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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I got nada, none, zero.
  2. Just wondering if anybody seen this anime. Comments? Thoughts?
  3. That would be cool.
  4. And what is this movie's title?
  5. And I keep wondering why the Navy is dropping the F-14B/D...
  6. I heard about this but I think this was really a false alarm. Gee what kind of restrictions were there? I heard that it was 30 Migs vs 4 F-15Cs. Oh yeah and the media is gobbling it up saying yes we are defenseless with older equipment. Crap. Sounds like the much vaunted Soviet machines were the best in the 80's. If the Soviets invaded Germany, they would have slaughtered all the NATO armies because the Soviets had more of everything and our M1s were too costly and sucked. That pretty much was proved wrong in Desert Storm. Remember all the critics said before Desert Storm? Top Arms dealer on 60 min said that the US would lose because of desert combat. Iraqi troops were better prepared. Our advanced machines would break down. Uh-huh sure. M1A1s and Bradleys tore thru Iraqi divsions like it was nothing. And then the Apaches and Super Cobras pounded the living daylights out of them. Oh yeah let's not forget the "hiway of death" where A-10s just literally racked them over the coals when the Iraqis were retreating. And now they want to get rid of the A-10? Just more crap from top brass wanting more technological advanced weapons. I thought after 9/11 and guerrilla warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq showed that low tech forces like the Taliban they can still fight. Regardless, it is just sounding a false alarm to give more funding to the F-22 and F-35 JSF. F-15C is just as effective as the F-22. F-22 just gives them the edge. It just means that pilots need to train a little harder. I wonder if the pilots were being cocky as well. Well, we are the USAF and we will kick your ass. The only air force in the world that could kick the USAF's ass is the Israeli Air Force.
  7. Party time looks cool. Xmas doesnt look so bad. Party time Asuka reminds me of Asuka in the Chinese dress. I will get the grimrock set. You can thank me for having Twin moons having it. I inquired and he looked. I am not a big Eva fan but I will reconsider some figures. What I would like to see is those NERV/UN hover fighters. That looks so cool. Or that huge turboprop plane that launches that big missile. Better yet, the big air transporter.
  8. Aint that the truth. I am already running into issues with my customization of the TV max 1/48. Chest plate is all cracked to hell and the canopy piece crumbled thanks to the ELO I was using to remove the paint. I am ordering parts from Fulcy as I type. Was that the chestplate I just sent you?! No. That chestplate you sent me is the replacement. BTW, thank you for saving my bacon for giving me a replacement.
  9. *sighs* Why cant I get that?
  10. Aint that the truth. I am already running into issues with my customization of the TV max 1/48. Chest plate is all cracked to hell and the canopy piece crumbled thanks to the ELO I was using to remove the paint. I am ordering parts from Fulcy as I type.
  11. I know everybody like the DYRL version of Minmay b/c she was a lot more mature and so forth but why the difference? Most of the characters' personalities stayed pretty much the same DYRL. I apologize if the topic been discussed but it has been bugging me since I just watched DYRL last night.
  12. Regardless, that plane is fugly. I could draw up a better one than that.
  13. Should be: Jessica Biel - flight suit! = One hottie.
  14. Godzilla

    1/60 GBP

  15. Well, I am a convert as well. Of course without the mellow drama. Why should he convert his name? So he can prove he is a convert? Oh if he has to burn his robotech stuff, I rather have him sell it to me.
  16. I dont think Graham knows b/c he has been limited to the info. And even if he is given info, he may be bounded to not tell. Personal speculation is that yamato is slowing things down now. However, given Yamato's track record on the 1/60, you could see a CF next. And after that, the 2-seaters will show up and then the GBP-01. However, it is pure speculation on the VF-1 Line. As for others, Yamato has to know that this swappable parts transformation VF-0 will not be well received. As for the VB-6, I will be looking forward to it.
  17. Well I have the semi-gloss clearcoat.
  18. Yeah, well I cannot buy those Gakkens at over $250 a pop. Yes I agree $80 is too much for this MPC alpha but who else is making them?
  19. Well, I got mine with a decent price discount. But I am only buying this 1st one. After that, I will see if it is worth getting. I never buy anything from Toynami full price after the Rick MPC.
  20. Well, we are talking about a war with principles in WW2. Where both sides fought with honor as well. Right now, we have a covert war against Muslims fanatics who like to torture and kill innocent people so they can get there own way.
  21. Now that is a reasonable request. I want them also.
  22. Say "decades" for the vf-4 Lightning III.
  23. For some reason I find the word "fling" slightly disconcerting in that sentence...
  24. I am using Testers model master paint enamel. Not much of Tamiya paints but I am looking into Tamiya flat white right now.
  25. Actually, I think using ELO, I would be more careful. It does infact eat away the plastic as I found this past weekend. not eat away but weakened it. I am trying to get emergency parts from fulcy to complete my VF-1A TV max, but I think screwed up with this classic white paint... too damn glossy.
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