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Everything posted by niVL@Boy

  1. yippee.....can't wait to PO Fuke..... oh wait....crap......i forgot......it's not coming out???? ....i checked this thread everyday without fail and somehow it manages to survive and stays on the first page of the "anime & science fiction" sub-forum... which raises my hopes that somehow, someway fuke survived beagle's cruel decision and someone was posting the updates here....only to find....
  2. Eagerly waiting for this beau......Just hope this is not vaporware or some stoopid exclusive......
  3. VF22S: "Lift me higher dude ............Nice Cleavage "
  4. wooo.....Just got my Toynami Rand too.....loving it That link to the toynami lancer almost made me jump outta my chair.... crappers.....
  5. GREAT!!! i got mine but have not started work it yet.....you don't mind letting me know what color you'll be using on the fac racer do you? I've posted a question to the peeps here...but it seems like no one has gotten it done yet..... Can't wait to see your progress pics....
  6. Hi peeps, Need your help on this. I just got my fan racer. WOndering if anybody has finish theirs. May I know what color is used on the kit? It looks red but not exactly red to me. Dont wanna screw up such an expensive kit. Thanks!!!
  7. woooooot...........finally............ it's so beautiful....i wanna cry........
  8. hmm....interesting topic.... well the way i see it, vintage toys have values because of the generation who treasures them.... i mean all those cool chogos,super sentai shows, TFs, Starcom, Mask, Mospeada, Macross, etc....happened in the 70's & 80's and it is mostly (but not all) kids from that generation that appreciates vintage toys because of the sentimental values it holds... Probably in another 10-20 years time, ppl attending macross conventions could very well be old farts with valks OCD. and www.ben10world.com would be the coolest hang out place..... "OMG, did u know the Ben 10 alien force V1 action figures are selling for 5000K on ebay?"......"whoa".....
  9. I guess I have to agree with you guys about the scale and improvements of the v2 1/60s....... ultimateone.....sooner or later they'll find out.....they always do....haha...... Everytime she asks me the price, I'll mark it down by at least 60%.......I'm a sinner..... I think I should take a step back and think properly if it's wise for me to grab the 1/48s.....as tempting as it could be, the recession is far from over.... and hugging my valks to sleep under a bridge isn't a pretty picture.... Thanks guys for the feedbacks....
  10. I guess yammies are sort of like retail theraphy to me. Everytime I come across a good deal, the valk demon in me awakens and takes control of my actions. Haha... I'm suppose to save up to get a place of our own with my other half. If she ever finds out I spent thousands of dollars on a bunch of planes that looks identical (at least to her), I'll be jerking myself off for a long long time.... On a serious note. I do have 4 1/48s thAt i'd love to have in my collection. Roy VF-1S, Hikaru VF-1J w GBP and M&M.
  11. Hmm...lemme see.....I've got 4 more 1/60 valks on pre-order, VE-1 coming soon, getting an Ivanov next week.........some Hot Toys figures...... damn u....yammie....damn u.....my wallet's flat-lining....
  12. Saw the sales at HLJ as well....but plus shipping the price ain't pretty......the ones i saw was off the shelf prices. I will wait for the v2 M&Ms in anticipation and no doubt grab them. But still, the size & price of the 1/48 M&Ms are somewhat tempting..... honkhet, Nice to see fellow countryman here...haha....agree bout the miria pilot boob thingy...i wonder how they'll sculpt boobs on the 1/60 tiny pilots tough....
  13. niVL@Boy

    1/48 vs 1/60 v.2

    Hi guys, Been a lurker here for a year now...time for me to formally introduce myself..... I started collecting the 1/60 v2 when they were just released because of the price difference then compared to the 1/48. The only 1/48 I have is the VF-1J Stealth with SSP.....i marvelled at the size and details of it.......but told myself "Nah, focus on the 1/60 v2, they're cheaper" Lately I've been noticing quite a number of 1/48s on the secondary market and some of them at a very attractive price too..... Just saw the 1/48 M&M going for SGD360 a pair (about USD240).....and I'm really tempted to get them instead of waiting for Yamato to launch the v2 M&M(which i think I'll grab them as well at that point in time). The thought that comes to mind is...why get the 1/60s when i could get the 1/48s at the same price......thanks to the appreciating yen 1/60s just don't seem to be econimal anymore..... What are your thoughts?
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