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Everything posted by ychanus

  1. ychanus

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah, so its a ball joint that I can just pull it out from the hip socket right? Thanks!
  2. ychanus

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone have idea how to fix Hi Metal R VF-1 hip joint? I have the Messer VF-1S and it has a very loose hip. It is especially after I put on the Fext armor parts, its body just keep tipping forward.
  3. NY is a japnese company. They only work in yen or else they will have to pay exchange themselves. Showing the US rate on their website is moreof customer service, so you don't need to convert it yourself and wonder how much it really is. Ultimately, we won't get away not paying the exchange transaction fee. Instead of paying in US dollars and take a hit from paypal exchange rate, pay the yen price directly with your credit card, my credit card gives slightly better deal than paypal.
  4. Please PM me too. I'm getting really frustrated.
  5. All of the sudden HLJ preroder is done.. completely slipped through, well as usual.
  6. Just chill, it is just toy. Supply < Demand I bet Bandai is producing as many as they can for each run. It'll come again I guarantee it.
  7. I hate to change topic, but is "anime-export" reliable? I'd like to pre-order a couple of valks.
  8. I just got the v2 VF-1S Hikaru and I love it. However, I keep hearing a DIY on shoulder fixing, can someone point me to the thread on this topic. I can't seem to find it. I'm curious to know if my valk has shoulder problem later, if I'd be able to fix it myself. Thanks!
  9. FYI, most latest MG kits has poseable hands with hole on the palm that will hold the weapons without need to use its fingers. However, I think Bandai kit and toy are different divisions that they don't share ideas. Look at how different the model and toy usually are of any of the same Gundam.
  10. I don't understand you guys, this figure is HOT! The only problem is too expensive. Boyish face?? your kidding right? Her legs may be too long, I'll give you that. The whole DYRL post just looking damn good. I wish I can spend $350+ for a figure..
  11. I actually already loosen the screws when I first got it and heard about the shoulder problem. And it still crack on me. It is a real crack that with separation. However, I'm trying epoxy now. Getting replacement doesn't guarrantee to fix it, as there is still a chance they will just send me an old version of unbroken shoulders. And then it is just a time bomb.
  12. I have heard you guys talk about the crack shoulder before, and now seeing it on my own VF-0 make me wonder if any of you have found a way to fix it. Had someone recast the part with stronger plastic? BTW, getting replacement from HLJ is too rich for my blood. Hope to hear some suggestions. Thanks!
  13. Subject ->Does 1/60 VF-1D from Yamato able to attach GBP-1S armor set? What about VT-1? Well, they are 2 seater so I'm wondering.
  14. Where can I find it? any link and specific brand? Sorry for the noob questionl.
  15. http://hobbyworld.aoshima-bk.co.jp/eindex.asp This is the site I bought it from, and they have many decent deals. I'm not sure how long they have been around but I have been ordering from them for 2 years and package at least once every 2 months with zero problem so far. Mostly MG kits, Bandai toys and 1/43 completed model cars. This is the first time I bought Yamato product from them, and I can't exactly blame them on the YF-19 FP as they might not be the one switch or steal my parts. However, they are now helping me to get the missing part by the way.
  16. I bought it online from a store called HobbyWorld, I'm not sure what distributor they use but they usually only have a couple in stock. That is what I hate so much that Yamato NEVER seal their box (1/48 and the new 1/60), so I don't know if anyone just take the parts from the box and pretending it came like that.
  17. I just got my 1/60 YF-19 FP yesterday. beside the very tiny stretch mark on the neck beside the screws just like my 1st edition. First problem, the rear canopy would not close completely, but I eventually found that the small nubs that help locking the canopy close is too thick and too long. I sand it down quite a bit and it is now a bit better. (Though I accidentally scratched the canopy during the process) Second problem, the left wing rear nub won't insert into the leg section in fighter mode. I think it is the hole in the leg that is too thin. I haven't tried fixing it as I'm afraid I would accidentally make the hole too big. Third problem, the head section doesn't sit as flush down as the 1st edition in fighter mode. I have no idea why, and I did fold the back pack up to allow more room. Fourth problem, the shoulder and elbow is so floppy in battroid mode, the arm keep flopping down when it is holding the gun pod. (Any fix?) Fifth problem (Missing Items): My box does not come with the green fold booster attachments. Therefore, I cannot attach the fold booster at all. I contacted the store that I bought it from and they are currently trying to get me the missing parts. I bought it for 220 dollars and comparing it with my first edition, I can only see the fixed landing gears as my new gun pod is still loose in fighter mode. May be the factory found a 1st edition gun pod and decided to give that to me instead. IMO, the QC on my 2nd edition is worse than the QC on my 1st edition. Disappointed purchase.
  18. No, I have never seen this.. When will Megablok make something like this instead of Gundam.
  19. Just watched this movie, best bond ever. He is very cool. The only Bond film I'll watch again.
  20. At least he can enjoy it NOW, there is a price when a person want an item now. Even if they reissue it, the exchange rate will make it around 200 dollars. You won't find any $160 with fast pack set no more. If I want it badly, $300 isn't too bad of a price as who know if they're going reissue it and when they actually do, may be I wont have time to play toys anymore or enjoy it as much as right now. But if you wait long enough, you might even see 1/48 version 2.0... That person is going to be pissed if Yamato re-issues it .... 419598[/snapback]
  21. I just try adding some lubricant into the shoulder joint as I couldn't find a way to open the shoulder without breaking it. However, the shoulder is now more loose, and I feel that it is safer to be played with now. However, I noticed that the plastic they used for garland is way less sturdy compare to 1/48 valk. The plastic feel like from a model kit than from a plastic toy, and which I thought it is supposed to be ABS. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. Someone said to loosen the shoulder joint screw, how do you opened and get to it? As the shoulder tip part looks to be glued together and covered the shoulder joint. People should try open it and figure a way to make it stronger.
  23. Do you guys think if I question the officer's ability to correctly shoot a radar gun from that far away with many cars in between five lanes, will that pi$$ off the judge? I'm thinking about taking some pictures to show the distance between the parked cop car and my car. By the way, I'm in TwinCities Minnesota, and I doubted my speedometer is bad.
  24. I just got a speeding ticket today, the cop clocked me at 71mph on a 55mph zone (interstate highway). I haven't had any ticket for almost 10 years, and I'm usually the one telling friend and family to slow down... However, it happened when I was driving back to home from work. I was all the way at the leftmost lane (5 lanes in between). Frankly, I didn't know how fast I was driving but I was sure that there were a few cars around me that were faster but I was the only one on the left lane. Anyway, I checked my speed and it was at 62mph as soon as I saw a parked cop car from very far away on the left shoulder and then I let off the throttle completely. Once I passed the parked cop car, the officer got into the car and pulled me over. I was very surprised as I didn't know the radar gun could caught me that far away, or the officer just BS about that. My mind wasn't very clear as I thought I should have asked to see proof. The ticket is $138 + possible insurance premium increase?, a 1/48 yammy drain down to toliet. I'm very upset, as I'm guessing if the cop could have accidentally shot another car around me that was going at 71mph. Even so, I don't know how to prove that. I really want to fight for it but I don't have any knowledge and experience. Anyone could share some experience and suggestion? Sorry about the rant
  25. http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=41697 enjoy! oops wrong forum... Please move it. I guess I was a little too excited..
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