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Everything posted by Zentrandude

  1. I blame new media show real violence and death. that clip is very funny, Ii belive thats reason number 4 on why its better to pay for a real airline.
  2. Me thinks you're only of that opinion because there's no light in your Yamato to show you how thin that plastic really is... Hmm.. good point. *grabs mini keychain flashlight and shines it in my vf-1s to check* pfft don't do things half ass. *whips out 5 million candlepower spot light and shines it on my 1/48 roy* nooooooooo *roy melts* dammit roy stop getting killed in your valk.
  3. i agree about solaris. no matter how many times i try to watch the movie I kept falling asleep about near the begining. For me falling asleep during a movie is extremely rare.
  4. Yamato = Ferrari Toynami = 1979 honda civvic with 600k miles.
  5. I think this Trek thing has warped your mind, Major. They've been talking about the activity about Mt St Helens for months. Hell, didn't this all start last fall, maybe last summer? This isn't a surprise to anyone. If anything, its almost a non-event. thats not quite true. they did admit everything helens did was new and is being used as a reference to future vocanos. also remember when this all started everyone was yelling ohhh 1980 explosion again run for your lives!!!.
  6. i can agree about that. i always belived its doing its build up stage so the next 20 years it will blow but not to the degree of the 1980s erurption
  7. not sure about sony having major changes other than the new ceo. companies are like drug addicts, they change after a legal event then gradually go back to their bad habits.
  8. if you want the clip notes here it comes. everybody loses
  9. if you have a small amount of painting skills you can paint the radar assembly (not the dish) and the underside of the nosecone grey or silver or any metal color so it will look better plus it will hold the nose cone in extremely well.
  10. Business in the front, party in the back.
  11. Absolutely, that is why I am kind of frustrated with them. I love the MD format by the way, I would jump on the new Hi-MD if I didn't know they will make it patently difficult to utilize to it's full potential. If they would just allow people to use the damn machines they make to their full capability we would have some spectacular stuff, but Sony and their different divisions spend so much time trying to limit the functions of their stuff so as not to interfere with the sales arms of their other wings, riht now they could be selling a handheld device in the form of the PSP that is your Cell phone, Digital Camera, Walkman, PDA, Portable Game System, Portable movie player (With miniRCA jacks so you could use it for your home or travel theatre) and psuedo-laptop. blehhhhh ngage doesn't realy do very well sadly to say.
  12. Sure about that? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8451&hl= thats not a good source since it lumps dyrl with mac7
  13. also in the bandai arcade game.
  14. Macross 7 is genreally a love it or hate it show. People have very strong opinions about it. The "hate its" are just a lot louder, as is usual. not louder just more of them
  15. This was a great series that never gets the respect it deserves. I'm still pissed at Fox for bailing on it! Of course, they're also bailing on "Arrested Development" and that's another great show! But that's not sci-fi, so ignore my small rant and just watch "Firefly" and its movie that should be coming out soon, "Serenity". I'll be there when it opens in September. SERENITY NOW! sounds like a feminine product
  16. exactly. the best way is to have a normal non painted one and when you got it together with no seam lines you then take it apart where you can put it back get it chromed then never touch it again since it would scratch or flake off.
  17. who needs to watch 24 while we have this thread . plus the usual 24 guidline something bad is happen/going to happen that only jack can fix, jack seems to betray his own side but its for getting closer to the big bad guy, the big bad guy does a blow to the US by some kind of eco damage, someone dies, others thinks jack die but realy hes alive and using it to get closer to the boss, they find out hes alive and more people die, jack stops the boss and any plans with him and spinkle some chloe, oh add in a mole or 2 that they find out and kills after the mole prevents jack from catching the boss at the middle of the season.
  18. why not just raise the cockpit so you can have the top lasers as long as you want without it harming the pilot.
  19. hmm vac metalizing masters won't touch it because if you did your not a master since its like a novice who glues it all together then paints it up without any sanding or putty usage.
  20. Yeah but releasing a burner doesn't violate the secure digital meduim act, since most recorders and players have built in coders that scramble signal (Try recording a DVD onto a video tape ) but people have to find their own way around it. I am saying if they released a UMD recording unit though that it would make the medium very attractive, and it might convinve people to buy a PSP and get in to the UMD format, all it takes is a small revolution to start major sales. The thing is, they have historically had access to major technological advances but they have shot themsleves in the nuts time after time (Betamax, Minidisc to name a few) by tyrying to horde the technology and be the universal owner and sole provider, when the market knows that this is a pitfall that it can not afford. Think about it, if sony sold a UMD recorder and you could rip your CD's onto a UMD and carry it around like an MP3player, (Without having to pay for 2 or 3 Duo cards) wouldn't that make the PSP a more handy and cool device? Imagine if you could rip a few of your favoraite movies on to UMD and have your whole CD collection, five or ten of your favoraite movies along with five or six good video games and a universal player all in a walkman sized sack? Cripes, that is a revolution in modern micro media, but the stingey, greedy screw balls, won't let that happen until some other company usurps their technology, but by then, too little too late as always. I heard others bypass that by turning off the auto tracking in the vcr but I do things the other way, I keep my video on a spare harddrive. It may not violate the secure digital meduim act now but maybe in the furture it will (depends on how much money they spend to add laws like that) with music i rather have it on a memory stick than disc since where i live there isnt an anti-skip device that works well enough to listen to 1 song uninterrupted. Also remember burners are usualy 1 layer untill sometime this year we get dl burners so you will be limited to 900mb so you don't have alot to put much on it depending what codec is in it and if possible to use a codec on the mem stick by means of a crack.
  21. good picks hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy was very elite
  22. space balls for sci fi fahrenheit 911 and passion of the christ for fantasy j/k..........maybe
  23. looks good but wondering why you never add like little dents in the skin? Im sure there was some blast that got deflected leaving a small dent and paint chips.
  24. do like the details it has. whats with the barbie car in the background
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