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Everything posted by Jinnai

  1. Still waiting on mine.. but it's only been a week. =p
  2. Palps and Anakin were friends before Anakin turned, and Palps revealed himself. That's what the PT has taught us.
  3. Of course.. Jar Jar should be on the operating table.. ^_~
  4. There's a spoiler frenzy going on right now.. and it's not even the 1st yet.
  5. That guy may give him some trouble... Hokey religions and cheap tricks are no match for a good Blaster by your side.. And anyone (like Bsu) who is uptodate with spoiler info, will know what I mean. I don't think Grevious has to worry about Jedi using lightsabers..
  6. And another..
  7. Finally, finished shots of Grevious. Well.. as finished as they get right now..
  8. And finally, above front. Thanks again to dubweiser for the pics.
  9. Above rear
  10. Also shown was Ivanov's SV-51
  11. Above rear shot. Love the detail.
  12. Above front shot
  13. Special thanks to Dubweiser at the gundam.com chat for taking these pics at the Plamo & Radicon Show.
  14. Hmm.. your advert slip is glued on? Mine is attached with two pieces of sticky tape.. that was easy to remove. Then again, you can just flip the internal case around to display the DVD spines instead of the cover.
  15. To sum it up.. WHO REALLY CARES? Do you still enjoy watching the movies? ANY of them? I got my DVD box today. And I am beyond words. To sum it up, I have never seen Star Wars like this.. it's like I'm a kid all over again, watching it for the first time. Bring on Episode III.
  16. The translations arn't edited. The Natsuki/Papa relationship on Tokyopop's DVD's are still the same as the original japanese storyline. The english dub is different. It's misleading. Tokyopop DID change the Natsuki/Papa relationship in the manga, but then changed it back to what it was originally due to fan outcry. The anime is unchanged. Besides, the relationship doesn't even get into detail until Second Stage when Emperor shows up. No translation edits, no audio edits (all the original BGM's and songs are still there), no visual edits. In fact, it's painfully obvious that Tokyopop actually have 8 episodes per DVD (how it's possible, I don't know) due to the english/japanese versions. The english dub has so many edits in it, that finishing times are different, and most episodes in english cut to the credits a good 2-3 minutes before what they originally did, unedited. If you can understand what I'm saying.
  17. Soon soon.. still recovering from a broken finger.
  18. You forgot the B-Club MS-06R-1 and MS-06R-2 High Mobility Zaku II conversion kits for MG Zaku II that I've already mentioned. There are tons more examples besides the ones I actually bought. Bandai would rather release a buttload more never-animated Gundams (look at the Sentinel lineup - all Gundams and no Xeku) for the MG line than toss the antagonists a bone. We'll probably see all the obscure game/manga/novel-based Gundams in MG form before seeing a MG Acguy or Gyan. With that said, a MG Hi-Nu is only a matter of time, since they've exhausted plenty of Gundam designs by now. With the Sentinel designs out of the way, Hi-Nu's place on the list has just gone up a few more notches. Actually, I missed the above line regarding about the Zaku MSV's. My apologies. Personally, I never really paid much attention to B-Club kits, mainly due to the fact at the time I bought my first MG (very late 96.. good old original RX-78.) I was mainly looking at the plastic, and my poor 1st year apprentice chef wages couldn't cover something as expensive as resin back then. Nevertheless, there haven't been many conversion kits released over the years that have turned into full IP engineered kits. 0080 comes to mind. I'm sure at one point they'll release them, but since 01, the MG line has gotten rather.. stagnant. Me? I'm just waiting for MG Guntank.
  19. It's interesting to note, that with the exception of the Wing ver.ka, all of the above kits are full kits, not conversion. I think the above statement was that if there's a conversion kit handled by B-Club, there'll never be an actual IP kit. And so far that's pretty much true.
  20. Nsync was left in Episode II. Look quickly, otherwise you'll miss them.. well.. two of them.. I love the PT. I love the OT. I'm looking at SW as a whole, not with a generation gap. And I simply cannot wait for Ep III.. makes me glad I paid for Hyperspace.
  21. 36 inches long. Plus it has the officers lounge just under the bridge as internal detail. But it's definately old news.. I've known about this since late last year.. so has Stamen. Oh, btw.. you're looking at a $60 price tag. That's damn cheap. I'm definately buying two.
  22. I'm 100% certain that's Mitsubishi's concept/media car from 2002 when Allister was still driving for them, so it's an EVO VII. The present Lancer taking part in WRC this year in a standard Lancer, as Mitsubishi only just stepped back into the WRC.
  23. It's a sad state of affairs when the son can only afford an older GC8, yet the father can afford something far better.. One of two STi's I see on a frequent basis.
  24. I'm lucky if I can get 10 minutes of modelling done at the moment. I need a holiday again. >_>
  25. Considering there's minor surface detail differences between the refit shown in I, II, and III, and the refit -A in IV, V, VI, you can be guaranteed that Bandai will make a new deflector for the 1701-A, and on top of that, the aztec colouring should be changed, and instead of the "engineering green" as the secondary colour of the kit, it'll be changed to the blue shown on the -A version. The Voyager will be interesting to see. Especially at 1/850. If it doesn't have the markings that Thomas Sasser made for the Limited Revell/Monogram Voyager, then I'm not interested. And Stamen. Without me, you would know nothing about that 1/350 Enterprise.
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