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Everything posted by Rine

  1. It would be nice to have a reissue of the Shin VF-0A as well. The only version released for him so far was the VF-0A Shin Ghost Combo, correct? Yeah, good luck finding one of those! heh. I've got an SV-51 Nora-type on the way from Overdrive, and it would be nice to have the Shin to go along with it.
  2. Mine, too! I love me some VF-0's!
  3. Bah, I caved in and bought one off eBay, but the seller stated that it was the version released in late Dec 2008, so that makes me happy. Something about the VF-0S that makes it one of my favorite valk designs, and I just knew I'd regret not picking one up now in case there are no more releases down the road.
  4. I wish I would have jumped on a re-issue VF-0S when they came out in Dec 2008. It would be great if they would release another production run of them. I'm holding off on the Ebay route in hopes of that, but I may have to bite the bullet if it's looking like that's not going to happen.
  5. PS3 finished? Hardly. Why is it such a surprise that game companies want to put out their games on multiple consoles? They want to get that game into as many hands as possible so they can make as much money off of it as possible. And I never understood the "Your console is finished1!11" talk, anyways. Why would you want to see any of the consoles finished off? Do you want a market where we only have one console to choose from? How does that help the customer at all? Competition is a good thing. I'll happily be playing FFXIII on my PS3 on the same day that X-Box 360 owners are happily playing it on the console that they own. I see nothing wrong with that at all
  6. http://www.jesterpictures.com/jolin/photos...er/tumbler.html Some really good work was put into this. I want one
  7. I went with the YF-21 for this. It was a tough call for me because I also think of Roy's VF-1S when I think of Macross, but the fighter mode on the 1/60 YF-21 is absolutely beautiful. that's what made that one win over the VF-1S for me.
  8. Rine

    First Macross Toy

    Hey coffeepot! I'm a new poster around here, too, although I've been lurking for quite awhile before that. I already own a couple of valks that I've purchased over the years, the first being a 1/60 VF-1A CF, and a 1/48 VF-1S Roy Fokker (which I absolutely love). I have a 1/60 YF-19 on order atm, and I'm planning on getting a 1/60 YF-21 here real soon. This year will be an expensive year for me on valks because I plan on getting the 1/60 VF-11B when it comes out, and I'm planning on getting the VF-25's from Bandai once they're released (my poor checking account!) Anyways, welcome to the boards
  9. I haven't been able to find the FP combo anywhere other than ebay. HLJ says that Yamato stopped making them. Hopefully, BBTS will have gotten the latest revision when their shipment comes in. I'll report back here once I receive mine to let you guys know!
  10. BBTS Just started taking preorders on them again tonight, so i just placed my order http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail Now for the waiting game...
  11. Hello. New member and first time poster here. My question is for the-foul-owl: I'm interested in buying a YF-19, and I was wondering where you got yours from since it has the straight gunpod. Thanks!
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