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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Looks good.
  2. Damn that looks good. Nice job.
  3. *sigh* You guys are killing me. Keep the thread going. At this rate, I will die of a heart attack. How come I never seen any of them at the SakuraCon?
  4. My god! That looks good. Now where in the hell would you put in the house?
  5. I thought it was in august.
  6. I think Hell froze over. Anyways, it is just basic economic law of supply and demand and that sets the price.
  7. Has anybody tried this?
  8. naturally something i have no skill in sounds like a great job you have there, do you have any pics of you collection? sorry if this is getting a little off topic. I am just curious i do not think I have seen that many Valks in one area , except maybe a store, (which is pretty impressive when you think about it ) I have part of it on display here. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8429 I am the one with 7 low vis fighters.
  9. Don't take that tone of voice with me! You wouldn't know one furry from the next hence, I wouldn't know one giant robot series from the next... Except Big O and Mazinkaiza which I'm forced to watch every Thursday with an anime group I'm with. And as for Jcat's ridiculous obcession with photography, I'm not actually sure he's taken any photos of anything other than cosplayers!... Ended up marrying one of them in fact!... But he likes his cameras an awful lot (while I was there I witnessed him buy a digital stills camera that was the same price as the hardcore digital video camera I bought on the same day.) I met his wife in March for the first time and I was ever so slightly jealous that I nearly slapped him! In fact I'll see if there's one of her on the net somewhere (but getting her name and kanji will take time so please be patient.) married one of them??? Damn.
  10. wow lucky you. where do you work where you can afford that many and more importantly are they hireing? Yes they are hiring. They are looking for Software QA lead and a marketing assistant.
  11. Bah, I own 35 of them. I dont see this flaw.
  12. Well, we will have to see. when this will come out. I lile the VB-6 Konig Monster. Haterist is right about the 1/60 Monster. Price tag would not justify my spending on it even though I am willing to buy it.
  13. How about the DVDs for the Lord of the Rings? Don't tell me they aint milking that. Releasing the extended edition on the ROTK and then later release DVD with no extended edition but uncut... blah, blah. Same damn movie but you get uncut, or extended, and prolly next is director's cut. WTF. There isnt a DVD that has it all. Just a damn marketing ploy.
  14. Here and there. No real problems. I have inspected most of them. Loose landing gears, flaps, etc... I am not reaaly that picky. You are talking to a guy here who own MPCs and 1/48s. Hands down, 1/48s are just completely awesome.
  15. or go to FL and beat down that mechafag~!!!!!!! that would actually be cheaper and i do dislike thieves more than some stupid numbnut on the web. and as far as wrong addresses go, do you forget who i am? i would triple check everything before i got a plane ticket. though i would have to take some sick time so i can arrive a few days early and stalk him. you know, figure out his schedule, when he leaves the house, when he comes home, where he likes to eat, etc, basically, figure out his habits and formulate a pattern, only then would i strike! go for it man~!!!!! if you do i am sure people would pay you the reward money, i think its a couple hundred dollars already just take pics of his bloody body If Haterist does do it, I will give him a low vis. And no it isnt a joke. I will gladly give him a low vis in a nice box.
  16. Yeah. Wassup with the missiles? My max VF-1J does that. Well one of the many max
  17. Yeah. What he said.
  18. You guys need to take meds and settle down. If I wanted to see drama, I go watch the soaps.
  19. Wow never thought this thread is going strong... as for some of the cosplay girls... MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!
  20. Well after using brasso, I decided to try this ELO Easy Lift Off from Hobbytown. What I did was put some of this on a cloth and started rubbing. That stuff quickly removes paint faster than Brasso.
  21. Cool yet disturbing.
  23. look damn good.
  24. Godzilla

    Dirty Valk

    Whoa. That brings up images that is gonna leave a mark in emotional pysche.
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