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Everything posted by Zentrandude

  1. I better guess its mgrexx before it gets locked .
  2. Could be worst like given immortality and locked in a small room with rosy o' donald for all eternality.
  3. Can we guess who it is?
  4. Heh same like the majority here, now only if MW had a google search bar in it then it would be unstopable. (hints on what roy should have done instead of rearraging the forums and the colors) and logo... (runs)
  5. Never could get the pc ver to work on my computer back then but I still have and sometimes play BZ2. great game bit like GTA but with tanks and odd looking walkers.
  6. the newer sps are now backlit. http://media.gameboy.ign.com/articles/652/...mg_3086349.html
  7. What, my friends have too much of a life? Sure. Ah, a laptop. Externals for the win, I suppose. 330512[/snapback] boo for externals. if some reason pres of sony desides to release specs for a burner for blue-ray they better make a slim type so i can just swap out my old dvd-r one in my laptop. proly would need to update my bios to support it.
  8. Should tell taco bell to stop selling planet sized diarrhea surpreme to unicron.
  9. Star Trek: The Motion Picture did this already. Turned out to be V'Ger all along. 330446[/snapback] But we only have Fat William Shatner and he may be dead by 2014!!! Who will save us??? 330477[/snapback] Lets all email priceline.com to see whos our next savior... no pun intended
  10. like they even put down what time. hopfully by 2010 i would built my cargo ship and sell macross bootlegs to aliens by then odd ava jem so you like smurfs?
  11. Sounds exactly like an RPG to me. I have to have hte only visible GBA in existence. I've never had any major lighting problems. 330085[/snapback] Well, usually even the worst RPG gives you background story and reasons to go to a particular place at a particular time, and tries to develop the characters SOMEWHAT. Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance had an over plot and flat characters, little detail, etc etc, but it was still better than FF:CC As for GBA screens... maybe you just happen to have some kick-ass eyes, JBO! 330115[/snapback] By contrast, some of the best RPGs ever have minimal plot and no character development at all. Anwayys, from what I've heard(I've never grabbed the game to try it) FF:CC is more along the lines of an action-adventure than an RPG. As for my eyes... They may be unusually sensitive. I've noticed I have remarkably sensitive... senses before. They can't be described as kick-ass, though. I can see roughly a foot ahead of me clearly without my glasses. I'm more inclined to believe I have one of the brighter GBAs available, though. Sidenote: The GBASP is frontlit, not backlit. This IS relevant, as it signifigantly degrades the image quality. If it worked with GA peripherals, I'd say get the DS. Best of both worlds. As-is... does the GBAMicro have a link? Sure it's grotesquely small, but it has a good screen with a good light. 330142[/snapback] good link for handhelds and umm emulations micro gba thread edit: your gbasp light up a room like mines? my little 2cell AA maglight is not as bright.
  12. oh shiny im in love with the plane. lucky kid to have a father that can build that a rc that excellent, shame he only used those metal panels as the mold for the carbon fiber skin but i can understand he wants to have it light as possible. just love the the bare skin of a plane reflecting the light like some of the ones back in ww2.
  13. same priciple as the bond movies you want the underdog hero armed with his/your brain and a pocket knife to win against the super big boss and billions of anon grunts with the iq lower of a rock with a descent but steadly getting stronger mini-bosses that should be equal in the hero's strength. oh and cool gadgets becuase everyone loves rockets shooting out of a object that looks like an orniary pen. now that I think about i just described about nearly all games.
  14. This count as Engrish or MWgrish?
  15. That's not what it's supposed to look like. There was a machining error in what I had the software cut. I removed the wall behind the thrustor and the tool went all the way to the bottom of the part. Since the tool was tapered the hole got all wonked out. 329526[/snapback] ah so how bout an all brushed or polished alum valk or wait til you make one in secret to amaze us with it?
  16. think they aleady address that prob you mention about the fps games. edit: change to better pic.
  17. should adjust the thickness of the thruster port on the nose. looks too thin and fragile. other than that its sweet. thinking of making an all brushed alum valk?
  18. yah it does. wc style lauches are pretty cool.
  19. i wonder if theres going to be missions or bosses that take his age into account like snake has to stop a portable em device or it will short circut his pace maker or walk up two flights of stairs.
  20. 329384[/snapback] link
  21. I wouldn't mind having Meryl from mgs play the lead role, she was ok.
  22. Raiden doesnt count too much since they didnt try hard enough. I was hoping some bootleg name like mongoose or hawk
  23. I wished they just put snake to sleep. think it would be better if they give is a spin off name and have a new hero to play but having snake as your commander giving you orders he is old enough to atleast command by now.
  24. I think it would lessen the chance to give CT than the current console controllers and pc keyboard/mouse/trackerball. Think A1 would love it. add about 40lbs to the controller and you can have virtual weight lifting game to get all buffed up. No more saying weak nerds only play games now they can bench press like the musle bound beach guys. feel the burn!! oh yes 5 more reps and im on to lvl 15.
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