Actually, no one's built one since the 70s.
Every time it's talked about, the anti-nuclear activists file lawsuits. It fast becomes prohibitively expensive, thus keeping us dependent upon coal, oil, and gas(trivia fact: coal power plants release more radioactive particles into the atmosphere than nuclear plants).
And we've got a few valid solutions for disposing of waste.
Deleted uranium? Surely you mean depleted uranium.
And depleted uranium isn't a waste product. It's the non-radioactive isotope of uranium, which is totally useless in a reactor as well as quite harmless to people(save the usual heavy metal toxicity problems). It's used as a projectile because it's really heavy, which gives it a lot of momenteum, which gives it a lot of energy when it hits something.
I THINK you're confusing DU with plutonium, the primary byproduct of uranium fission.
Which is a lot like gasoline. Did you know that your premium unleaded was once considered a useless byproduct of kerosene manufacture?
Plutonium can run reactors just as well as uranium, it just requires a diffrent design. But since no one's building reactors, there's nothing available to use it.
fast breeder reactor but since nobody wants to build one its stays in paper
Fast breeder reactor