good score on the gf that likes multiplayer games
Anyways if there was a pc options i would vote for that next would be gamecube. only coop op game of ps2 I know is like one of the war games like day of defeat.
also lacks lighting effects and minor reflection of the surrounding area.
lot of the times when I render something Ill keep the surface reflections off if the results looks funny.
must be working on something. i dont see the toys and model section anymore.
must take way hammer from roy. bad roy (smacks him with a rolled up newspaper)
nope shadow. looks more 2d than 3d and lacks details of the other side had, plus could be semi-transparent since the background also same color.
yah couple thousand feet should be like nothing for a space fighter.
what I like about Mac 7 is how amusing on how it can affect people in more than one way.
edit: to help you feel alittle better. think Gepelnitch's was femine if not female (not sure if the spirits that took over the original bodies had a defined sex and same for the original bodies, not like they want their bio weapons to reproduce if something went wrong.) in nature so it made guther (a man) more femine.
also your not the first person to think a person is a female when its a man dressed as a woman. "looks at some of the muary shows where they had that guess which gal is a guy"
first pic the middle ship's front starboard gun is a shadow and the second pic i bet the pilot of the middle ship is saying "ohhh sh!t!!!!!!!" before it slams agains the outcrop.
PowerJet XT7 and Phantom Striker.
Wait... Mattel actually paid someone to do a GOOD JOB on the cartoons?
*debates rewatching 'em*
And the tapes didn't come with the toys. They were sold seperately.
For the record, teh eppilepsy effects are badass.
How would you shoot stuff without the flicker?
The tapes came with the jets.
mine didn't came with one unless I threw it away along with the packaging.
You got it all wrong, gay dancing spidey. Karl Rove is Palpy, Cheney is Vader, and Bush is just some guy that gives speeches.
nah jar jar binks you know we all like him.
Ill give a random yet pointless explaination. see misa was out partying with the other bridge bunnies and consuming vast ammounts of alchol when they encountered global. They force global to strip for them but in the process injuring him when he smacked his head on a low beam of the door of the barracks they drag him to. The injury resoluted in a trial for all the bridge bunnies plus misa but misa took all responibity which the tribunal took in account and just demoted misa instead of the manatory death of mutany and assaulting a superior officer.
happy now nash?
this is way into political now.
With all this blame it may hamper the progress with the clean up and restoration of order with media looking on the workers/rescuers giving them more stress to be "politicaly right" The internet has been playing a major role in helping them find lost love ones and to share their stories and even some of us on mw was effected directly by it so theres a good chance this thread may feed the fire thats ever growing along with countless other websites proly doing the same.
You know what? I have to keep track of a lot of things in life. I have to learn a lot all the time. I don't have the time, the need or the inclanation to learn a forien language. Especialy one as alien as the Asian languages. Not everyone in the world is such a fanboy about anime that they feel the need to learn Japanese.
Q: what do you call someone who speaks three languages?
A: Trilingual
Q: what do you call someone who speaks two languages?
A: Bilingual
Q: what do you call someone who only speaks one language?
A: American!