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Everything posted by RedWolf

  1. I don't think this has been pointed out yet. Monster Ranka MDE?
  2. Zolan kittens in their mama's pouch is just a cute too.
  3. Loschier Company sells stolen fold boosters, VF-22D and reaction weaponry. For all we know Manfred Brado was the guy Loschier was suppose to sell that VF-22 Laiza commandeered. (Macross Dynamite 7)
  4. Newtype magazine coverage of MF ships Translation Please!
  5. Ok got the image. People translations! ASAP!
  6. Funny you mention Kaifun he manages Fire Bomber American on Macross 11.
  7. Fine I'll pm the guy for the link. I just can't just read kanji k? That is why I'm asking for confirmation. It is called the VF-171EX. LAI has been known to build their own versions of existing fighter craft. They made the VF-25 out of the YF-24. Though I wonder about the licensing issue with General Galaxy. (As Leon became a dictator.) Though this could be special circumstances production and modification like the VF-11D Jamming Bird.
  8. Cutting the science talk for now. Confirmation please. One of the posters at Spacebattles.com said that this class is the Haruna class. The Haruna class? As in the first ship Max captained? This thing is older than we thought.
  9. Don't delude yourselves thats Despair and Nightmares she is holding as opposed to Sheryl's Hopes and Dreams. Though back to the original topic the thread starter meant. I think Grace's motivations will be indirectly explained once Alto speaks again with Mr. Bilrer.
  10. Macross M3 Intro The green one were used by Zentradi insurgents. But UN Spacy also had a original VF for Zentran pilots, the VA-14. VA-14 Type: Variable fighter-attack craft for Zentadi pilots. Equipment Type: Variable Vehicles Manufacturer: General Galaxy/Mikoyan Government: U.N. Customers: UNS, including Macross 05 fleet. Development began around 2025 on the VA-14 as a variable fighter-attack craft for Zentradi pilots. The VA-14 has a larger frame compared to the VF-14, but the two units share the basic structure and transformation system. It also has comparatively heavier armor and weaponry, but because the engine thrust was increased along with wings being completely redesigned, it has higher combat maneuverability within the atmosphere. Mass production began around 2030 as the main attack craft primarily for Zentradi colony planets and fleets. Many are still in service. Of course we've never seen the VA-14 on screen or paper but according to Shoji Kawamori it is of the same lineage as the VF-14 Vampire.
  11. I think he misremembered. Ranka got the call then Sheryl got teary then Ranka gave her some genki then Sheryl said she was going to for somebody. Sheryl asks Ranka to sing with her. Ranka figured that Sheryl knew Alto is currently risking his life in battle. Out of the thosands in the big site only they besides Frakking Grace knew about the battle going on.
  12. Some 2channers are doubting that info as that did not come through them first.
  13. Dammit now you made me remember the gender bender from Escaflowne.
  14. My understading is that the Variable Glaug is an original Zentradi VF. Insurgent Zentradi married the Glaug with the VF concept. UN Spacy just stole the idea back when they got Moaramia's Variable Glaug. UN Spacy Variable Glaug
  15. It's a Glaug like the original Glaug only that it has been turned to a VF like what they did to the Monster. Only that rebel Zentradi had the sense to marry the two concepts. The original Glaug, Zentradi Variable Glaug and UN Spacy Variable Glaug.
  16. The Zentran Variable Glaug was built for Zentradi sized pilots. A giant size 6 year old Moaramia Jifon piloted a Variable Glaug till she had a dog fight and got shot down by the Jenius couple. Suffice to say Max already had Millia as a wife and Millia wanted more children... Lets just say Komilia got herself new younger sister out of nowhere. UN Spacy reversed engineered the Variable Glaug and built a miclon friendly version of their own. They even built a unmaned version of the Variable Glaug, the Neo Glaug. UN Spacy Variable Glaug Neo Glaug That is why I feel so sorry for Temzin when he had his rebellion. A Quadralunn-Rea? A girl's battle suit? For shame. They already had included the Koenig Monster why not the Variable Glaug? (Yes I know it is about the budget but still...)
