for the simple reason that she is attached to Grace and is very glad that she is alive. Grace is perhaps her only friend in Galaxy. But Sheryl doesn't know Grace-tachi's true intentions. Originally the Megaroad 1 was built as the SDF-2. Supposedly a bigger version of the Macross. But the war delayed it's construction. When Global had unveiled his colonization plan he had the SDF-2 rebuilt as a even bigger colony ship. So UN Spacy did have the capacity to build SDFs. Only the Global is a mass production version with the transformation feature. These SDF Macross class ships became the precurssor to the New Macross Class. Though we don't have the specs yet if the Global is 1200 meters like the Macross or 1620 meters like the SDF-2 was supposed to be.
  23. Actually Roy didn't get a bite of pineapple salad. Kakizaki didn't finish his steak. Densha Otoko is said to be a real life story on how a otaku, who stood up against a drunk on a train, got into a relationship with a girl with the help of 2chan members. So you see the humorous irony of Bilrer vs Grace-tachi. Though I'd label Grace-tachi more like 4chan.
  24. Densha Otoko (Train man) VS Galaxy Anonymous aka GraceChan
  25. Lol as big as a Zentradi fleet of Gorg Bodol Zer, 4,795,122 ships. Where's you're Minmay now huh? Oh wait you now have the little queen Q1 now. Sound Force 2.0 as old Col. Barton wanted Operation M to be, under the military jurisdiction. No civilian rockstars you can't control. Fairy 9 had the same role but Galaxy Anonymous judged her as defective thus disposable. If Alto is any indication it'll take both Q1 and Fairy 9 to stop this war.
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