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Everything posted by The6ftTallAZN

  1. That thing makes me want to puke, I even think the Fire Valkyrie looks better. Is valhyrie a word?
  2. I still think this thing is butt ugly... sorta like barbara striesand
  3. Hey I said it was a wannabe.... I think it's friggin ugly.
  4. I think I found what you're talking about on ebay and here's the link VF-17 wannabe
  5. my condolences
  6. maybe she has those different colored contacts
  7. Yeah it does look smaller in the second frame.
  8. me want...
  9. This is why I'm glad I don't have a wife... or girlfriend... or money Somebody take over McDonald's and please give me a raise
  10. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! My next paycheck is buying me those!!!!
  11. SO WHEN'S IT COME OUT???!?!?!?!?.... NEVERMIND THAT WHEN'S SHIN'S VF-0D COME OUT???!!?!?!?!??!
  12. That's what I was planning on for it... I dunno maybe a low vis VF-19... I'll think of something.
  13. Um... what exactly is CA powder? and what do ou need to mix it?
  14. So is it worth it?
  15. Is there a difference between the VF-19S that is in the toys section on Macross World and the one on this site ?http://store.yahoo.com/gamesfantasy/mac7tranfigb.html
  16. i didn't buy it... i'm not that stupid... i have my nice two flame butane torch
  17. my lil bro got one of those gundam "zippos" and it was a complete piece of crap for the $25+shipping. if you one a good zippo than get a good real zippo
  18. Isn't that the anti-UN cross right under the cockpit?
  19. I still didn't see it yet... :::hangs head in shame:::
  20. yeah,, waayyy better than Subways. Heh, Subway came to HK about 18 months ago, opened up two branches, but they only lasted about a year before they folded. I ate there about half a dozen times. Their food was ok, but I found all their sandwiches actually tasted pretty similar Unfortunately, HK has a serious lack of diversity in US style fast food as McDonalds rules everything here.......yuk de culture! We have like nearly 200 branches of McDonalds. I mean literally anywhere you are in HK, you are no more than 5-10 minutes walk away from at least one branch of McDonalds. We also have KFC and Pizza hut and a few Hardies (like maybe 3 branches left) but that's it All the Jack-in-the-Box, Wendys, Burger King shut shop and left down a long time ago....... I'd love to see a Taco Bell opening in HK and also Jack-in-the-Box return, as I loved their Ultimate Cheeseburgers. What were we talking about again........oh yeah, Macross Graham I pity you. McDonald's has the crappiest food around. Even if other nations get higher-grade food, it's still probably poop in a bun. I recommend you start sneaking out and altering the signs to say MacrossNalds. I work in a McDonald's... and yeah I'd have to agree with you but I get the food for free so I don't care. And what the hell is all this talk about subs? HOAGIES!!!!! NOT SUBS!!!!!
  22. The6ftTallAZN


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