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Everything posted by Zentrandude

  1. Philradio from 365
  2. think they said india since he was from there. edit: found an article of it after a google search link
  3. Belive it or not there is smarter people than you working in that field and can solve any conserns you have with that plus the driver for oled types isnt that much differnt that regular tft drivers. I perfer to call them macs, keeps my idea of apple like it was about the 80s thinking (not all about 95% gayish style to attract customers but ability to help with computing power and software) 20% is still large if you look at all the devices out there (since we on mac they have like what 15% and thats still a huge number).for sony link kodak puts out lots of digital cameras many of the with oled screens since 2002. Theres already been talk that the next gen ipods will be using oled for screen for some time and little bit faster due to the nano incident. Oled in dashboards Grant for oled lighting for cities Link to oled shipment numbers Ge Oled household lightbulb plans But it won't matter its clearly you hate Oled/pled tech. never said that. I said motherboard manufacture redesign there products for differnt chips and if you look at some of the boards you can see that where theres sometimes blank spots on the board where a chip would go or changed it with another one (sometime a smaller chip that makes it easier to tell). Your starting to sound like mgrexx. your related eh?Since your so omnipotent and know everything about the universe and the things in it. I may not know everthing in the universe like you and in electronics since its so vast and is changing at light speed but I do know enough. soldering faq (edit: incase the link doesnt work heres another one link) also called stuffing the board Only diffences you take it too far with detailed junk that doesn't matter and would make a starwars geek proud and I like to keep it short. Touch screen tech isn't that new you know and to me its just a fad since I notice junk from like radio shack all the sudden had touch screen before the ds came out. no more when sony fanboys talking about the power of the ps3 and ps2 way before it came out and blueray storage cap of 50GB. plus I liked the consept and its comming out around 2006 (most likely late of the year but who knows other than the designers) so I choose it also while the oled keyboard is a year or 2 out there is a lower res lcd ver out just have to be careful since you know when you press against a lcd scren plus its low res and mono unlike oled will be in the many months ahead and be much better full color screens and less prone to breaking.link if you want heres a real prototype, i dont like it much the ones in the bottom look like a gba sp.fujitsu uglyness Yah right I already know you won't its your nature to out geekify it. I seen you do it with nearly every subject you posted on the boards. already posted that dont care anymore but I will still defend Oled/pled tech if you want to go on. pitty insults never bother me.
  4. I wonder how arnold feels if he saw an advance copy of it.
  5. I just heard that this morning on tv so it has to be true. said he has a lover for 18 years.
  6. I am impressed they made it multiplayer capable even with the issues it has. Im not impressed with the 3rd party multi thief auto for the other games (too easy to cheat and buggy)
  7. not realy a vs but its interesting. the guy who help design the b2 bomber is arrested in hawii for selling secrets of it to other countries.
  8. neo geo pocket died out like 5 years ago so there isnt a kit to make it backlight but if your good with electronics and have good set of tool you might try to see you can modify an afterburner kit to fit in there. oled is already proven to be flexible compared to lcd which would break due to stress on the glass plates, having oled on keyboard buttons isnt that far off.
  9. larger buisness has there share of vaporware too.
  10. you forgot the former priceline.com guy
  11. lots of invovation comes from small buisnesses nobody heards of.
  12. No more that it is now using existing technology and theres companies that make driver ic in bulk. subpixel ; array just more of them ano there is no engineering problem than the usual technology curve. "organic EL (electroluminescent)" heh guess kodak, samsung, dupont, hitachi, and soon mac and various overseas companies is not alt chips on pc boards and the term is stuffing Insults don't suit you. So, People do it all the time like with ps3, xbx 360, psp, nds, 1:48 valks way before the product came out.
