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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Looks damn good. Hurry up and finish it!
  2. There actually is one? How the heck you know that?
  3. I can wait. Wallet needs a break.
  4. But isn't it a lot of retooling for the VE-1 as well? I mean the retooling for VE-1 is way different than the VT-1 since you need the antennas, radome, etc.
  5. Looks cool and original.
  6. Looks cool. Too bad you could not have all three of them at once rather than one at a time.
  7. Well, it is according tinsc. He set the price. It is up to you whether or not to buy it from him at that price.
  8. Well, the issues is that they have to retool to make the 2-seater. Plus the fact that the 1/48 scale. it may not look good. While I agree that Yamato is taking a step back on the scale (VF-0 1/100), it could very well sell. I for one will skip it. As for the 1/48s being sold out everywhere, I am not so sure about that statement being true in Hong Kong and Japan.
  9. Isnt there a spray we can put on these Yammies to prevent the yellowing? You have to remember: UV, heat, and oxidation are contributing factors to yelowing, unless you have a vacuum sealed display case.
  10. Whoa... take about the abomination to Macross. I think I wont be buying it. Galaxy Defender just doesnt sound right regardless.
  11. I have a buddy on the JFK. He is flying Hornets. I will send him email about it. I am sure he probably cant say too much about it. Then again, I havent heard from him for awhile.
  12. So they use different scuplters for the toys? Well that does not bode well for a 2 seater vf-1 then. They would have to re-hire that wouldn't they?
  13. Well, here is the issue of Yamato. They are making a crappy 1/100 VF-0 but the VB-6 is looking good. No middle ground here?
  14. Godzilla

    VF Girls

    Now that looks cool.
  15. Predaking was also in the 2nd or 3rd season of the G1 series. Sorry, I meant only appearance in the comic. In the show they appeared in the "5 feaces of darkness" 5-parter after the movie, ironically a wasted appearance chasing Wheelie and Daniel. Don't remember if they appeared again after that. 5 Feaces of darkness? hehe, didn't know there were 5 pieces of Sh!t in the series.
  16. That would be cool to get a predaking. My old G1 Technobots Computron needs someone to fight. Then there is hope for Superion, Devastator, and Bruticus.
  17. Oh boy oh boy. I cant wait for the VB-6. Thanks for the info Graham. Too bad there are only meager amount of stuff on the Macross stuff.
  18. Now that takes talent. Nice job!
  19. I always like Max. Hikaru seems like a putz to me.
  20. I assume the figure undressing behind Minmay is Rei from Evangelion? BTW, you making anymore sailor minmays to sell?
  21. I don't know what you are going thru nor do I comprehend what you are going thru but my condolences to you and your daughter.
  22. Definitely a nice custom. Good job there.
  23. To quote someone:no Arnold = not a good movie. Seriously, this movie is gonna suck. Why now to make a Transformer live action movie? Does Hollywood have any shame? My god! How damn movies can they make by raping the past TV shows, movies, books and comics? Give me a break... sounds like creators are scrapping the bottom of the barrell.
  24. Actually I have been getting all the takara reissueof the TFs except Hot Rod. Never liked him in the Movie, TV series, and toy. I basically hated transformers after the movie. Except for the I loved the old G1. Sucked to see prowl, ironhide, wheeljack, and all the other G1s die in the movie which was such BS. Anyways, I have the New Years and Takara Reissue. I like the New Years because of the blue eyes as in the cartoon and Matrix. Oh I also got 3 Masterpiece Primes as well.
  25. In the TV show they flipped back and forth between brigadier general and Captain for Gloval. Focker has been always the rank of Major.
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