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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Actually Ranka was quite concerned for her manager. It's just Grace talking it's for Ranka's own good being kept secure. Yes Grace is a b*tch.
  2. Thanks. Sound Force or Jamming Birds?
  3. That was Bobby. Since both Ozma and Bobby are Fire Bomber fans something tells me they met during a Fire Bomber concert. Or the Macross universe's version of Woodstock.
  4. You know it would be funny if they made a island replica of Macross city with a SDF in a Lake Global.
  5. Still based on Dr. Chiba's work. He had a machine that measured emotions and used Gamlin as a test subject.
  6. I'll have to wait for the translation but I'm beginning to see the motivations behind Grace et al and Bilrer. Bilrer said his dream is to make the galaxy a smaller place using Fold Quartz. Like the new LAI booster and instant communication. Bringing the children of the Protoculture together. Now what did the Protoculture could not achive in their 500,000 years of history? Unity and Peace. In Macross Plus and VFX-2 there are still colony disputes, rogue Zentradi, worst a coup attempt. Humanity is mearely taking the same footsteps as the failed Stellar Republic. As Linderman in the show Heroes said to Nathan. People need hope but it is fear they trust fear. This tragedy will rally the people in a united sense of hope under united sense of fear. Macross Galaxy is using the Vajra to create fear and establish themselves to guide civilization.
  7. March here are shots of the Dulfim and Kaitos.
  8. No torrents yet but it is uploaded at Veoh.
  9. Great that goes against the whole point of Bruno Global's colonization plan.
  10. Exhibit A: Macross Plus OVA Episode 1 After a rouge Zentradi operation Isamu's commanding officer considers him to be transfered. Isamu is a good pilot but not a team player. After all other places that Isamu can be transfered to Isamu he is considered persona non-grata. With exception of one place New Edwards Airforce Base, Eden. Isamu enthusiastically accepts his exile. Upon arriving on Eden with his VF-11 he encounters the YF-21 on a test flight. After the WTF wondering about why it didn't show on radar Isamu contacts New Edwards with the call sign Eagle 1-0-7.
  11. Specifically which one? An episode of the OVA or the movie? If it's an episode I'll just see if it is in Youtube.
  12. Well if Rooy Kanu's story is somewhat based on fact the Birdman parts were intentionaly separated as to not destroy humanity. Not to mention from what we gathered from the Zentradi the Protoculture are extinct. Like in the DYRL movie they didn't come back. As far as we know only Earth had a Birdman. There is not evidence yet that Zola had a Birdman.
  13. The Evil Series aka Protodevlin are regarded as devils. Does that mean the Birdmen are like angels? It could be that the Protoculture faction that used Anime Spiritia developed the Birdmen.
  14. Actually it much more simpler than that. Above Alto is the Fold Reactor that is about shoot again. Shooting wildy at it would take them both out. Blowing themselves along with Brera before Brera can get away.
  15. I believe the term is Yakh Deculture.
  16. Actually I take it that there were 30 Megaroad class immigration and 25 large scale immigration fleets. Where Megaroads have a capacity of 80,000 colonists the original NMC and later classes have an excess of a million. Macross Frontier has 10 million colonists.
  17. Lol Basara x Guitar! Basara is quite a ladies man without trying. Basara x Flower Girl Basara x Rex Basara x Rex's blonde haired groupie (He was pulling a biker Max impersonation.) Basara x Sivil Basara x Emilia Jenius Basara x Liza (Zolan UN Spacy Cop) Basara x Elma (Zolan loli) Basara x Akiko (When possesed by Sivil) Basara x Chlore Basara x Advisor Tranquil Basara x The Fleet of Strongest Women (Meltran Fangirls)
  18. Initially I thought it was a domain problem. The main page can't be connected to. I was able to enter the mecha page but lately nada zip. That won't work too.
  19. Alto was going WTF with Ozma's speed with an Armored Pack. Alto would go WTF with Max flying a production model VF-24. Outperforming both him and Brera.
  20. Proto-ageement was a mistranlation. Though how the heck do mistranslate the word Protocol? The Protocol was referring to both Sheryl and Ranka singing reaching deep space through the crystals.
  21. Well the SR-71 Blackbird will be transforming as Jetfire in 2009. (A VF-1S Autobot in the G1 toyline) You have to wonder whether Michael Bay would give a Gerwalk in joke.
  22. No! Don't take them, Sheryl!
  23. More likely though Max and Millia is together again and produced another daughter or two. You have to wonder though. Macross 7 could be the closest fleet there is to Frontier and Galaxy.
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