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Everything posted by The6ftTallAZN

  1. I just need help finding a good english subbed Macross 7 DVD, I'm only asking because the Macross Zero DVD I have isn't that good. If anyone as links to where I can get a good Macross 7 DVD (usable in USA) please post them even if possible a Macross Zero DVD (I'd like to replace the one I have) and maybe even Macross Frontier
  2. At first I was thinking about getting one but the more pics I see of it just make me think it's really ugly, I think I'll just get a Revy YF-19 and Regult instead, I mean two good looking non transforming Revies are just a little more than one ugly transforming one
  3. That is one hot valkyrie
  4. Comparing the VF-1A,D,S,VT-1/VE-1 is pretty much like comparing the Ford Mustang 6 cylinder, GT, Saleen, and the Shelby GT-500. They're all pretty much the same except with slight or major differences. But all in all this thing comes down to interchangable parts. I'm sure that it would've cost Ford (or any another car company) a hell of a lot more money to design a brand new model than to slightly change an already existing model for a less or more powerful engine.
  5. Thanks for the pics Grebo and Zinjo -Kyle
  6. Thanks for the info Roy. What about the 20th Anniversary DVD, I don't really know what the 20th Anni DVD really is. Thanks -Kyle
  7. I'm just wondering if anyone has a pic of the Macross, Megaroad and new Macross class together. I tried looking using the search function with no luck. I do know that from largest to smallest it goes from the new Macross, then the Megaroad, and the Macross is the smallest. Thank Everyone, -Kyle
  8. Thank you boinger for finding this, I've never seen Flashback so seeing with or without subs is better than not seeing it. But either way I'm still gonna get the DVD for it just so I can watch it whenever I want on a TV and not just being restricted to watching it on my computer. Thanks Again! -Kyle
  9. Have any pics of this scheme?
  10. I think if Yamato does make a VF-11 that they'll pretty make do what they're doing with the YF-19 when it comes to FAST packs and stuff, by just giving us the valk and making us buy the packs and other accessories later. Either way I'm still vey hopeful for a Thunderbolt.
  11. Yeah I was looking for the boots cuz I know that neither of these were released in the US and unless I have a region free DVD player or something like that which I don't, I'm prolly gonna have to settle for the boots. Anyways Thanks again for the help.
  12. I don't know if this is in the right place so move it if need be. Anyways I'm looking for a copy of the region free Flashback 2012 DVD and the 20th Anniversary DVD. I don't know where to look except for ebay, I was wondering if anyone could tell me where to buy them from for good prices. Thanks everyone
  13. What are the three laws of robotics?
  14. I'm thinkin about getting one... but I will prolly most likely get one
  15. O yeah I forgot about that
  16. I dunno, but I would say no (I know I don't know much about planes and stuff ) because wouldn't a battroid need wings and a certain amount of lift to be able to fly in an atmosphere? Or something along those lines, maybe just extending the wings
  17. When is this being released?
  18. What's a pitot tube?
  19. http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...a_ii/index.html
  20. Yeah I would like to see the differences between the gunpods and boosters
  21. uh what's the difference between the VF-11B and C, and would someone be able to post some pics to show the differences?
  22. For some reason those kinda remind me of the valks from macross II
  23. They tried that on the original YF-21. There was a toycom ad from france some years back where they advertised the VF-22 Max type. But Yamato couldn't get the macross 7 license. Still, I hope that if yamato does make a 1/60 YF-21, they retool it sometime later into a VF-22 from VFX-2. Hey we DID get a VF-19A from that game! Now that I think about it, a 1/60 VF-11B in the VFX-2 color scheme would kick all ass as well. I gotta thing for that VF-11, it may be outshined by the YF-19, but damn thats one beautiful bird that never got the justice it deserved! 411794[/snapback] Got a pic of the VF-11B from VFX-2? Just wondering what it looks like
  24. I'm definately getting atleast 2
  25. What's the box art like?
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