But they'll get them.
Unlike HD DVD in which...the average person won't go out and buy an HD DVD player at $500 nor would they at $300, nor $250, nor $199 if they have their $39 DVD player from China that's basically a drive in a plastic box.
But tell them they get a new High Definition disc player in addition to the game console they just bought included that they can use if they get an HDTV? That is the way to win over the public.
I don't think the 2 new formats would ever take off like DVD did, but one has a way of becoming the new format in a way the other wishes it could. Stand alones and add ons for something the average joe won't see as a major step up from DVD? Nope. Trojan horse it into something average Joe is gonna buy anyways? Yep.
wait till 2008 and see what walmart puts out for 20 bucks and we will find the winner.