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Everything posted by Scrapnasty

  1. I thought it would be worth noting that I ordered two arms and a leg for my VF-0S a while back. Well I got them in last week and after painstakingly switching everything out I noticed that the colors are slightly different on the new parts than the originals. It's nothing super major but enough to kind of bug me. Just wanted to give a heads up to you guys.
  2. There are a few on youtube currently. Collection DX's : and . CDX's 1/60 version 2 . Wizartars 1/48 Angel Bird VF-1A review and transformation video There are transformation videos for the VF-0S, SV-51, YF-21 and YF-19 as well on youtube.
  3. Two questions about your Reissue: Firstly, do the feet lock into place when pulled out? One of your pictures shows them collapsed into the leg still. And secondly, is the heat shield glossy? It looks almost shiny in those pictures.
  4. Episode 11 will make everything better.
  5. It comes with those tan/beige missile pods that go on the top of the fighter and on the wings. It also comes with big fuel tanks for the wings. This photo shows all the optional equipment attached.
  6. I honestly found the GL dubs to be very well done. Kamina's VA took some time to squeeze into the role but he managed to get out the insane moments when needed. Simon's did a fantastic job and everybody loved Bloom as Ron. Subs are nice but I seem to process information better when spoken instead of reading. After watching it twice in Japanese and once in english, I caught some stuff that I missed the first time. Also it is nice to be able to focus on the amazing animation work during fight sequences instead of having my eyes buried in text.
  7. I'd just like to add that I purchased a Ghost booster pack combo 0S and i have issues with my figure. Intake connections are iffy with small gaps in fighter and gerwalk. With the booster on it's back, gerwalk sags horribly behind the heat shield section. Gunpod works well on one arm hole but not on the other making it kinda loose in fighter mode. One of the landing gear was super super tight and I had to apply a lot of pressure to un-stick it. All in all I was very disappointed. To make things worse the fingers broke on both of my figures hands. This could be partially my fault but my 1/48 stealth 1J hasn't given me any problems what so ever. Oh and just so everyone knows, yes I ordered it new and the entire package was sealed so the "maybe replaced" comments need not apply.
  8. I have several of these problems. The backpack issue depends on if the flap on the backpack is secure in the main body or not. Still, the left leg is often left not secure. The plane does droop a bit but I have no problems with the intake covers that my 1/48 Stealth J doesn't have. The intake cover one one of my legs, probably the one with the gap that doesn't connect well with the backpack, is loose and tends to fall out easily. The posts about people having these switching out nightmares confuse me. I'm new but is there any reports of this happening? I mean you have to be a very shady business to do something like switch out products. Mine was purchased brand new on Amazon and had tape securing the plane to the ghost booster blister. It seems that the Zero line is just a failure on yamato's part.
  9. Glad you enjoy it.
  10. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v12/fina...rmers/desk1.jpg Click on the link below the picture to get the full version. I adjusted it a bit more in photoshop to not be so bright and overbearing. Should fit most widescreens. Not sure how it'll work on a regular 4:3 like display. Looks great on my 1440x900. Now I have to try harder to get some really good pictures up and post them in the user created section.
  11. I can upload a full sized version if your interested in a desktop background.
  12. I'm tempted but I have to ask will this site hammer my phone with annoying text messages? Currently my ring tone is "Stand Up" by the Flobots for normal calls. For my friend who grew up with Darrell (Dimebag that is) it's Pantera's Mouth For War. I also have Metallica's Creeping Death on my phone but currently not being used.
  13. Scrapnasty

    What is this?

