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About zephyr

  • Birthday 01/20/1989

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    Palm desert

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Damn now i gots to gets me some new vidya tapes.
  2. harry potter as shinji ikari? i dont think so misato shot you know who? i dont think so (it was was ritsuko ) ign 100% reliable? i dont think so
  3. if there is an hk boot i dont think there will be all 11 discs on there. just the video of couse, so they will leave the soundtracks and iron maiden out of it.
  4. most ive ever spent?... all 3 mpc's. i dont have a job and im not cheap those are just expenseve for me. i mean does anybody think with out the box,diecast,metal, these thing would run at about 10 bucks?
  5. we dont need to go in it about the ending here ill find answers elsewhere. like on a forum just for evangelion.
  6. i think the only reason i wanted a sequill was because i wasnt all the the way clear on the endof evangelion. the tv series ending was esy to understand but the movie gave me a headache. didi the world end?, did everyone come back to life?, what the hell was rei?, these qustions make me go hmmm.
  7. Evangelion renewall rember to scroll
  8. I don't understand where you are coming from. GAINAX doesn't have to do anything, its Annos decision on Eva. He said it before he wasn't going to work on a sequel to Eva. And besides.... like every other anime show (successful or not) Eva has been forgotten in Japan (or mostly), and unless we see a shift in Anime markets in the near futere (not likely) Japanese fans rule anime decisions. And besides.... with the third impact over, the Evas and Angels gone.... how would you come up with a sequel? Unless we are talking about AU crap... its just not doable, like with Cowboy Bebop and many other series. after i think about it, if Anno released a sequill it would probly suck. you were right when you said evas,angels, gone everyone got on with there lives. maybe Anno released the renwal because there was just now way for a good sequill. so after the renewall project and the live action film eva will be forgotten. unless you like eva_R if your into that sort of thing(i am).
  9. eva fans get a renewall and a live action movie. but still no sequill. its enough for me but eventually GIANAX is going to have to make a sequill. and no alternate universe crap. i did find this (see pic below) but its fan art, damn good fan art!
  10. yes, my first thought about the renewall was it as to erly for one. GIANAX is relesing the renewal as if to give fans of the series some thing so they will shut up abut sequils. but ive pretty much given up hope for a sequil even though i still want one. EDIT:sorry doubble post
  11. yes, my first thought about the renewall was it as to erly for one. GIANAX is relesing the renewal as if to give fans of the series some thing so they will shut up abut sequils. but ive pretty much given up hope for a sequil even though i still want one.
  12. Does anyone have any more detales about the Neon Genesis Evangelion renewal project. because all ive heard is about that dvd box set Link . some say there is planning on a sequill others say noy in a million years will we se a sequill to evangelion. gainax said its not a sequill its a renewall, but its been 10 years scence this all started and i can say i want a sequill.
  13. i think yunte has greatly improved. i dont like that robotech sentinals cover. but his new stufis good.
  14. mostly from big bad toy store.com but only once. everything else is robotech, 3 mpc's 3 super posable valks one sd veritech and one sp alpha.
  15. i just have one thing to say. i think that the mobile suits in gundam sentinal are the best ive ever seen .
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