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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. Claudia LaSalle, the bridge helm bunny? Ring any bell? Roy Focker's grirlfriend. Maker of Pineapple Salad.
  2. Juice in egg shaped containers with cute straws on both hands, falling down from Basara's ladder.
  3. I alway though of Macross 7 like NCC-1701 D Enterprise. Having a Battle section ansd civilian section. NMCs are actually three ships. The carrier, the city and the gunship. The gunship is designed in such a way that it wont blow off the occupied sections in Attacker mode.
  4. This ep just goes to show that Max and Exsedol are just show-offs with Battle 7.
  5. Horrible Raws No really that's what they call themselves.
  6. Well I saw a chart with the VF lineages. SV-51 had a question mark. I think the SV-51 transformation scheme was revisited with the YF-24 then later applied to the VF-25 and VF-27.
  7. How many minutes till MF?
  8. Hopefully Galaxy also shows of it's own NMC in purple colored goodness.
  9. But that Valkyrie will have to be organic.
  10. Well the SMS song says shoot them with Big missiles. Spread their seed across the galaxy because they are hot guys. As I sais SMS was an all Zentran outfit.
  11. An example of Deculture. Totsugeki Love Heart! Repeat Question: Oh yeah did the pilot in VFX get a name or am I to assume it was Aegis Focker too?
  12. Well there is always the Orguss Valkyrie. Studio Nue's in joke on Super Dimensional Century Orguss. One in the three Super Dimension franchise. (Macross, Southern Cross, Orguss) The Orguss in SDC Orguss has 4 modes. Orgnoid mode (Battroid), Gerwalk mode, Fighter mode, Tank mode. Edit: Oh yeah did the pilot in VFX get a name or am I to assume it was Aegis Focker too?
  13. You're kidding right? Deculture or "De Culcha" in Zentradi can have several meanings. Usually expressed in surprise. The usual are Cool, Great, Awesome, at other times it means Unbelievable, Impossible. At worst case Oh Sh*t. Yakku Deculture means an extreme version of Deculture.
  14. He never flew a plane before. Hikaru had nore flight time and combat time. That didn't stop him from kicking ass in video games and meet his future wife.
  15. Something occurred to me while watching Macross Plus again. We know that the Protodevlin uses mind control systems to control humans and Zentradi. The Protodevlin being the creators of the Supervision Army. The Macross was formerly a Supervision Army ship. Even with Earth rebuilding it the SA left a booby trap system with it's main gun. It is assumed with lights and sound the AI Sharon Apple was able to control the populace. But what if there is more to that? What if Sharon used a SA system embeded in the Macross to control the populace? We know that there are recall systems for errant Zentradi, compelling them to obey. Vrlithwai used this once on Quamzin for disobeying his orders. Say the Protodevlin modified this system and had it become standard in every Supervision Army ship. I can also see the Vajra, if they are creations of the Protoculture, being controled with a similar but fold wave/string based system.
  16. I believe the term for this is Yak Deculture.
  17. More like a Borg or Replicator than a reimagined Cylon Raider.
  18. I was looking for a more grammar reference though. Thanks anyway. Edit: New question. What is the real name of the CV-565 carrier in VFX-2? In Mahq it's listed as Enbaterion while in M3 it's listed as Saratoga II.
  19. Indeed same seiyuu too. Though it's surprising just a year after the Protodevlin war Miho Miho is more prettier than ever and seemed to fill up some bust size. I considered her semi-loli of M7's bridge bunnies. Lol at the Omiai attempt with Gamlin by Millia.(marriage arrangement) VFX happened the same year Basara went chasing Space Whales and Mylene having a solo career. (2047) A year after that 117th fleet disappeared, 2048. Also take a look-see at who voiced a Milky Doll. Could Grace O'Connor be Liatris? FYI: The Milky Dolls are the only other known group besides Fire Bomber and Jamming Birds to produce Song Energy. (Emilia can create song energy too but she's a soloist.)
  20. Besides the Compendium is there anywhere else I could learn Zentradi language?
  21. Lolicon or Lolita Complex means a liking to 2D prebubescent or immature girls. The term Lolita is derived from Vladamir Nabokov's novel Lolita, where it's protagonist and narrator Humbert Humbert is obssesed with having an intimate relationship with a "very" young girl named Lolita. Moe- derived from Moeru or to burn or burning refers to a person's feeling of being passionate about something or someone when they see them. For example when you see a kitten you say "So Cute!". Apply that to 2D girls or real life girls otakus gets passionate on their points of Moe. In a way Moe can be described as a fetish.
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