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Everything posted by Godzilla
That was uncalled for.
You got me mixed up, I love the MPC and everybody here knows it. Im saying that a LOT of people bash Robotech and HG just to fit in. What I was referring to is the people who say "I hate Harmany Gold" to fit in but actually buy the products. Im also talking about those who never even had a MPC and bash it, I think the MPC is better than the Yamato 1/60 in every way. I have 2 of each MPC and have no QC problems with any. Im not saying that everybody should love it because I do, just dont blindly hate a toy or a toy Co to be part of the gang. Its toys to us, its business to them so how can you be mad at a company? Its like if I sold lemmonade, I would not want the kid from the next block on my street selling limeade, its business, its money its leagal. It only makes you guys mad because its a product you love. It doesnt help when HG and Toynami flaunt this C&D letters and threats on top of quality of issues of an overpriced product they produce. Yes, you are right about legality of the issue but people here went with Yamato's product over Toynami's MPC not because of spite or hatred to HG or Toynami, because Yamato made a product worth buying. And actually the quality in Yamato's 1/48s improved when they found flaws on the originals. What did Toynami do? Removed the amount of Diecast. Still havent figured out the floppy leg issue. What really gets me is this: HG claims that the Macross rights belongs to them. Yet they stole Macross, Mospeda, and Southern Cross from Japan to make Robotech in the US. So HG legally stole the idea from Japan and barred any Japanese manufacturer from selling anything Macross in this country (as well as in North America) unless it is sanctioned by HG? Only in America... it isnt a wonder why the rest of the world loathe the US? We steal and then flaunt it in front of your face saying it is now legal for us and illegal for you. The arrogance in this country just never ceases to amaze me. Don't get me wrong, I love this country and the freedom that no other country gives, it is that we need to be more humble about it. BTW, I use to love Robotech. I wont deny that. But after watching the Macross series and doing a lot of research, I just like Macross better than Robotech. Why? Because Minmay in Macross is better than the Minmei in Robotech. Oh, that and the storyline makes more sense. And before I get reamed for not having the MPCs...yes I bought the MPCs. I still have buyer's remorse for buying them. I bought the 1/48s. I dont have buyer's remorse... not once in the 32 1/48s I bought.
Um no a bootleg is somthing made of a existing product without permission. Like those swapmeet Spiderman that says "Spaderman" or "fighting Rangers" for Powerrangers. i know what a bootleg is, i meant it as a joke... probably should have used this smilie instead. ah well the joke has been killed thanks. I got that joke. Hard to believe people didnt get it.
Target opened up in the 80s for us. It use to be Fedmart or something before that. Holy crap I have those also. They're in a box in the garage. I bought them off the shelves also... Use to be called Richway where I use to live before it changed to Target.
During that time, I was into GI Joe and Transformers. By the time I got in Robotech, it was too late.
Sounds like me but then again, some ppl say the way I am collecting I wont be on my way to getting married and having kids. Or better yet the way I dress has been criticized on this board.
Regardless, C&D letters are just another way of being a pansy. Frankly I wouldnt be surprised if they start this whole mess up because the 1/48s (or for that matter any other Yamato Macross product) are cutting into their sales and price slashing of the MPCs. HG need to take a lesson in this: Make a better quality product so more peole will buy it. Dont just rip people off. I use to like HG because I liked Robotech but after the MPC crap and being a corporate bully, they can go to hell for all I care. Unfortunately, I preordered and Alpha because I want one... I am regretting that decision... we will see when that puppy comes out. As for dropping those "illegal" merchandise on HG's doorstep, what would HG do with them? Keep them for themselves? I bet it is the only way to get those toys for them without getting slapped by their bosses.
Nope, not getting them . Just keep the 1/48 VF-1s coming.
I have one. And it isnt for sale.
How about the camoflage VF-1? I think I saw that in the Revell model. I think that would be cool.
Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Frankly, I bought 32 of these babies because I like them. Also, I do not have any other macross toys save for the Robotech Master Piece of crap and 5 1/60s. Yes I buy mutiples of my fav character. I do not have macross models, nor do I collect gundam and other things I see in peoples collection. Yeah I am collecting the transformer reissues from Takara but I only buy one. No I aint no drug lord. It is that last year I made over $10,000 in OT and bonuses. I actually do save a lot of money. This is the year I just started spending money. And no, valks do not come first if I need to eat or make repairs around the house/car. I do my budget carefully. I also find deals whenever I can. I would have 35+ valks but I have friends of mine who wanted them so I make the huge order/purchase to get those deals. I especially get those deals on blemished boxed 1/48s from Kevin. I just dont blindly buy valks at $180. As for my clothes, you havent seen my closet. So i have a couple of clothes out there. Most of them are there for me to sleep in. As for the red black striped shirt, I just got that for my birthday and I get plenty of nice comments when I wear that. As for the opposite sex, I get the wierd ones in which I cant figure out. Then again I am picky... even my parents say I am picky. Well, if you know what you're getting into, that's your business. The economy needs more consumer impulse buyers like you, but Americans aren't very thifty and they will be in bigtime debt when they retire. $10,000 in OT and bonuses isn't a lot of money, I can tell you if my company ONLY gave me $10k in bonuses for the amount of work & effort I put in I would think they are being cheapskate with me. If you're 30, it's time to put your money away and start investing on some real asset that appreciate because there's a clock ticking and you don't have much time left before you are too old to work. Let me ask you, have you thought about a retirement fund? If all the above doesn't click or make any sense, enjoy your massive fleet of toys.. Hopefully in another 10-12 yrs they maybe worth double the value. Personally, I buy a few valks with the money I made from my personal investment. I will say this: I am saving enough money. I have alot in my retirement and 401K. I save alot. Just this year is a little spendy.
I heard that Vf-1J Milla and Max FPs for the 1/60 will be re-issued. Is that true? If it is then some of you folks who have been in need of them should be able to get them. Of course I got this from Big Bad Toy Store.
Could it be the ziploc bag rubbing against it cause the yellowing? Different types of plastic rubbing each other causing a chemical reaction?
Now I didnt think about the GBP-01 armored valk. Regardless I get them all. and some multiples.
It isnt a bad designt if they dropped the wings and inserted disk. Other than that, I like the it when they added an extra set of of main cannons.
You answered "yes" to 46 of 200 questions, making you 77.0% otaku pure (23.0% otaku corrupt).
What do you use to remove the paint on the 1/48s
Godzilla replied to Godzilla's topic in The Workshop!
unfortunately i don't have "mister 32 plus valks" for customizing at the moment. LOL so no i have not. i've used on in several different things all with the same result.... it works! i'll gladly try it on one of my valks for you, but you'll have to replace the piece when it works....dude its $3, take chance. if it doesn't work, you can bust my balls here on MW, i'm not going anywhere. I'll try it when I get it. If my valk melts, I will flame you. -
I aint...
Corsairs and Mustangs are just awesome. Anything on the B-17s?
Holy cow! Now that is an engineering feat there.
Delayed till June? I saw one site said September. I am trying to find it...
I guess it is time to update. But why... everyone knows what I have... 32 -1/48. 5 - 1/60 1 - 1/72
One word: CRAP. Just like all of their other toys. I dunno. I have to wait and see when the Alpha comes out... I agree on the MPCs, they are crap.
What do you use to remove the paint on the 1/48s
Godzilla replied to Godzilla's topic in The Workshop!
there no trial an error here. i use this stuff whenever i'm trying to remove paint from anything. i doesn't damage plastic nor does it make the plastic brittle over time. carb cleaner is way strong and will melt the plastic. brake fluid is alright but you gotta let it soak and eventually seeps into the plastic making it brittle. pine-sol, i have no idea? but the brasso, is specifically made for polishing, no scratching, no damage to surfaces...nadda. i've heard of a polish that scratches or damages the surface being polished...they'd all be out of business. either way i swear by it so do whatcha gotta do. so have you tried it on the 1/48?