  17. Quamzin once stated that giving Zentradi the means fix their technology is the humans undoing. Indeed insurgent Zentrans as the modern Anti-UN in spirit did not stagnate their weapons tech and become a thorn at the NUN backside. Though any Anti-UN group does not have the manufacturing capacity to match that of the NUN. Often times they have to buy tech from black market arms dealers with also provide pirate groups. Ships: Hatchet Class cruiser Vandal Gunship Roqual submarine Mecha: Variable Glaug Fz-150 Feios Valkyrie Zentradi Battlesuit Reguld Custom Stealth Glaug Stealth Fighter Pod Stealth Quel-Quallie Scout Pod Annabella Lasiodora Mobile Weapon http://mahq.net/mecha/macross/vf-x2/annabellalasiodora.jpg Gjagravan-Va Land Weapon http://mahq.net/mecha/macross/vf-x2/gjagravan-va.jpg
  18. Well since in fanfic I have a good number of aces on the good side I think having some bad guy aces should even things a little. Quamzin Kravshera piloting a Zentradi Variable Glaug Timoshie Daldanton piloting a Fz-150 Feios Valkyrie Nora Polyansky and D.D. Ivanov in modernized SV-51 with thermonuclear reaction engines. Wait aren't these guys already dead? Let us say a certain arms dealer has some sophisticated cloning technology.
  19. You know whenever Battle Frontier's bridge bunny calls "Commander" I can't help but want to say Max's famous line. "Don't take your eyes off the monitor."
  20. UN Spacy VFs that I seen VF-1 Valkyrie, VF-4 Lightning III, VF-3000 Crusader, VF-5000 Star Mirage, VF-9 Cutlass, VF-11 Thunderbolt, VF-14 Vampire even it’s Varauta variant, VF-17 Nightmare, VF-171 Nightmare II, VF-19 Excalibur, VF-22 Strumvogel II, VF-171 Nightmare II, VF-25 Messaiah, VF-27 I'd put the VA-3 Invader, Variable Glaug and VB-6 Koenig Monster on a different category. The Variable Glaug was originally a rogue Zentradi design incorporated for miclone use in UN Spacy. There is also the unmanned Neo Glaug and the drone version of the VF-11. The Compendium says there is a VF-5, VF-6, VF-7 but these were never show visually.
  21. Well Bilrer doesn't have to say it verbally. Something tells me that the assasination plot being leaked to Cathy and Ozma was his doing. How many hotdog stand vendors do you know sells conspiracy plans evidence. If I was Bilrer and some wannabee dictator wanted to steal my company I'd lay contigency plans as a big Frak You. Leon tried to Grace who do think is next on his list?
  22. DE or MDE bombs were derived from Fold Quartz research. Gigil didn't swallow a planet ala DE he started self destructing probably couldn't control all that super dimensional energy due to being both irrationally overprotective of Sivil and the excess energy due to Spiritia regeneration. If it were a DE Fire Bomber wouldn't be able to protect themselves with Song energy. In Macross Zero it was stated that the carbon dating around the Birdman in 10,000 years old. There was an intial colonization mission that was lost almost 500,000 years ago but 10,000 years ago the Birdman arrived leading to the birth of the Mayan people. If the Mayan legend that the Birdman was ordered to destroy humanity by the god Procacha (Protoculture?) but relented cutting its head off is based some what on fact and a woman called Rooy Waka which came from the Birdman became Rooy Kanu's wife. Then as of 10,000 years ago a Protoculture did return had kids with a native and returned back to the stars. This bloodline became the Mayans or more specifically the Nomes.
  23. The Evil Series have Super Dimensional organs not Fold Quartz. The same energy used in the Macross cannons. These organs draw energy from an alternate dimension that is how the Protodevlin took over the Evil series. Dimension Eaters as explained by Grace are derived from Fold Quartz. Apparently she and LAI found another use for Fold Quartz other than bypassing Fold Dislocations and energy requirements for travel and communication. Who said I did? Your the one who is confused. I know the PC civil war and the Protodevlin Holocaust that followed because of weapons escalation. Don't put words on anybody else's mouth that they did not say. It is too presumptuous.
  24. No DE weapons. It was never said the Protoculture developed DE just Reaction Weapons. It is likely this world's Protoculture inhabitants died when the Protodevlin went sucking the lifeforce out of the galaxy. Remember the Protoculture never wanted to dirty their hands that is why they created the Zentradi. But the homeworld could be off limits in their civil war.
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