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Everything posted by ychanus

  1. Well, I still haven't heard from Tam yet. I'm wondering if he can ask for some reimbursement from his supplier. I understand that it is not his fault but just wondering if he'll do something, so I'll stay loyal to his store. I still have tons of pre-orders from TmpAnime.com. From the look of the part, it doesn't look like it'll be easy to take out on your own and replace it. When I get a reply, I'll let you guys know.
  2. The rest of the toy seems ok, with the loose rotation joints on the arm and knee. The loose gunpod handle and it has the hole too small to be attached in fighter mode. The feet sliding joint is also very loose on mine. The tail fin tip really upset me and my wife told me to break another one so they'll look even No way....
  3. Hell yeah, that's why I'm so upset, as I can't even fix it. I'm sure it's broken before it is being packed, WHY!!! for $170 toy..
  4. Double posted from pic thread, Got mine today and I'm not that lucky. One of the tail fin tip is broken and I can't even find it in the box. I bought from Tmpanime by the way, hopefully, Tamim will do something for me about it. I'm so jealous for the people that got a perfect one. Thanks for teaching me how to post picture!
  5. Got mine today and I'm not that lucky. One of the tail fin tip is broken and I can't even find it in the box. I bought from Tmpanime by the way, hopefully, Tamim will do something for me about it. I'm so jealous for the people that got a perfect one. Thanks for teaching me how to post picture!
  6. Thanks, I just bought one. Hope that would work on my import games. I have a first generation Jap PS2 and it's been giving me problem lately. I bought a USA PSTWO slim recently for cheap and I'm hoping to use to play imports..
  7. I found some website but they cost like 45 bucks. I think it is kinda expensive. Anyone know of a place that sell them for cheaper?
  8. Where did you buy that Minmay decal?? Awesome work by the way.
  9. The name is Glorious Do u like it? or hate it
  10. There are some promo videos I found, it looks very awesome. Especially the Macross VF actions. 500k version: http://www.b-ch.com/freemv/prom/ace_02_500k.asx 1m version: http://www.b-ch.com/freemv/prom/ace_02_1m.asx Also I found this 165M promo video from Emeraldo at GameFAQ.. It contains some of the opening sequence and tons of gameplay movie. http://files.filefront.com/ace2promoavi/;4...;/fileinfo.html
  11. It is not 100% playable like a import fighting game, but a little trial and error/ FAQ reading should get you through the game easily. With that said, I meant some custumization required between levels like SRW series.
  12. Playstation2 (JAP)
  13. Please come back with more impression.
  14. I agree.. whoever came up with this idea and set the price range was *&@^#4!
  15. Anyone get a chance to play it? I'm annoyed from ACE 1 that the Right or Left turn of the mech is inverted. I wonder if they change the control this time, or let player to re-map the control.
  16. anyone notice the photo of freedom has the V atenna color messed up.. Funny!
  17. Yeah, I just got my EMSIA RX78 from hlj and the paint job was so disappointed that I canceled both my freedom/Justice EMSIA preorder. But after seeing the photo above, I'm thinking about putting the order back.. Not sure yet.. in my opinion, MS head design for EMSIA is still not on par with HCMPRO. HCM PRO has the best head design for Strike freedom Gundam, even better than Cosmic Region Strike freedom IMHO. Anyone agree?
  18. Do u need to swap parts for transformation?
  19. QC has been very disappointed on GFF for me. I did a lot of touch ups whenever I order GFF. Once a while, I received a perfect one and I almost cried
  20. I thought I answered that... 372768[/snapback] I know you did, but then I got confused with alcohol and thinner by other posts.. What exactly are their difference? I thought thinner also contain some alcohol... I have no clue..
  21. Back to my question, is it ok with alcohol?
  22. I heard somewhere said that when using some type of paint thinner on plastic could damage the plastic and making it more brittle? I have been cleaning my 1/48 valk with alcohol; and when I fill the panel line using a Gundam marker, I use alcohol to wipe the spill over clean. Now, I'm worrying about that I'have been damaging the plastic or making it more brittle. I wonder if anyone have any experience on this issue.
  23. I hope it doesn't end up like the Yamato escaflowne transformable toy that was so floppy and flimsy.
  24. You should just get a used Jap PS2 as a lot of people are dumpping their Big ps2 for the slim version. Also, you can get OYW PS2 for like $12.90 from play-asia.com, it is a steal.. If you like seed, you must play Fed vs Zaft Seed PS2 as it is awesome. Just getting a chance to pilot freedom Gundam and perform a full power shot will make you feel really good.
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