    Some of us don't mind non transforming figures. These were great eight years ago when me and my brother watched Robotech religiously after school. He had the 1D and I had the 1S because I've always been a Focker man. heh.
  14. Glad you guys enjoyed the pics. I should have used the tripod to be honest but it was late. The flag idea was something I'd been waiting to do, just never had a Roy valk to try it on heh.
  15. I bit the bullet on my dream valk about two weeks ago and just got around to taking some decent shots. Makeshift studio in the garage with one overhead light. I think they came out pretty good. VF-0S Ghost bundle. Sans ghost in these photos. (Don't ask about the pieces on the back) Very disappointed on initial inspection. I'll spare the details but I'm going to echo the "stay away from Zero figures" people. Even with this "fixed" release I had several QC issues that have probably ruined my experience. Yamato may not see much of my money anytime soon. That being said the figure looks bloody brilliant and when I find something to keep that damn top of the hand thingy on I'll be much much happier with my purchase. Superglue just isn't holding during the transformation process.
  16. VF-0S leg issue. Someone tell me I'm not alone? Firstly let me say that the bird is amazing looking. It's big, its tampo'd and its not nearly as yellow as the pictures I've seen online make him look. There was tape on all sides of the inside packing where the ghost package was connected to the fighter plastic. You know what I'm talking about, that vacuum sealed stuff. Anyway I notice the tail fins had been folded down, good sign that I got a good figure. After removing the fighter, I quickly inspected the foot thrusters to make sure they locked; another sign of a fixed figure. They do! Excellent, all looks to be well. Although there is a slight gap in one of the figures legs. I shrug it off thinking its not that bad. Transform it into Gerwalk and it looks ok. Gerwalk has never been my absolute favorite and the Zero is kind of a fighter/battroid dude for me. I did take the liberty to check the shoulders by giving them a rotating and what not. Seem firm and not loose at all which is very nice. So I begin to transform him into battroid when I notice something odd. The leg with the gap on it doesn't rotate on the swing bar like it should. You know when you have to turn the legs a little bit to get it ready to slide into the slot on the nosecone. Well I try it again and using a little bit more force, only this just causes the joint right behind the intake to go down. I feel that if I apply any more pressure it'll only break the figure which I'm not about to do. It's a very bizarre problem that I don't think I've ever read about. It's also very disheartening considering the premium I finally shelled out to make sure I didn't get a broken figure. TL;DR: One leg on my Zero is not working properly. Even the landing gear is odd. The one on the good leg has some play like its on a ball joint inside the bay while the broken leg does nothing. Edited : I'm awesome, its just a fact. I disassembled the hips after accidentally pulling them out of the legs. Removed the screws and it turns out there's some rubber inside the hips to give them friction. Well the rubber on the bad leg was stuck to the ball joint making it unable to rotate. I took it off the joint and returned it to the slot it was supposed to be in. All is well! Kind of. The hip bar is also extremely stiff. After messing with it for a while i managed to get it to bend which resulted in paint scraping. No big deal! It's glorious!!! Not going to waste my time on the landing gear at the moment.
  17. I would love to see enemy mecha. Whats the point of all the valks if they have nobody to fight but themselves?
  18. To be honest I was going for a Gurren Lagann "BREAK THROUGH THE HEAVENS" pose but man it sure does look like he's ready to groove. "More than a valkyrie. More than a valkyrie to meee" Is that mic a q-tip you cut down? It looks like it from that photo. Either way it looks cool and I may start my own valkyrie black/death metal band with cutout guitars and stuff, heh.
  19. Thanks again. The V has one of the best flame veneer tops that I've seen on an import. I really hate that it stays in the case all the time but the pickups are just so dull sounding. They're not stock but I can't remember what the dude said he put in them. I do believe he warned me that they weren't that powerful though. Once the JB gets in it'll turn into my E standard main axe. It's a shame that Dean discontinued making them in favor of the 79 series. The ML is in D standard and then drop C every now and then for some Bodom and my own stuff.
  20. Well since I've been called out I guess I have no choice! BEHOLD! Thanks for the compliments and welcome. I really love this valk and only have a few minor complaints. Nothing major that breaks the figures appeal at all for me though, mainly just a few loose odds and ends. I do plan on getting a few of the new 1/60's as well. They look amazing but the next purchase on my short list is a VF-0S. It's pretty much my dream valk. I hope HLJ's shipment this month is the "improved" version. Thanks man. I own 2 Dean guitars and my very first electric. A Dime o Flame ML and a V select. The ML is the workhorse after loading it with an X2N in the bridge it sounds BRUTAL through my Krank Rev Jr head. The V will be getting a pickup swap later this year to a JB hopefully. And of course my little strat copy is for when I get my blues on. The rig itself. Traded the X2 for the Rev Jr so I no longer have that. The ML The V The strat post bored and crazy night Linked so I don't clutter up the robots with guitars.
  21. Hello everyone. Just a newbie posting now that I finnaly own a yamato valk. Couldn't resist snappin some pics. I hope you guys enjoy. (Yes, I am a half-Gerwalk fan)
  22. Welp I guess this thread is for people likes me. First of all let me say that I'm a huge Valk fan from the late 90's. I used to run home from school just to catch Robotech on Toonami. Great times. Fast forward a few years and I aquire my very first valk, a Toynami 1/55 scale Masterpiece VF-1A. I wanted the J or S so bad but they were more expensive. Still, it's a start right? I know theres not a lot of love for the Toynami's but hey, it's better than nothing! Anyway, when Macross Zero came up I fell in love with my transforming fighter planes again. The first episode had me hooked when I saw my old friend Fokker in his sleek VF-0S. Roy had always been my favorite character with the jolly roger motif on his planes it just seemed like the coolest thing. So onto my question, I really REALLY want a VF-0S but I've heard through a few sources that they are plauged by problems. I've browsed through the thread where everyone talks about thier broken figures and it's very dissapointing. I love the design so much. However I've been informed that the Zero's that come packed with the ghost boosters are fixed. Is this true? I honestly have no use for the ghost booster but if it means a better chance at getting a non cracked figure I'll take the extra step. Also HLJ has the 0A on sale at the moment and that one is tempting enough but I've been told to stay away because they are more likeley to have the shoulder problems. Help me MW!
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