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Everything posted by ychanus

  1. Sorry for newbie question, I'm building a macross model and found that I've bought glossy paint instead of flat paint. Can I use a flat clear coat to convert it into a flat surface? Any particular brand I should use or link please? Thanks!
  2. 1st step: MicroSol 2nd step: floor wax. 3rd step: dulcoat. ???? Where do you find MicroSol? Can I use flat clear paint as the final dulcoat?
  3. Do you guys just apply some clear flat paint on top of the decal? I remembered reading somewhere that there is something you can put on to melt the decal onto the model surface, but I can't find the thread anymore. Thanks!
  4. Yeah, there are always some people with boat loads of money, 6 hundred bucks is like 5 cents to them. However, that plush is very rare, if whoever didn't bid on it, they may never see it again if not ever.
  5. I;m interest to the whole story, please tell us about it!
  6. How is the quality? As it doesnt even have a picture of the actual item.
  7. The TV arm armor actually looks better in robot mode compared to DYRL version. Just more sleek looking.
  8. The sad part was that, they are not even in one order. I thought I got a good deal for shipping when they are sending my 2 orders together. Totally back fire!! it is also too late for me to refuse the package as it was left by my front door when I got back from work. I'm going to try to talk to my cc company to see what I can do with them. From now on, I'll definitely stay away from them, that little discount really means nothing when they screw you back on shipping. Thanks for everyone's supportive comments.
  9. The valk stand doesn't weight that much. It feels around the same as the CMS box set and HLJ lists 640g for the valk stand package. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMT00033 Again, it was shipped by SAL not EMS and it was at least 2000 yen more than what I expected to pay.
  10. Lesson learned..
  11. I bought a Yamato valk stand and a box set of 10 CMS vol2 figures. They charged me 5000 yens for SAL shipping. http://www.1999.co.jp/asp/index_e.asp?Bno=&Typ1_c=101 Does that make sense??? Hobby Link Japan charge only 1,080yen for SAL shipping for the valk stand only.. Adding to that, the box came in crushed, well the items were fine but the valk stand box is crushed badly. Another problem is that I placed this order back in August and after waiting for so long, I sent them an email to cancel my order. No one reply me of course, and it is now shipped to me and the shipping cost is just nonsense. Should I talk to my credit card company? Will they help?
  12. As far as I understand, they are made for KIDs for costume play. not for adult and real use.
  13. http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=B281138A Does anybody know if the PS2 Macross DYRL game recognize a USB flight stick? Anyone interest in this game?
  14. I think they look alright too, you're probably expecting too much They are just soft plastic figures not resin statue..
  15. I wouldn't recommend this series if people are watching just the Tokyopop version. There are huge reaction everywhere that ID fan were very angry. I agree with Commander McBride that only idiots would buy tokyopop version after being warned in the first place. Peace!
  16. Cool, thanks for the info!!
  17. FOr the people owns all 3 VF-1J 1/48 (Max, Millia, Hikaru). Are the "arm" armor molded in same color of grey?
  18. Your VF-11B's hip joint problem was caused by yamato's bad design, not because of where you got it from. There are ton of threads addressing this problem a long time ago.
  19. I do, I'm at woodbury
  20. ychanus

    1:48 TV hands recast

    What is GU-11? Sorry for my ignorant.
  21. Yeah, the pieces in front of the intake does look like swing bars.
  22. That looks like a GM..
  23. You know what, eventually, Yamato "will" run out of idea on what to do next and they will do it. Especially we all know that 1/60 GBP will sell well. It will be a piece of cake project as GBP does not required transformation, just enlarge the 1/60 mold and make them fit a 1/48. IMHO, we will definitely see GBP on 1/48.. It is just a matter of time.. as for the thread question, I'll take the 1/48 as it will have better "play" value.
  24. It's kinda hard to see as my dcam just won't focus this close, SONY DSC-P10 sucks!! The white line on the left of the screw hole is an actual "crack", and the line under the screw hole is just a stress mark.
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