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Everything posted by Zentrandude

  1. with my real name,dob, and fav color Your super power is You can change wine into water. Probably something you will never use The color of your costume is Your power isn't cool enough to deserve a costume Your Battle Cry is "YOU ABOUT TA GET SERVED!" Your side-kick is A Flea the gayest one I found while randomly typeing letters and numbers You can now accept credit cards by swipping them between your butt cheeks The color of your costume is A Rainbow of Pastels Your Battle Cry is "OH! YOU BITCH!" Your side-kick is A robot that has a homosexual crush on you
  2. i think you should raise the cockpit up enough so there is some rearward visibity, make the intakes smaller or remove them, remove the guns off the sides of the cockpit that looks dangerous for the pilot. hopefully it should turn out as a fine long range heavy fightercraft.
  3. i don't see all the fuss with the hi-cap mags for the ar-15/m-16 family. they are extremely common to get in the 10 years the ban in effect and with the ban lifted I just see the quality of the mags get better instead of the buy bunch then get rid of the bad quality ones.
  4. looks like a bad knock off of the pyro gx from the descent series
  5. just to break the 666 replies. bad jo jo to have that number with guns you know . hope i can find a new pencil barrel for my ar when the ban is lifted.
  6. sugar tasting sodas are for manly girls like A1
  7. Hurin don't try to start a fight with the maclings and linxs
  8. when you start argue about something as pointless as that, its about time to stop drinking for the night.
  9. also gerwalk mode looks like the engines would take in alot of hot gas with the feet just below the intakes.
  10. if magicly we could build a transforming fightercraft for real i see bunch of guys using laws or an anti-tank rifle to take out the pilot in battroid.
  11. this turbo teen looks disturbing, good thing i never saw it. is it me or this looks like an instructional poster on how to kill yourself by landing on a car?
  12. lol im not sure if i should download that ep. i like spiderman but i hate power rangers
  13. the zip itself is 2MB but i have to warn you guys all these scans he made are 388x480 so most of the details are hard to see. would be nice if shawn would put it up on his site but hes been MIA for seems like a year.
  14. could be coarse macross isn't the most accurate anime around. hears a pic i made of it in cruiser firing one of its turrets.
  15. Psh. Do you really think those satellites we put up in space is used for navigation and communication? No way man. Those satellites were put up there to get a jump on the rest of the world when aliens try to contact us. lies! when aliens contact us the satellite companies will broadcast our tv channels like mtv and pro wrestling to them to make mega bucks or latium or what ever they would use for currency if they have it.
  16. Yeah, he was awesome for doing that. He scanned the whole thing then put it in a Yahoo briefcase account or something, does anyone have the link, if it's still online? i was able to save all the pics to my hard drive. if anyone can donate 4 megs of space i can give them a copy to put up. edit: change 10megs to 4; had some other pics in the folder with it.
  17. and intergalactic travel consist of a giant letter.
  18. lol thats a big xbox. must be the 1950s edition to go along with the AVIDAC computer
  19. becuase it does the job easier than bunch of little ones for something as large as making a highway from the looks of the operation.
  20. for that much money i could proly hire some body to make several custom valks.
  21. very interesting. basicly super robot war but in simulation instead of strategy, i would so buy a ps2 if the us version is release.
  22. is it me or the girl on the front of the first pic looks like a younger version of aries from macross zero?
  23. lame quiz You scored 17 out of 17. You are Optimus Prozac
  24. the details graham give almost reminded me of a old forgotten show but i think it was 3 kids in a dead city thats has a giant roof over it and have to defeat some giant bowling pin looking robot with some lost weapon in the dead city and they move around in somekind of gerwalk flying car thing.
  25. can't stop laughing at that movie. hes a black belt right? must be some kind of give your self concussion drunken monkey style combat style.
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