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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Hey such as life. What can you do about it? Yes we can all agree she got the shaft but hey it should make her stronger. Or should it?
  2. Hey, I was trying to find some pics in the MW archives but could only find one pic of Roy in his flight suit talking to Hikaru. I appreciate it if anybody will post them. Thanks.
  3. Godzilla

    My collection

    nice. Looks nice.
  4. Dunno I would buy one
  5. I heard it was bad. Movies are just going to be bad... no new ideas and rehashing old ideas and classics only to destroy them.
  6. I chose the last one. I buy stuff that is great in my mind. The only mistake is that I bought the MPCs. The only reason why I am keeping them is because of the bookcase covers. I like them.
  7. Damn! looks real nice. Nice job. Definitely like the green color. It is just perfect.
  8. BTW, I recommend you use rubber gloves and a well ventilated room. I was using the laundry room with the fan running. The fumes gets noxious after a while.
  9. Too late. I already painted it green. I will put up some pictures. Only problem is painting the pilot. I need some steady hands. I guess it is like more experience when I do more.
  10. It would be nice to have it now. I bet it could do wonders in Najif and Fallujah.
  11. Looks damn good! Keep it up. And keep at it! I cant wait to see it complete.
  12. Hey now! I am still saving money as well.
  13. $67?! ouch! Yesanime has them for $25 per set and they are on preorder. As for the Rei Ayanami & Asuka Grimlock! Mix Edition YesAsia.com has them for $37.99 preorder. You getting them Anubis? Nah, I don't think I'm getting the Grimrock figures. They are pretty good though. Gotta ask though: What the heck is that wrapped around Rei's leg? Thew China Dress figures are becoing pretty scarce. NCSX was the only online store I saw that had them in stock, and on ebay they cost more than that, before shipping. Hey Anubis, I went to my local anime store here and I got me Asuka chinese dress one. They didnt have the Rei but it is at the other store so I have it on hold for me. Cost like $24 each. They had 4 sets earlier so I was told. They are going quick. They said they are reordering more... As for the grimlock ones, looks cute but I dunno if I want to get them.
  14. That is why I have a server. I place everything there to backup my 7 other computers. Building a nother server and Linux box soon. Backing up is alaways important.
  15. Of course! Working on getting number 7 right now. BTW, did you ever get your gunpod? Sorry about not dealing with you. I dont like dealing over seas but it is a small item. I am not too trusting. Seen too much on what can happen theses days. Makes me paranoid.
  16. Hmm, I never noticed that. And I pay attention to detail.
  17. Low vis is just cool to have. I now have 6 of them. Frankly, the low vis is more realistic to today's modern fighters. It looks damn good. I just wish I could have a low vis UN kite symbol for the FPs. All I see is the squadron insignia for the FP by Taka.
  18. first contact. That's right. I like the battles in the video game of ST: Armada.
  19. I like the green one as always. There is no reason for me to get this tan one.
  20. It is on preorder on Big Bad Toy Store. Check it out here. I don't like it.
  21. Hey UN Spacy, isnt that video the battle from Star Trek Armada?
  22. There is no point to buy the remastered w/Dolby 5.1 of rt. I was happy when I bought the dvds when they came out PRIOR to my conversion to Macross. All HG is doing luring everybody to buy the non-digital remastered RT first and completely screw everyone once they put all the sets out and then say, "hey we got the digitally remastered ones coming out." WTF?!? Well, HG had Macross, SC, and Mospeda digitally remastered by Animego, why did HG released RT like that in the first place? Greedy muthafockers... Yes it is a nice marketing ploy. But I for one will not fall for that when they should have done it in the first place. I did that with the Star Wars VHS sets and that drove me up the wall.
  23. $67?! ouch! Yesanime has them for $25 per set and they are on preorder. As for the Rei Ayanami & Asuka Grimlock! Mix Edition YesAsia.com has them for $37.99 preorder. You getting them Anubis?
  24. How much was it? And how much did you pay for the chinese dress ones?
  25. Man I loved Starcom. Too bad I didnt have any of those toys. The bomber was DA BOMB! M.A.S.K. was alright but Starcom was just awesome. I should go get it off of ebay.
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