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Everything posted by Zentrandude

  1. One more reason why people should leave some stories alone.
  2. That could work but I would rather see the viewpoint from a noncombant section like the medical staff, be bit like mash but sci-fi.
  3. After dyrl and before plus I would like to see but I think zero is the final macross show, think our god mr.K wants to move on to better things instead of adding more.
  4. nana from elfied lied, no arms and legs to get in the way and she comes with accessories. Seriously proly one of the ladies in starship operators, They seem like an ordinary lady you may meet on the college grounds.
  5. General William Mitchell for seeing aircraft would spell the end for battleships back in the 1920s
  6. If its spread like wildfire then it should be from macross 7, would be weird kerry saying BOMBA and rock out to planet dance.
  7. Most likely its this "plan" he keeps talking about. Maybe in his plan he gets naked chicks with floating rocks into the us military that controls giant robotic flowers and destroy his enemys.
  8. Bad things would happen. If exedol thinking to pick his nose he may accidently shove a realy huge finger into the bridge, plus having battle 7 scratch its ass or its crouch during battle doesn't look right.
  9. No battlefield earth.... (runs into nuclear bomb shelter)
  10. Im surprised no manifestos haven't been posted up yet. I know how some of you guys feel about this, my old portal dvd player i paid 300 bucks for has problem playing some movies after 2003. On those movies the player would have long pauses trying to scan the data like on a damage disc but the disc is new and scratch free. Dvds from before 2003 plays fine on the player even if its scratched up or warped after being shot with an airsoft gun 30 feet away.
  11. With that weak knife fight, chances are very good.
  12. If i decide to watch this I hope it ends... The plane is about to land after all the snakes are dead but then out of nowhere a flock of birds show up and get sucked in all the engines then the plane crashes.
  13. I rather call one of the anime secret organization's bank account a chick and give her a new home.
  14. Im sure bunch of the stuff is off scale. The vid of landing is very rough, a real one doing the same would most likely crush the landing gears and have some nice belly sparks.
  15. This was aired today on the news this rc jet is huge, I bet DH will love it. link
  16. And he never should've passed for one. Really... wouldn't you guys notice if you walked by someone with his collar pulled up real high, his hat pulled down low, and a big green glass plate where his face should be? 391041[/snapback] well they are devoid of culture, how often would they look at each other objectivly? 391046[/snapback] As big-G may say long time in sea or space duty anything with an heartbeat looks good.
  17. That was more diamond shaped. Your just being insulting chrono with the rocket comment.
  18. anyways since its starting to get off topic and nobody matched up the redesign to anyother ship I added it to my game now.
  19. If hes meaning that usualy my ship designs follow some common elements as no windows for combat ships and retros have armored trapdoors to pretect them from attacks. On the more detailed version of its smaller assault ship of the ship series has a bank of retros on the sides of the drive behind the ramscoop. Thats why theres never any defence guns on the drive itself.
  20. You can't do realism too much with sci-fi since designs and technology change and also how we do things. Startrek the original series had no commincators with camera in them like our cell phones nowadays or the bridge with analog rotating dial indicators. The first true spacewarship may not even have a bridge that sticks out and propulsion can be differn't than what scientist are working on or therioising. I can't change the drive system since thats the trademark of the ship lineup, (ingame desciption will say Multi-thrust Ion turbine Engine or (MITE) and oddly shaped ramscoop system is usualy a dead give away for the series of merc ships that offer very powerfull frontal assault barrages but below average in defense).
  21. Party!!!! Space Alcohol Shame its not safe for human consumption.
  22. Ok. since that ship was like the borg of all sci-fi shows and games time for redesign abit. Hopefully It shouldn't be too simular to any single sci-fi show/game/anime/dream/Insane hallucination/ or wall art.
  23. starting to think this may be the most generic ship next to the classic rocket design.
  24. nice and expensive. 8 grand for those two p-120s I wonder if the rider farts is it afterburner or hot gas ingestion?
  25. the bridge section and couple of the gun placements has a musai feel. If I need to change it luckly those parts would be easy to do.
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