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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I dropped 1/60 back in Sept of last year when I bought my 1st 1/48 valk. It was a low vis. Then it went down hill from there.
  2. With the VF-1 w/VF-X FPs, couldn't you have the single salvo have missles aimed at multiple targets, all at once? (If that made any sense.) So it wouldn't be all that wastefull...? This of course assumes you make it alive to the 2nd and 3rd salvo. The casualty numbers looked pretty damn bad, regardless.
  3. Wow, I know this is ironic coming from me (considering I'll so often argue "to the death" with anyone who pisses me off). . . but I almost wish you hadn't even dignified that guy's jealous, petty criticizms with such a cordial response. Really, he should have just been told to go to hell. You do whatever you want with your money dude. If someone actually feels compelled to express their deragatory opinion about it, they've obvioulsy got issues and/or are just looking to start trouble. Actually, congrats for not taking the bait. Probably better than I would have done. H Naw. Why take the bait? I would have done it 5 years ago. Besides, what's the point? We start pissing each other off. Gee, where have we seen this? Can we say Gaza Strip? Yes there are certain things to fight for but this is not one of them. I just laugh it off now. Besides I have seen enough problems that my parents go thru health wise. I figure why save every bit when you spend some and still save. Sometimes you have to live life. And you are right: to each his own.
  4. Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Frankly, I bought 32 of these babies because I like them. Also, I do not have any other macross toys save for the Robotech Master Piece of crap and 5 1/60s. Yes I buy mutiples of my fav character. I do not have macross models, nor do I collect gundam and other things I see in peoples collection. Yeah I am collecting the transformer reissues from Takara but I only buy one. No I aint no drug lord. It is that last year I made over $10,000 in OT and bonuses. I actually do save a lot of money. This is the year I just started spending money. And no, valks do not come first if I need to eat or make repairs around the house/car. I do my budget carefully. I also find deals whenever I can. I would have 35+ valks but I have friends of mine who wanted them so I make the huge order/purchase to get those deals. I especially get those deals on blemished boxed 1/48s from Kevin. I just dont blindly buy valks at $180. As for my clothes, you havent seen my closet. So i have a couple of clothes out there. Most of them are there for me to sleep in. As for the red black striped shirt, I just got that for my birthday and I get plenty of nice comments when I wear that. As for the opposite sex, I get the wierd ones in which I cant figure out. Then again I am picky... even my parents say I am picky.
  5. Wouldnt that yellow your valk eventually?
  6. HAHA. She better be damn gorgeous b/c there are 5 low vis in the valk storage.
  7. Ya know....i always wondered about that.... what if it hits the propellars? In WWI they synchronized the machine guns to shoot thru the propellers. Yeah it would have sucked if they got out of sync.
  8. Yup, like the old AC-130 Spectre AKA Puff the Magic Dragon. Back in the Viet Nam era, the spent shell casings would collect onto the floor of the aircraft, and since it was a C-130, when they were done with the mission, the crew would open the ramp, and push broom the spent shells right off the ramp in flight. Now, one or two shells is bad enough, but can you imagine a virtual shower of shells ranging from 7.62MM, 20 & 25MM, 40MM Grenades, and 105MM Howitzer shells falling on you?? Yeap. I saw some of those film reels on Puff the Magic Dragon and those special CH-47 chinook gunship in Vietnam. Those gatling guns spit shells out like nobody's business. The guys had shovels to remove the casing on the floor. I saw mounds of shells. Whoever is on the receiving end had it bad. Didnt they begin to hook up bags to collect the spent casings in B-29s? I thought I saw that. I think they did that to B-17s later in the war.
  9. I am waiting for my 2x milla to arrive from Tamin.
  10. I could be wrong, but I'd consider the Max 1A TV style to be pretty unlikely. . . only because I think the Max 1A DYRL style sold rather poorly. I'm only basing that on indications that few places (that I know of) sold out, and many have been on sale since shortly after their release. I'm hoping for a Cannon Fodder! H DYRL Max sold poorly? Damn... I thought it did well. I bought 5 of them.
  11. If you are looking at me to sell my low vis, the answer is no way.
  12. Why do you think I have 32 of them? They ARE THAT GOOD! do you care on showing a picture of your 1/48 family? Goto this thread.
  13. Why do you think I have 32 of them? They ARE THAT GOOD! 32?? I didn't think they made 32 different ones? So you have repeats? Tell me you're doing customs. Yes and no. On the No part, I am not gonna custom the 5 low vis fighters. Well except one where it will be a VF-1J. I also have 7 VF-1J Max. 5 will be nicely packed away and I will open 2. I think I will customize some Max but that means I will buy more. As for the others: I MIB and 1 open except got Roy. I have 5 Roys. 1 Roy is R1 and in MIB. R2 Roy is MIB. There rest will be opened for: VF-1S Roy DYRL, TV Roy, TV Hikaru. Everything else is fair game for customs like my VF-1S DYRL Max.
  14. I have to agree. Why abandon the cash cow? They should have skipped the 1/60 line but alas I wont go into that detail. As Graham stated before, Yamato will not make a 2 seater VF. But as some ppl here said before, who knew they would make the VB-6 Koenig Monster? Now they say they are. Frankly, all bets are off on what Yamato will not make. Of course, that means I hope to see a VF-4 in the future. As for the VF-1s, I will buy whatever they put out long they are not the ugly @$$ M7 colors.
  15. Why do you think I have 32 of them? They ARE THAT GOOD!
  16. Hey now. Those low vis are part of my master plan. master plan!?!?! well then let me be a part of it and send some of those puppies this way. --> if not, send them anyway, i swear i'll be your newest bestest friend in the whole wide world. heh. So you need one that badly? As for my master plan, it will be revealled in all good time.
  17. ditto on that. I am looking for cases since some of my toys are gathering dust.
  18. Hey now. Those low vis are part of my master plan.
  19. I thought Max TV VF-1a was 103 and Kakizaki was 102.
  20. Hehe. Time to send the interceptors. BTW, Patriots are used as a defensive weapon in shooting down incoming aircraft or missiles. You must mean Tomahawk cruise missiles. They use GPS coordinates.
  21. Now that is a damn good idea! Anyways, now that Millia is out, I think I will get my total up to 32.
  22. Anybody got any idea how to removed the paint off the 1/48s with out melting the hell outta them? I like to remove the paint on the VF-1A hikaru so I can paint it Green. I assume the paint is on the back of it so it is pretty much removed the paint and keep the Skull & crossbones emblem. Am I right? As for the rest of the plane, what works best to remove the paint?
  23. Hey where are you at in WA?
  24. I have to wait for mine from Tamin.
  25. Wahoo! Good thing I am getting 2.
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