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  1. If you click on the "Rocket Angel" unit enough(female power armor unit armed with energy whip and missile spam), I swear she says "Machida!"...
  2. Does Alto really have to be the war hero though? I find it rather refreshing that he's not the one that people rely on to turn the tide of the battle or whatever, he just did the best he could for those that he knows. Hey, we have those in real life too. Army Reserve ;p I had a million dollar humvie armed with anti tank missile that i had to sign for when I was a freshman in college...
  3. Lets go back further... Gigantor/Tetsujin 28. Hell, that's where the term shotacon came from...
  4. Sheryl Actual character development.
  5. Well, I wasn't too overly fond of Macross Plus either. As for Roy Fokker... I dunno, it felt like its just milking it.
  6. It didn't feel like Macross to me, that's why I hated it. For me, Macross has always been space exploration, different way of life, giant transforming space ships (you know, the title?), and to some degree, giant females that can fly circles around males. Macross Zero had zero of what I mentioned above. Yeah, it's got Valks and Protoculture back stories, but that's just enough reminder that its named Macross without having what I loved about the series.
  7. Aside from the Marduk super-robot-esque mecha, I actually rather enjoyed it. The destroids and macross cannon design from it was also highly enjoyable.
  8. Track 19 is LOVE...
  9. The three greats: Larry, Moe, and Curly. though they might just spend most of the time shooting each other's sensors out...
  10. Any way for me to get a confirmation on this? According to both the Chinese and Japanese wiki entry on Macross Frontier, it was described during the novelization of MF, aside from Skull and Pixie, S.M.S also had three other squads (Blue, Crimson, and Purple), with unknown composition but each is equipped with one electronic warfare variant of VF-22S similar to RVF-25.
  11. Something just hit me, homage-wise. In the last ep, at the end of the mental/psychic heart to heart between A-S-R, when they put their hands together, I thought the scene looked familiar... The DYRL scene where Hikaru handed the lyric to Minmei's hand anyone?
  12. In ep7, when Alto connected his ex-suit to Luca's VF didn't it show that there was mocap function to the Valk?
  13. Re-watching the Ep 25 of MF for the Nth time right now, and this question just hit me... What kind of music would I want to hear for the next iteration of the Macross franchise (aside from the MF movie)? Personally I would prefer a little bit of rock 'n roll again, maybe a female [punk] rocker a la Priss from Bubble Gum Crisis, what about you guys here? Sure, j-pop is always a good safe bet, but I think something with a bit more edge (especially after listening to the back and forth switch between Sheryl and Ranka in this ep) would definitely be welcomed on my part
  14. Well, like valkyriepilot above, I too had grew up in Asia (Taiwan more specifically). Being a former Japanese colony, even with a Japan hating martial law government in charge of Taiwan at the time, a lot of our entertainment sources came straight from Japan (the other half being the US), japanese anime pretty much made up most of my animation watching days growing up. In fact, one of the earliest memory I have of my childhood was watching Macross on TV at my grandfather's house, where Hikaru and Misa talking onboard SDF Macross. Macross was a definite obsession of mine growing up, and would doodle various mechas in my textbooks in school (to include a series of fruit-based battlepods, hey, I was in first grade, I thought that was cool!). Got the songs on cassette tapes, and have posters and various toys littered about my room. After moving to the US shortly before M+ came out, my friends and family and Taiwan would still mail me VHS and VCDs of shows that they know I would like, and managed to keep up my fandom that way. Also got exposed to Robotech on Sci-fi... Not knowing english at the time, I just watched it religiously because I didn't have the original Macross with me, with a WTF factor slowly creeping in as I learn more engllish. Also went and got the Robotech books too, which is actually the first recreational use book I've read in english. Once again, the WTF factor slowly creeping in as I learned english lol. Watched and rewatched my M+ and M7 VCDs, and also went and bought the english M+ VHS when it came out in the states. Also remember the days when they used to carry some Macross models at the local Michael's/MJ Design shops (pretty darn cheap too thinking back... less than $20 a pop, cheaper than VHS), I went and loaded up on the various destroids that they have available, due to the fact that I was nitpick about the VFs not being able to transform... When internet first became available to me I would stand around searching for Macross related stuff online. Also made a now defunct Geocities site devoting to Macross, and participated in some of the old Yahoo! Group RPGs about mechas, choosing the VF-17 for my character and throughly confusing the heck of the other players that would use "Alpha VT Fighters"... those were the days, and I feel freaking old. I was actually born the same year the Macross originally came out, so everytime they have an anniversary of some sort, aside from reminding me of the good ol' days, also serves as a reminder of my age
  15. As a now older fellow than my first exposure to Macross.... I have to vote for HMM. I see Hikaru's choice from Minmei to Misa more as how a boy grow up to be a man. Going from an idol/cute girl chasing idiot to become a real man that knows what's important in life. As for the other pairings... M7 "triangles" in my view is more about the Mylene choosing a way of life for herself, fringe and mainstream. Though her character was too young (and too woefully underdeveloped) for this to play out completely in my book. M+ triangle... Kinda meh, reminds me more as a continuation of HS level romance several years later. M0 was way too short for me to see it as an actual triangle. More like competing crushes where one side never got a chance. MF triangle also don't have much of an impact on me, since the only difference between S and R is probably just maturity level on their part in my book.
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