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Everything posted by Jinnai

  1. Volks 1/100 Luminous Mirage from The Five Star Stories.
  2. Image quoting effects nothing, as the image is already cached on your computer. Remote linking, which is something you do QUTIE OFTEN, is stealing someone elses bandwidth and making them pay for it, which is much worse.
  3. Another update to my Red Phantom for those who like FSS kits.
  4. Volks 1/100 Red Phantom. Work in progress thread can be seen here.
  5. I thought the eye thing was an obscure reference to Evangelion, but then remembered that it was Adam or whatever it was that was in Gendo's palm. Aparantly the eye is a reference to 20th century boys, a manga. I don't know what that is however.. Yeah...the chick that designed the chicken. She's cute...although most of the time her "I am a woman..." lines don't make sense. Like so what if she's a woman? Oh wait...maybe its cause the forum is for single MEN.....but there clearly are women on the forum.....i'm confused. 346585[/snapback] Have you ever noticed in online chatrooms where someone constantly has to reaffirm their sex? Generally speaking it's something along the lines of "they are no hot women on the internet.. they're all guys pretending.." etc etc.
  6. There's no SWG option.
  7. Jinnai

    SAL Shipping

    When it comes to us Aussies, especially from HLJ, you have to deal with first HLJ filling their shipping container, then airmail to the US. I remember hearing that HLJ's shipping container goes to Seattle, then items get shipped via surface to LA, then airmail to Sydney, then surface again to where ever you live. Quite frankly, I refuse to order via SAL anymore because of the time frame. I once waited 5 weeks for one package, only to have the next package arrive in 5 days. EMS from my experience is a near guaranteed 2 day wait after shipping, no longer than 3, unless you're unfortunate to have your items shipped on a Thursday.
  8. 867 pieces. Price is justified now. Thanks FM.
  9. Seth, it's not retooled. Same original molding.. minus chrome. But the ballute pack itself looks pretty universal.. I think you could fit that bugger on the HiZack.
  10. GFF 14 has an additional transfer sheet as well for extra markings.
  11. Maybe they're doing it that way on purpose? Trying to set a standard? It would be a pretty low tactic, could it be possible? 315622[/snapback] Quite likely, actually. A lot of people in the position to make the laws haven't quite gotten over the "games are for kids" attitude. Of course, the fact that the ratrings board is complaining about it indicates that at least some of them rcognize the fact. 315630[/snapback] For the record, the original Phantasmagoria by Sierra was banned outright from ever entering here (Australia) due to content. Duke Nukem 3D was withheld until the "adult" content was put behind a block that adults could access by paying money and getting a "code". GTA 3 was on sale here for 6 months until it's classification was revoked, and it was banned from sale until the game removed the visuals for whenever you recieved health from prositutues. Once that was done, it was re-released with MA-15+ however the content was still in the game.. you just had to unlock it with a code. Similar to what's going on now. GTA:SA has had it's rating revoked down here, and it's been pulled from shelves. But the video game industry down here has been pushing for an R (18+) rating for YEARS. The government won't give it to them. However, even with R ratings, some things don't make it past our sensors.. the film Ken Park is banned from screening and distribution down here.
  12. Toyspress was Nagano's own company, yes. He dissolved Toyspress and created EDIT. http://www.automaticflowers.ne.jp EDIT also doubles as an anime studio.. who knows where that'll go with Nagano himself, and his famous seiyuu wife, Maria Kawamura. FSS will only die when Nagano himself dies.
  13. The OT is getting remade.. into 3D. Does that count?
  14. Abandoned Shopping Trolley Hotline is the poo. I'm still saddened over Elliott Smith. Take Blaine's first part, combine with some of the second part, add some Ayumi Hamasaki, The Smashing Pumpkins, and Jeff Buckley, and you pretty much have my list.
  15. For all NA people, the starshipmodeler store is stocking the Ep3 Revell Germany kits. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/store/store_2.cfm?Line=4 All are sold out at the moment, but I'm sure John will get stock back in soon.
  16. Actually, the reply from Lucas was the scene where Bai Ling got cut also featured Lucas' daughter, as the scene in general was regarding the formation of the Rebellion. There is far too much cut from this film. I love it to death, yes, and I know what got cut and what got let in. Perhaps due to my enjoyment of Ep1 and 2, plus knowing what got cut from Ep3, made me enjoy it even more, and make perfect sense of the film.
  17. It hasn't been released yet. Those DVD's have probably been made from the higher quality quicktime files you can download through Hyperspace, or from high quality tivo to DVD-R rips when they were broadcast on TV. To sum it up: they're not legit.
  18. Where's the poll entry for "I already saw it 4 hours ago?"
  19. bsu loses. I win. http://runchick.hp.infoseek.co.jp/hs2005may/23.jpg http://runchick.hp.infoseek.co.jp/hs2005may/25.jpg http://runchick.hp.infoseek.co.jp/hs2005may/26.jpg =D
  20. Bloody hell Jack.. is there ANY forum that you're not a member of? =p
  21. The Episode III soundtrack is nothing short of spectacular.. It IS a bit repetitive, espeically with the tie ins with the OT, however, the beat with the opening track combined with the visuals of the opening space battle proves it's worth. I'm glad it got leaked 3-4 weeks back.
  22. BSU has to stop viewing TFN.
  23. WTF.. Hasbro turned Landmine from Galaxy Force into a Decepticon? And turned Nitros Convoy into a girl called Override? All of a sudden I'm not liking Galaxy Force's transfer over to Cybertron.
  24. Put me down for one please. Loving the Tachi.. so a Regult will be perfect.
  25. In Labyrinth of Evil, it's Grevious himself that captures Palpatine and takes him to his ship. In the relative text, Grevious actually wants to kill Palpatine, but Palps/Sidious uses mind trick to convince him otherwise.. Grevious has no idea that they're the same person. Dooku on the otherhand.. does. EDIT: Forgot to mention. Grevious does have direct dealings with Sidious in the book also. So he knows Sidious, he just doesn't know Sidious = Palps.
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