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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. You can send your custom in with someone you know, if you want to enter and can't come. Just make sure they don't leave it there accidently. Cuz I'm taking all the "extras" home with me. And who can I trust?
  2. Too bad I cant go. I have a nice custom I am working on. And it is a secret.
  3. Just wondering since I knew a Graham back in school who was dating Amy (who was Chinese.) Any pics of him?
  4. That means Yamato has to listen to us.
  5. cosplay threads get closed when all the idiots start posting the Man-Faye and Miltron type pics and it becomes a bash-fest. Oh I see. Well I am just... uh... um... admiring the ladies.
  6. Oh yeah, I am surprised this thread hasnt been closed yet as of 3 plus hours after I saw this.
  7. Ok, Where were these chicks when I was at the Sakuracon? I didnt think that many cute chicks like playing up on anime...
  8. bah. Taking the wait and look attitude. They pissed me off enough on the 1st "veritech".
  9. I got the semi-gloss and tried out last night. That cut it down. Scan, sorry to hear it yellowed your valk. So far so good, it has not done it to me.
  10. Hey Neova, Thatnks for the advice on the semi-gloss clear coat. My kaz looks a lot bett as not so shiny. I was gonna opt to flat but I didnt.
  11. Godzilla

    Yammies per user

    You and me both. I still have the largest 1/48 collection. Oh yeah update: 1/48 - 34 + 5 FPs (looking to get three more 1/48 and 2 FPs.) 1/60 - 5 1/72 - 1 haha, you think so do you? i'm almost positive theres a lurker on the site thats got everyone beat but they just lurk and don't post. and you're the only one crazy enough to buy all those 1/48's....i mean, what are you planning to do with them? have you calculated how much you've spent on your addiction? if so, does it equal the sticker price of a new car? I think it is a down payment on a car. If my calculations are correct... Besides, I have slowed down on it. Waiting to see what is next and start on my customs. One thing for sure is that I will not buy the VF-0. Dont worry, I am planning for 5 more VFs for some customs.
  12. So Yamato quietly put it away on the back burner? Hmm I wonder if it is because ppl complained how much the 1/60 Q-rau cost?
  13. Ok, I know we are drooling on the fact the VB-6 Koenig Monster is coming. I know I am... And we dislike the 1/100 take apart transformation VF-0 but what the hell happened to the 1/60 Monster Destroid Yamato so proudly displayed in the Japan Hobby mag and some toy fair? I need like 3 of them so I can scare the crap out of my neighbor's cat. Seriously, Yamato showed it to us way back in December (I think) and now not a hint of when it's coming. And now Yamato is touting the VB-6 and VF-0. I wonder if this is a marketing scheme.... or did they drop the 1/60 Monster?
  14. not yet. Does it show up immediately? I sprayed a light coat. I am going to get the Tamiya clear cloat semi-gloss this week.
  15. Godzilla

    Yammies per user

    You and me both. I still have the largest 1/48 collection. Oh yeah update: 1/48 - 34 + 5 FPs (looking to get three more 1/48 and 2 FPs.) 1/60 - 5 1/72 - 1
  16. So basically this sub needs to surface to launch the SV-51s because there are no tubes for them to launch in or they will flood the sub. So how the SV-51s land? Or do they go back to the ship?
  17. Doesnt look bad. I am glad I bought 2 for $65 a piece or so I hope. I was excited about the MPC VF-1. And look where that got me... regret.
  18. I live in a place where you can't find me. If you do find me, you need to be in the Intelligence agencies so you can find Osama Bin Laden. Wait till you find out what my breakdown of the 1/48s.
  19. I dunno. I didnt buy the first Q-rau. Yes I like Millia but the price is what turned me away. Now if the Green one shows up, I am up for that.
  20. Here is what I got: Toynami 1/55 (MPC): 5 (yes I regret it) Yamato 1/60: 5 Yamato 1/48: 34 Yamato 1/72: 1
  21. Are the yamato stickers bad as most ppl say they are? I mean I just used them. I had to cust some of stickers because the clear parts are way too big. I sprayed clear coat on it and viola.
  22. Thanks for the advice. So I spray the clear coat and then the semi gloss? It is my understanding that there is no way to prevent yellowing despite no UV rays of light. It includes humidity, temperature, etc...
  23. I wonder what the displacement of this sucker is? Also what kind of propulsion system is it using? It doesnt look like it is using propellers.
  24. Of course! I never liked to get those figures till now. I was hoping Twin Moons will get the grimlock ones so I can get them.
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