  13. OLEDs are the most cost-effective to manufacture and drivers cost compared to reg lcd is near the same. very much the same thing. oled is electro lum only diffence only thing is format which is same for regular lcd. Think the el in your watch is a giant subpixel of an oled display. theres already tons of them out there just need to open your eyes soon Ipod will join the portable media crowd and it will realy show. hopefully they can make blue last as long as the other colors. With the money invested from mac should make it come faster than expected; Cheaper than class action law suites . Not realy look at your new sp and look at pc boards theres many revisions that will fix existing probs before and after launch of the product. Many pc mother boards come into mind with that. I already know that so you don't need to say that sure if you want it to break like the ipod nano screen I know that for months
  14. nope I had the the newer one longer and it was way more clearer than the ones that came out back in earily 90s fire your workers then if they serv no purpose in development You can still wish for a oled or pled screen psp or gp2x should been already been proved reliable since its invention in 1980 and its in many watches since its basicly the el lights in casio watches just in an active matrix display. Also oled diodes lifespan has been increasing steadly over the years just need to figure out the blue problem. plus since its already been a mp3 player with a oled display the size of an 1 inch cube, it shouldn't be much differnt driver to run it and can be made small enough that if the buiness decides the overall cost would get lower since oled and pled is cheaper than lcds. I like to see a regular lcd this this oled keyboard
  15. Also the original gb screen was differnt and the ones put out years later. the first ones with the standard screws the screen was more faded compared to the newer ver with those 3 prone safety screws that hold them together. Thats why they pay the designers to make it work if they wanted to. wished psp or gp2x used the oled tech but they will either push out another product with it or do a "nintendo" with the newer sp. 340251[/snapback]
  16. Heh. I'm pretty sure it was just so they could use the same screen in both systems, though that WAS the reason the original GB and GBColor weren't lit. Possibly GBA even. But the SP could've been backlit. the original gba had enough room for the afterburner kit and was put out eariler so my guess why they didn't use a internal lighting system was the same old docerin of long battery life. the original gb and its versions had diffent screens and was differnt from pocket ver and gbcolor ver. But had plenty of room for lighting on the sides of the lcd screen. my old 2 gb I took apart since my first one the speaker was messed up to due to vocanic ash and the next one many years later was just getting old and just got curious . But I have to guess to save power too but I didn't feel it needed to be lighted up, It was very easy for me to see the huge pixels of the time. OLED still isn't ready for prime time. 340177[/snapback] My self Xmas present dissagrees with you. I need a new mp3 player since I tend to destroy them when im hiking plus it plays movies and this can play movies compared to my second choise the arex thumbstick solid which just have a 2 color oled screen. tm-630 media player
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the WiFi adapter is basically a USB wireless card for your computer, so your DS can play WiFi games over your home net connection, riught? I do know that some wireless cards are compatable with the DS and if you download some homebrew drivers you can download game demos onto your DS. 340079[/snapback] correct, its for those who doesn't have a wireless network and doesn't want to follow a bunch of steps to get your ds to connect to it.
  18. Ghosting and washout. 340069[/snapback] Im assuming your talking about the old sp, I read they did the front light since the backlight tech of the time sucked up power like a psp. My only prob is they took them too long to get the more effient backlighting into it, think it would have oled screen by now. I don't mind they put out the gbm just gives us more options not like they are forcing you to buy it and if your children is complaining he/she wants one then the parent needs to spank their ass with the good ole military boot like my old man did to me back when I was young.
  19. what 2 issues your talking about ?
  20. guess raping anon super heros is part of your super villian training .
  21. How long are you weightless for? About 15 seconds or so? 338249[/snapback] longer if you want the pilot to crash into the ground, atleast your in a padded room in the plane.
  22. So random . what game is that btw?
  23. Its true, at this very moment scientist are working on how to turn A1's awesomeness into electrical power so faster than light travel would be possible.
  24. Interesting. I may take the 15min drive to over there and check it out firsthand.
  25. heh never noticed that the metal gear box art is a artist render of kyle from terminator. good eye.
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