Sounds exactly like an RPG to me.
I have to have hte only visible GBA in existence. I've never had any major lighting problems.
Well, usually even the worst RPG gives you background story and reasons to go to a particular place at a particular time, and tries to develop the characters SOMEWHAT. Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance had an over plot and flat characters, little detail, etc etc, but it was still better than FF:CC
As for GBA screens... maybe you just happen to have some kick-ass eyes, JBO!
By contrast, some of the best RPGs ever have minimal plot and no character development at all.
Anwayys, from what I've heard(I've never grabbed the game to try it) FF:CC is more along the lines of an action-adventure than an RPG.
As for my eyes... They may be unusually sensitive. I've noticed I have remarkably
sensitive... senses before.
They can't be described as kick-ass, though. I can see roughly a foot ahead of me clearly without my glasses.
I'm more inclined to believe I have one of the brighter GBAs available, though.
Sidenote: The GBASP is frontlit, not backlit. This IS relevant, as it signifigantly degrades the image quality.
If it worked with GA peripherals, I'd say get the DS. Best of both worlds.
As-is... does the GBAMicro have a link? Sure it's grotesquely small, but it has a good screen with a good light.
good link for handhelds and umm emulations
micro gba thread
edit: your gbasp light up a room like mines? my little 2cell AA maglight is not as bright.