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Postman Pat

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Everything posted by Postman Pat

  1. Hey John, Whereabouts do I fit in on the list??? Thanks, Patrick
  2. I'm in for 2 please. Dawn 1-48s!!! Once you buy 1, you just can't stop after that!!!
  3. Eh - Another Vancouver Canucks Fan, here!!! Nick, We should hook up sometime.. I'm in Burnaby/New West Border, at HighGate.. Cool!!!!
  4. I'm with Graham. 3 for me. 1 for me, 1 each for 2 sons..
  5. I'm down for 1. I've been bitten by the 1/48 bug. Can't stop buying..
  6. I knew it!!! I wasn't the only half crazed asian craving for the dark side of things. Glad to see everyone coming out of the woodwork to voice their interests.
  7. William, My buddy works in a plastics retailer which deals with acrylics and plexigalss. If you want, PM or email me a specific draft of the idea and I'll ask him to try to do a mock prototype for us. That way, I can find out what costs that would run. Just think a regular size for models and a larger scaled up size for the 1/55 or 1/48s.
  8. Short and sweet point here, Why hasn't anyone made any regults to go with the 1/55, 1/60. 1/72 or the 1/48 valks??? Don't get me wrong... I love the selection that's out there, but it would be nice to have some Regult Pods to display with everyone's collection. I know the Playmates version is out there. Are there any others??? Any sithlords out there know something that I don't??? Just my 2 cents worth..
  9. Long time since I've been on the board. I likee the new look. Anyways, I'm down for 1.. Everyone is getting 1, so should I.
  10. Rohby I got my 3 sets on Friday. Thanks for the great workmanship. All I can say is "You don't want to miss out on a pair of these!!!"
  11. And the other baby...
  12. The 2 pictures says it all. Both for $150....
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