I'll have to wait for the translation but I'm beginning to see the motivations behind Grace et al and Bilrer.
Bilrer said his dream is to make the galaxy a smaller place using Fold Quartz. Like the new LAI booster and instant communication.
Bringing the children of the Protoculture together.
Now what did the Protoculture could not achive in their 500,000 years of history?
Unity and Peace.
In Macross Plus and VFX-2 there are still colony disputes, rogue Zentradi, worst a coup attempt.
Humanity is mearely taking the same footsteps as the failed Stellar Republic.
As Linderman in the show Heroes said to Nathan. People need hope but it is fear they trust fear. This tragedy will rally the people in a united sense of hope under united sense of fear.
Macross Galaxy is using the Vajra to create fear and establish themselves to guide civilization.